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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan
Instructors name: Cermanski Week of: Friday, March 21 to Friday, April 4 Common Core/ NM Content Standards: NMVA 7 Course/Grade: Yearbook Unit Name: Make a Movie

Essential Question(s): How can I write an interesting and engaging script for a movie that includes a conflict, climax, and resolution? How can I use a storyboard to write my script? How can I cast dynamic characters, either with students or fabricated puppets? Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.): Struggling students will get more one-onone instruction Advanced students will be encouraged to help others

Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): Students are familiar with movies from their own lifetime of being movie goers!

Resources/Materials Teacher: Handouts on shot angles, story board, etc. Students: Handouts, laptop to type script, 1 video camera per group, student actors or materials to make puppets

Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?) Daily: Daily observations of students writing script, character development This Week: Observations of students filming movie Unit: Completion of film

Time allotted FRIDAY 3/21 Learning Target- TSW learn how to write a script for a film including a problem, conflict, and resolution. TSW know this when he/she can tell me the problem, conflict, and resolution for his/her story.

Lesson activities for instructor and students Describe project 4-5 page typed, double-spaced script Story must include a conflict, climax, and resolution Tell students: no violence, no drugs, no making fun of other students, no racial/cultural stereotypes Students work in groups to figure out story and fill elements of storytelling Start meeting with groups to discuss elements of storytelling

MONDAY 3/24 Target--TSW learn how to create a story board. TSW know this when he/she has completed story board. TUESDAY 3/25 Target-- TSW learn how to write a script for a film using the correct format. TSW know this when his/her script is written using script format. WEDNESDAY 3/26 TSW learn how to use the video camera in multiple ways to create various effects and emotions. TSW know this when he/she chooses at least one shooting technique for a specific scene.

Handout and discuss story board Each group will fill out story board Meet with each group to go over Elements of Story handout and Story Board Hand out script format Students type out script Show video on filming techniquesStudents should take notes and be prepared to take a brief quiz! Hand out sheet on shot anglesShot angles, focus techniques, Composition, Lighting, Animation Types Discuss various situations to use various shot angles/effects Groups should pick at least one scene to use effects Meet with groups to find out what effect was chosen Start typing script Type script

THURSAY 3/27 Target-- TSW learn how to write a script for a film using the correct format. TSW know this when his/her script is written using script format. FRIDAY 3/28 Target-- TSW learn how to write a script for a film using the correct format. TSW know this when his/her script is written using script format. MONDAY 3/31 Target--TSW learn how to use the video camera in multiple ways to create various effects and emotions. TSW know this when he/she chooses at least one shooting technique for a specific scene. TUESDAY 4/1 Target--TSW learn how to use the video camera in multiple ways to create various effects and emotions. TSW know this when he/she chooses at least one shooting technique for a specific scene. WEDNESDAY 4/2 Target--TSW learn how to use the video camera in multiple ways to create various effects and emotions. TSW know this when he/she chooses at least one shooting technique for a specific scene.

Type script

Finish typing script Start filming



THURSDAY 4/3 Target--TSW learn how to use the video camera in multiple ways to create various effects and emotions. TSW know this when he/she chooses at least one shooting technique for a specific scene. FRIDAY 4/4 TargetTSW learn how to give constructive feedback to peers about their films. TSW know this after he/she has finished writing useful feedback for each film. MONDAY 4/14 TargetTSW learn how to give constructive feedback to peers about their films. TSW know this after he/she has finished writing useful feedback for each film. TUESDAY 4/15 TargetTSW learn how to give constructive feedback to peers about their films. TSW know this after he/she has finished writing useful feedback for each film.


Start watching movies/Critique Students must do a 1-2 paragraph critique for each film! 50 points Talk to Jaret about setting up laptop/speakers for sub on Monday and Tuesday!! Watch movies

Watch movies

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