RWW Project Rubric 2013

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Reading and Writing Workshop Unit Project Score Sheet


Multiple Originality Intelligence Type:

Attractiveness Oral Content Presentation


NovelStudent Choice


Alternativ e enres



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Pro,ect sho-s a large a!ount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive. Ma/es e2cellent use of font3 color3 graphics3 effects3 etc. to enhance the presentation.

Pro,ect sho-s so!e original thought. +or/ sho-s neideas and insights. Ma/es good use of font3 color3 graphics3 effects3 etc. to enhance to presentation.

There is little evidence of original thin/ing. Pro,ect is 0land. Ma/es use of font3 color3 graphics3 effects3 etc. 0ut occasionally these detract fro! the presentation content. Pro,ect !ay 0e dull. Organi4ation is fla-ed or overly si!ple.

Uses other people1s ideas.


Use of font3 color3 graphics3 effects etc. 0ut these often distract fro! the presentation content. Pro,ect !ay 0e sloppy. There -as no clear or logical organi4ational structure. Content is !ini!al O# there are several factual errors.


Content is -ell organi4ed using headings3 0ulleted lists3 and paragraphs. Covers topic indepth -ith details and e2a!ples. Su0,ect /no-ledge is e2cellent. Interesting3 -ellrehearsed -ith s!ooth delivery that holds audience attention. Stays -ithin the (-' !inute !a2.

Content is logically organi4ed for the !ost part. Paragraphing is ade5uate. Includes essential /no-ledge a0out the topic. Su0,ect /no-ledge appears to 0e good. #elatively interesting3 rehearsed -ith a fairly s!ooth delivery that usually holds audience attention. Stays -ithin the (-' !inute !a2. Three or fe-er !isspellings and)or !echanical errors.


Includes essential infor!ation a0out the topic. There are (-' factual errors or too fe- details. 8elivery not s!ooth3 0ut a0le to hold audience attention !ost of the ti!e. 8oes not stay -ithin the (-' !inute !a2.

Oral Presentation 6if applica0le7

8elivery not s!ooth and audience attention lost. 8oes note stay -ithin the (-' !inute !a2.


No !isspellings or gra!!atical errors.

9our !isspellings and)or gra!!atical errors.

More than % errors in spelling or gra!!ar.

**Please remember that, in the grading of all creative projects, I will be looking at the quality of the creative project and the quality of the paper that goes with the project. Quality Counts! Project Grade: ______ Vocabulary Grade: _____

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