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Bring Change - Get Talking!

Look at the nations and watch - and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told. Habakkuk 1:5 A dierent time and context, but Gods words through Habakkuk seem very real for us in 2009. These are amazing times in Gods purposes being fullled more Muslims are following Jesus in our lifetime than in all of the previous thirteen centuries. We could easily miss it in the busyness of life and local ministry. We could even miss the great theme running through Gods word His heart for all nations and His desire for worship to rise from all peoples (Psalm 67). God calls us all, in some way, to involvement in the big picture of His global purposes. Still today there are hundreds of Muslim tribes, peoples and languages where no-one is working to make Christ known. There is much left to do for the gospel to take root among every Muslim people group and this big vision needs many more advocates. Too many people still dont know about the enormous challenge of reaching the Muslim world. If you are unable to go to the Muslim world at this time but want to bring change in Muslim nations then perhaps you could you be part of the vital work being done to mobilise others to go? For every worker and every team going to the Muslim world there are those who rst inspired and encouraged them on the journey.

Start spreading the word Get Talking! >> Be an enthusiast for unreached Muslims. Who can you inspire and encourage? Who can you help send? >> Organise a training session or seminar on reaching Muslims wed be happy to help please contact our oce for more information. >> Sign up to a Perspectives or Kairos Course to understand more of Gods heart for the whole world and take a few friends along too! We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God. John Stott



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