Lab Report Sensory Analysis Gustation New

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Lab Report - Sensory Analysis: Gustation

Name justin kehm___________________________ Pd ___6__ Date ____2/4/13________

Post-Lab: 1. What are the 4 types of papillae, where are they located, and which contain taste buds? Fungiform papillae - located at the dorsal surface of the tongue, as well as at the sides.have taste buds. Filiform papillae - long papillae " "-shaped cones that don!t contain taste buds.on the Whole tounge Foliate papillae - these are ridges and grooves towards the bac" part of the tongue found at the sides. #ave taste buds. $ircumvallate papillae - they are present at the bac" part of the tongue. ery few of them and have taste buds %. What fraction of the tongue surface is receptive to taste? && ' &. What taste(s) is detected in the center of the tongue? *altly 4. +itterness can be detected at 1 part per million while sweetness is detected at a concentration of 1 part in %,,. Why is it important for you to be more sensitive to a bitter taste? +ecause humans li"e sweet tastes and want more of it while bitter taste is undiserable and humans don-t li"e it so they are more sensitive to it. .. #ow well does the class reflect the general population in its taste capabilities? We reflect the general population well because the class had mostly average tasters. /. What is a supertaster? (http011health.howstuffwor"s.com1human-body1systems1nosethroat1taste4.htm) 2 person with more than avergrae taste buds and has a very distincy sense of taste. 3. What percentage of the class fall into the 4super-taster5 category? #ow does this compare to the national average?

$lass 6 ,' 7his is less than the national average

Lab Report - Sensory Analysis: Gustation

8ndividual *tudent-s 9ata for 7ongue :apping

;egion of 7ongue 7ip *ides $enter +ac" Data: 2 bitter sour $ *olution 2 (8dentify #ere) < < + (8dentify #ere) + $ (8dentify #ere) < + 9 (8dentify #ere) < = + +


d d f

*weet sour


sweet *weet sour



Lab Report - Sensory Analysis: Gustation

>umber of ?apillae0 =============%1=======

$lass 9ata for >umber of ?apillae

>umber of ?apillae in 3 mm circle @ 1. 1. A &. yes B &.

Refe en!es: 1. *cience ;oc"s A 7ongue :ap. http011pbs"ids.org1Coom1activities1sci1tonguemap.html %. 7aste (Dustation). http011faculty.washington.edu1chudler1chtaste.html &. #ow can you tell if you are a supertaster?"1%1hi1health1%EE,431.stm

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