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Vaclav Havel

How has this person or group experienced or seen dehumanization in the world?
Vaclav has experienced dehumanization when he was not allowed to study the humanities in secondary school because of the communists who ruled over Czechoslovakia, Vaclavs hometown. The communists limited Vaclavs range of intelligence because he was born into a financially well family.

What work fid she/he/they do to lessen suffering? How have the decisions they have made impacted the world around them?
Vaclav attended a technical school and wrote many poems. The poems had a secret language in it and it scared the communists. Vaclav took part in starting the revolution against the communists. He was put in jail for 5 years because of his work. After the soviet union fell, Vaclav became the leader of Czech democratic movement. He became the president shortly after that.

What would be his or her response if they were asked the question: What is our responsibility to fellow human beings?
I believe Vaclav would say that we should protect each other and that we all deserve freedom. We deserve to be free and do what we like. We deserve to be happy and live our life as we like.

What admirable and unique attributes did this person(or persons) posses that would be worth emulating in our lives?

Vaclav Havel is brave, a leader, and a man who sticks up for what is right. These attributes should be in lives of every human being.


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