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Chapter 2.

1 Matrices: Definitions and Notations Matrix: rectangular array of numbers arranged in m horizontal rows and n vertical columns, entries in the matrix are known as elements Size: m x n Dimensions: m and n themselves When are two matrices equal? 1. Same size (m x n) 2. All corresponding elements are equal Row-n Vector: 1 x n matrix [ Column-n Vector: n x 1 matrix [] Transpose: interchange the row vectors and column vectors, AT Square matrix: n x n, note that there is a main diagonal Trace: sum of the elements of the main diagonal of a square matrix, tr(A) Lower triangular: n x n matrix that has zeros ABOVE the main diagonal Unit lower triangular: same as above, ALL elements on main diagonal are 1 Upper triangular: n x n matrix that has zeros BELOW the main diagonal Unit upper triangular: same as above, ALL elements on the main diagonal are 1 Diagonal matrix: n x n matrix that has all off-diagonal element equal to zero (both upper and lower triangular), denoted by A=diag(d1, d2, d3..., dn) where d1, d2, d3, and dn as the elements of the main diagonal Symmetric matrix: n x n matrix satisfying AT=A (transpose of the matrix = the matrix) Skew-symmetric/anti-symmetric matrix: n x n matrix satisfying AT= -A ]

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