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July 30th 2012 TO: MOM 10:04am

Hey mom, said !d let you "#o$ $he# la#ded i# %e$ &o'"( )ell, la#ded i# %e$ &o'"( Headi#* u+state as soo# as the d'i,e' *ets he'e( -all, te.t, email, o' /a. as soo# as you *et 0a1" to 1i,ili2atio#( Lo,e you, Je##i( TO: 343 10:15 am

Hey dad 6ust la#ded, loo"i#* /o' the d'i,e' #o$( !ll te.t you $he# *et to the s1hool7 i/ they ha,e se',i1e i# the middle o/ #o$he'e( Lo,e you, Je##i( 8ROM: 343 10:21 am

1alled the s1hool a#d had them +ut u+ a 1ell to$e' 6ust /o' you, a#d made them +'omise they $ould *et the #te'#et 6ust as soo# as they /i*u'e out ho$ to $o'" these #e$9 /a#*led 1om+ute's( TO:343 10:23am

:e'y /u##y, all !m sayi#* is that the'e a'e a lot o/ *'eat s1hools i# the 1ity, 'i*ht alo#* $ith all the *ood stu// li"e /i#e di#i#*, the theate', a#d sho++i#*( E,e'ythi#* a *'o$i#* *i'l #eeds(

8ROM: 343


This is a *'eat s1hool, a#d the o#ly o#e you' mothe' a#d 1ould a*'ee o# /o' all /ou' yea's o/ hi*h s1hool( %o mo'e mo,i#* /'om s1hool to s1hool, i# sea'1h o/ the 0est edu1atio#( 4 1ha#1e to ma"e 'eal /'ie#ds, 6oi# the t'a1" team, *o to s1hool da#1es( Remem0e'< E,e'ythi#* a *'o$i#* *i'l 0e**ed /o'( TO: 343 10:30am

s it too late to add to my $ish list< 8ROM: 343 10:31 am

T'ust me, you $ill lo,e it( The s1hool!s lo1atio# has mo'e to o//e' the# you 'eali2e( Got to *o, it=s 0ed time he'e i# #dia, a#d ha,e a 0i* test tomo''o$ i# the la0( Te.t me $he# you *et to the house, ho+e it!s as #i1e as it loo"s i# the +hotos( t!s a 'e#tal, so do#!t *et you' ho+es u+ /o' all the mode'# 1o#,e#ie#1es( Ms( Ra1hel a#d Lud$i* should ha,e al'eady a''i,ed a#d ho+e/ully $ill ha,e you' 'oom u#+a1"ed a#d 'eady /o' you(

8ROM: 343

10:33 am

Ha,e you hea'd a#ythi#* /'om you' mothe'<

TO: 343


?he is still i# the 4#ta'1ti1( hea' they /ou#d a la"e o' somethi#* miles u#de' the i1e( Ho$ 1'a2y is that< Good lu1" $ith you' test, you still $o'"i#* $ith 1o'#<

8ROM: 343


4 la"e 0u'ied u#de' miles o/ i1e@ ?ou#ds li"e $e #eed to +la# a /ishi#* t'i+( LOL( ?till $o'"i#* $ith 1o'#, 6ust /i#ished $ith the last o/ the modi/i1atio#s( 3'ou*ht a#d 0u* 'esista#t $ith a :itami#9e#'i1hed 1o'e that e,e# To#y $ould say $as G'''9 eat( Lo,e &ou a#d Good#i*ht( TO: 343 10:4Aam

Good %i*ht, lo,e you too(

July 31st 2012



Headi#* out to see $hat "i#d o/ t'a1" the s1hool has a#d ho+e/ully *et a 'u# i# i/ it is o+e#( Ho+e all is $ell( Lo,e you( TO: 343 10:2;am

Just *ot 0a1" /'om my /i'st 'u# o# the s1hool=s t'a1"( 4ma2i#*( t has a m9>> +olyu'etha#e su'/a1e $ith some s+e1ial mate'ial the s1hool 6ust de,elo+ed u#de' it( Lots o/ /ast "ids the'e today7 *oi#* to 0e some *ood 1om+etitio#( Lo,e you( 8ROM: 343 11:354M

Just *ot o// the +ho#e $ith Ga'y at the 'u##i#* sto'e i# %e$ &o'"( He!s se#di#* a deli,e'y *uy out sometime tomo''o$ $ith a +ai' o/ shoes /o' you to t'y( ?ome #e$ li*ht $ei*ht mate'ial, that has to 0e "e+t d'y( ?o stay a$ay /'om those $ate' +uddles you lo,e so mu1h( Lo,e you, 3ad(

TO: 343


ha,e#!t *o#e +uddle 6um+i#* i# Buite some time, !ll ha,e you "#o$( LOL( Tha#"s /o' the shoes, !ll "ee+ a# eye out( Just *ot 0a1" /'om the s1hool!s sto'e $ith Lud$i*( 3o$#loaded all my 0oo"s o#to my la+to+, *oi#* to 0e *'eat #ot ha,i#* to 1a''y all that $ei*ht a'ou#d this yea'( 4lso *ot a $a'm u+ 6a1"et /'om the s1hool!s team sho+, o0,iously #o#e o/ the tuitio# $as s+e#t o# the lo*o( Ho$ did the test *o< 8ROM: 343 11:13 PM

?o''y so late, 0ee# i# meeti#*s all day( G'eat #e$s, the tests a'e o,e', the 1om+a#y is ha++y $ith the 'esults so it loo"s li"e it $ill 0e i# +'odu1tio# 0y the e#d o/ the yea'( Lo,e &ou, 3ad(

4u*ust 1st 2012 TO: 343 A:34am

?o a'e you 1omi#* 0a1" to the ?tates to $o'"< Ha,e you se#t $o'd to mom yet< Remem0e' $hat you *uys said, last 6o0 /o' 0oth o/ you( The# it=s 0a1" home so $e 1a# 0e a /amily( 8ROM: 343 >:3;am

That!s the +la#, 0ut still ha,e a 1o#t'a1t to $o'" o# the 'i1e modi/i1atio#s, 'emem0e'< t should o#ly ta"e a yea' o' so, as lo#* as $e 1a# i#1o'+o'ate the +'o1ess $e used $ith the 1o'#( Cy the#, you' mom $ill ha,e ho+e/ully /i#ished u+ $ith he' $o'" a#d 1a# 1ome home at the same time( ?o''y "iddo, miss you a#d you' mom so mu1h, 0ut o#1e /i#ish he'e a#d you' mom has he' al*ae 0ased /e'tili2e' 1om+lete7 $e 1a# 0oth 1ome home to you "#o$i#* $e ha,e le/t you a#d you' 1hild'e# a $o'ld $he'e #o0ody *oes hu#*'y( TO: 343 10:02 am

&ou do 'eali2e it!s 0ee# ei*ht yea's, $hi1h mea#s $as D the last time $e $e'e to*ethe' as a /amily< !m *oi#* to 0e a# old lady 0y the time you a#d mom /i#ish sa,i#* the $o'ld( 8ROM: 343 11:4;am

T$o yea's a#d $e $ill all 0e to*ethe' a*ai#( Just i# time /o' mom a#d to see you /i#ish s1hool a#d *'aduate@

TO: 343


T$o yea's, am holdi#* you to it, a#d at the 'ate Ms( Ra1hel is u#+a1"i#*, may0e the house $ill 0e 'eady 0y the#( TO: 343 12:2A+m

?hoes 6ust *ot he'e, lo,e ho$ li*ht they a'e( Tha#"s so mu1h( Goi#* to *o /o' a 'u# $he# *et home( Lud$i* i#sisted *o $ith him to some 3o6o i# to$#( ?till do#=t "#o$ $hy #eed to lea'# sel/ de/e#se $he# ha,e him /o' a 0ody *ua'd( 8ROM: 343 12:4>

t=s *ood e.e'1ise, a#d Lud$i* is #ot al$ays *oi#* to 0e a'ou#d( Got to *o, headi#* o,e' to set u+ the #e$ la0 a#d meet the team( Lo,e you( To: 343 1:10 PM

t is *'eat e.e'1ise a#d "i#d o/ *et the "#o$i#* ho$ to de/e#d you'sel/, 0ut 6ust do#=t see me e,e' usi#* a#y o/ the ha#d to ha#d 1om0at t'ai#i#* he "ee+s si*#i#* me u+ /o'( Cesides, $he'e 1ould +ossi0ly *o to *et a$ay /'om Lud$i*< The *uy is i#es1a+a0le( T'ust me, ha,e t'ied( LOL( TO: MOM D:30 PM

&ou e,e' 1omi#* 0a1" to the $o'ld o/ te1h#olo*y so you 1a# 1o#ta1t you' dau*hte'< 3ad /i#ished the 1o'# +'o6e1t, #o$ he is $o'"i#* o# 'i1e( +i##ed him do$# to a t$o yea' deadli#e /o' us to all 0e 0a1" to*ethe' as a /amily a*ai#( T$o yea's( He also se#t me some su+e' s$eet #e$ 'u##i#* shoes( Gotta *o, loo"s li"e !m *oi#* to 0e "i1"i#* some 0utt $ith Lud$i* at his #e$ 3o6o( Lo,e you

Je##i TO: 343 5:4A+m

The #e$ shoes 'o1"(((( tha#"s Lo,e you

4u*ust 3'd 2012

TO: 343


Hay M'( )o'"aholi1, ha,e a *ood $ee"e#d( TO: MOM 11:4A+m

Ha,e a *ood $ee"e#d Mom, lo,e you(

4u*ust ;th 2012

TO: 343

5:1A PM

Last $ee" o/ summe' ,a1atio# :E Lud$i* is loo"i#* /o' some+la1e #ea'0y $ith 'olle' 1oaste's, 0et u $ish you $e'e he'e #o$( 8ROM: 343 10:13am

That do, hea' the'e is a +la1e 1alled ?ea0'ee2e, that is #ot too /a' a$ay /'om you( Ha,e a *ood time a#d 'emem0e' to "ee+ you' a'ms a#d le*s i#side the 'ide at all times( TO: 343 ;:04PM

This is my #e$ /a,o'ite 'ide( This $ill 0e my 13th time o# it( 4RT)ORF 8ROM: 343 ;:0; PM t=s o//i1ial, you a'e 1'a2y( TO: 343 ;:31 PM

-'a2y a0out this 'olle' 1oaste'( TO: MOM 11:35 PM

Just s+e#t the day s1'eami#* my lu#*s out at ?ea0'ee2e Pa'"( &ou a#d dad ha,e *ot to 1ome he'e o#1e you *et 0a1" i# the ?tates( Ho+e e,e'ythi#* is OF

4u*ust Ath 8ROM:343 3:34PM

Just 1he1"i#* i#, had to ha,e all the ele1t'o#i1s shut do$# so $e 1ould +e'/o'm ou' sta't u+ tests, lo,e you( TO: 343 3:4;PM

Lo,e you too(

4u*ust >th

TO: 343


Ha,e you hea'd a#ythi#* /'om mom o' he' team< ?ta'ti#* to *et $o''ied( 8ROM: 343 >:13 PM

Tal"ed to the head *uy at the 0ase 6ust a /e$ mi#utes a*o( ?aid e,e'ythi#* is *ood a#d you' mom $ill 0e 1o#ta1ti#* you i# the #e.t /e$ days, $ith some ,e'y e.1iti#* #e$s( TO: 343 11:D5 PM

3id she /i#d a di#osau'< That $ould 0e 1ool@ 8ROM: 343 12:01 PM

%o, they did#!t /i#d a di#osau' a#d $hat a'e you doi#* u+ so late< TO: 343 12:34+m

O#ly th'ee mo'e days o/ /'eedom, ha,e to 1ele0'ate $hile 1a#( To#i*ht it!s $ith a# all9#i*ht ma'atho# o/ the s1a'iest mo,ies Ms( Ra1hel 1a# sta#d( 8ROM: 343 12:4;+m

Cet$ee# Lud$i* a#d you, do#=t "#o$ ho$ that +oo' *i'l has#=t Buit yet(

TO: 3ad


?he 1a#=t Buit, she lo,es me too mu1h(

4u*ust 10th 2012

8ROM: 343

1:02 am

?he must( Good #i*ht, a#d e#6oy you' last th'ee days o/ /'eedom( 4lthou*h its 1:00am you' time, so *uess that ma"es it t$o days o/ /'eedom( LOL TO: 343 1:11 am

:e'y /u##y( TO: MOM 3:2D+m

3ad said he 1he1"ed i# $ith the *uy i# 1ha'*e o/ you' 0ase a#d that e,e'ythi#* is /i#e( Cut !m still $o''ied7 1o#ta1t me as soo# as you *et this( Lo,e you Je##i(

4u*ust 11th 2012

TO: 343

1:1D PM

Less the# thi'ty /i,e hou's o/ /'eedom le/t, a#y su**estio#s o# ho$ should s+e#d it< 8ROM: 343 3:2; PM

Glad you as"ed( !d 1all you' mothe' a#d liste# to he' #e$ ,oi1e mail messa*e( Ri#*, 'i#*, 'i#*( -li1"( This is Holly Ca'lo$( !m a$ay /'om my +ho#e 'i*ht #o$7 +lease lea,e a messa*e( O', sta'ti#* #e.t $ee", you 1a# 'ea1h me, my hus0a#d Jim, o' ou' dau*hte' Je##i at ou' #e$ home i# %a''o$s0u'*, %e$ &o'"( That #um0e' is D1A930;91313( Tha#" you( TO: MOM TO: 343 3:43+m 3:43+m

s this /o' 'eal< -a# 1all you *uys< )hat a0out you' $o'"< )he# did all this ha++e#< 8ROM: MOM 3:4> PM

&es it!s /o' 'eal( )e $ill 1all you as soo# as $e *et a0o,e *'ou#d a#d ha,e e#ou*h si*#al to tal"( &ou' 3ad a#d $ill 0oth 0e $o'"i#* /'om home, $e 1losed o# a +la1e 1lose to you' s1hool a /e$ $ee"s a*o( Li"e dad said the a'ea has a lot to o//e'( 4 *'eat s1hool /o' you, as $ell as the se1lusio# /o' you' /athe' a#d to do ou' $o'"( ?o''y did#!t 1o#ta1t you

as soo# as *ot 0a1" /'om the 4#ta'1ti1, dad!s idea( )e had ho+ed to su'+'ise you i# +e'so# 0e/o'e you' /i'st day o/ s1hool, 0ut $e!,e had a lot o/ 'ed ta+e t'yi#* to *et ou' sam+les a#d eBui+me#t 0a1" i#to the ?tates( Homela#d ?e1u'ity is 0ei#* o,e'ly tho'ou*h $ith all o/ the 'e1e#t te''o'ist atta1"s( Celie,e me $he# say $e ha,e 0ee# +la##i#* this mome#t /o' the last ei*ht yea's( &ou' /athe' a#d "#o$ $e ha,e missed a lot, a#d that mo,i#* you a'ou#d /'om s1hool to s1hool i# ho+es o/ *i,i#* you the 0est edu1atio# +ossi0le has #ot al$ays 0ee# easy o# you, 0ut ho+e you u#de'sta#d $hy $e did it( )e lo,e you ,e'y mu1h( )e!ll 0e a0o,e *'ou#d a#d /a' e#ou*h a$ay /'om the eBui+me#t!s i#te'/e'e#1e to ma"e a 'eal +ho#e 1all Mo#day( )e!ll 1all sometime that #i*ht to see ho$ s1hool $as( Lo,e MOM G 343 TO: 343 4:12 PM

&ou a'e o#e s#ea"y *uy( $ill deal $ith you late'( TO: MOM 4:21 PM

6ust told Ms( Ra1hel a#d Lud$i* the 0i* #e$s, a#d 6ud*i#* 0y thei' ,e'y /a"e 'es+o#se o/ su'+'ise, *uess $as the o#ly o#e $ho did #ot "#o$ a0out this( Ho$ /ast 1a# you *uys 1lea' u+ the 'ed ta+e a#d *et he'e, does#=t Homela#d ?e1u'ity "#o$ $ho you t$o a'e< Time ma*a2i#e=s H+e'so#!s o/ the yea'I t$o yea's 'u##i#*( mea# hello, i/ they did#=t see that the# may0e tu'# o# the T: o#1e i# a$hile( 8ROM: MOM 4:3> PM

%o o#e *ets a'ou#d se1u'ity these days dea'( )e should la#d Thu'sday a#d a'e +la##i#* to 0e $ith Lud$i* at you' s1hool to +i1" you u+ 8'iday, the# $e 1a# all head o,e' to the #e$ house( 3ad is *etti#* 'eady to 'u# some tests o# his

eBui+me#t 0e/o'e he +a1"s them, so $e ha,e to shut ou' 1om+ute's do$#( Lo,e you a#d $e $ill 1all late'( Mom 4u*ust 12th 2012



Just 1he1"i#* i#, eati#* at the +i22a hole $ith Lud$i* a#d Ra1hel, ho+e all is $ell( A:3A PM TO: MOM

Guess you t$o ha,e 0ee# 0usy, si#1e ha,e #ot hea'd /'om you at all today( Ho+e you a'e 0oth OF( Headi#* to 0ed as soo# as $e *et 0a1", 0i* day tomo''o$( Getti#* u+ ea'ly so 1a# *et a /e$ miles i# 0e/o'e head to s1hool /o' my /i'st day as a #e$ 8'eshma#( Lo,e you 0oth 10:23PM 8ROM: MOM Hey "iddo( ?o''y $e 1ould#!t 1all li"e $e +la##ed( The 1ell +ho#e 'e1e+tio# is #o#9e.iste#t he'e( )a#ted to let you "#o$ $e a'e 1o#/i'med to lea,e o# )ed#esday a#d $e $ill see you 8'iday a/te' s1hool( 3id you *et the 0a1"+a1" $e se#t< 10:25PM TO: MOM 1a#!t $ait to see you 0oth@ &es, *ot the 0a1"+a1"( Ms( Ra1hel +ut some 1a#dy i# the hidde# 1om+a'tme#t( 10:31PM 8ROM: MOM &ou' 3ad said she!d do that( !,e *ot to *o, $e ha,e a /e$ mo'e thi#*s to +a1"( Lo,e you(

10:33PM TO: MOM O"ay( Lo,e you too( ?ee you soo#(

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