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Plants and Animals - Week Three

Animals & Their Environment

2a. Students know different plants and animals inhabit different kinds of environments and have external features that help them thrive in different kinds of places. 2c. Students know animals eat plants or other animals for food and may also use plants or even other animals for shelter and nesting. 2d. Students know how to infer what animals eat from the shape of their teeth (e.g., sharp teeth: eats meat; flat teeth: eats plants). 4a. Draw pictures that portray some features of the thing being described. 4b. Record observations and data with pictures, numbers, or written statements. 4c. Record observations on a bar graph Science(S) Language Arts (LA) Vocabulary (V) Visual & Performing Arts (VPA) Math (M) Homework (HW) Technology (T)

Monday LA- Animal photos, books, magazines out on tables (10 minutes) T- Virtual Tour of Field Trip: Wildlife Center (10 minutes) LA- KW Chart: Questions we have that we want answered at the field trip (15 minutes)

Tuesday Field Trip to Wildlife Center (All day) HW: Reflection in journals about field trip experience, be prepared to discuss tomorrow

Wednesday VPA- Animal Chant (GLAD) (3 minutes) LA- books on topic (5 minutes) S- Animal Project: small groups: each assigned a different animal, work in teams to create a poster to share to class that includes animals environment, what they eat (supported by type of teeth), where they live, (30 minutes) V- Carnivore (8 minutes) M- Introduce math lesson; Commutative Properties (25 minutes) HW: Math Homework

Thursday LA- books on topic (5 minutes) V- Herbivore (8 minutes) M- More practice on math strategy (15 minutes) S- Animal Project Work (30 minutes)

Friday VPA- Animal Chant (GLAD) (3 minutes) V- Omnivore (8 minutes) S- Animal Project Presentations (graded by rubric) Other students take notes (20 minutes) T- iPad stations related to content LA- Closing Activity: Reflection Writing in Journals, what did you learn? What questions do you still have? What did you find interesting? (8 minutes)

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