A Seminar On

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A seminar on

Presented by RAKHI MOL.K.R

What is CAPTCHAs?

CAPTCHAs are computer enerated tests that humans can pass but current computer systems cannot. CAPTCHAs pro!ide a method "or automatica##y distin uishin a human "rom a computer pro ram$ and there"ore can protect %eb ser!ices "rom bots .

CAPTCHAs are o" t%o types&

(isua# CAPTCHA



(isua# CAPTCHA #imits access to the Mi##ions o" !isua##y impained peop#e usin the %eb

An Audio CAPTCHA consist o" strin O" spo*en characters$ typica##y mas*ed and distorted by a "orm o" bac* round noise

Examples of existing interfaces for solving audio CAPTCHAs.

. (a) A separate window containing the sound pla er opens to pla the CAPTCHA! (") the sound pla er is in the same window as the answer "ox "ut separate from the answer "ox! and (c) clic#ing a lin# pla s the CAPTCHA. $n all three interfaces! a "utton or lin# is pressed to pla the audio CAPTCHA and the

ans%er is typed in a separate ans%er bo+.

%igure shows an interface to solving audio CAPTCHAs modeled after those currentl provided to users to solve audio CAPTCHAs

,e""rey P. -i ham and Anna C. Ca!ender .epartment o" Computer /cience and 0n ineerin 1ni!ersity o" Washin ton

Figure shows the new interface developed to better support solving audio CAPTCHAs. The interface is combined within the answer text box to give users control of CAPTCHA playback from within the element in which they will type the answer.

&E' %() C(*T)(++$*,

Comma2$3 Period

4 5or re%ind 4 5or p#ay6pause 4 5or "ast4"or%ard


5or%ard /#ash263


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