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Mr. Nkemdirim Kalu is the son of Chief Augustine Kalu, he was born on the year 1973, he is from muhu !"e#hi, he s#hooled at

!"iama $igh %#hool and went for his high institution &ursuit. After his N'%C, he #ouldn(t find )ob, he started sewing &olo at his father(s house* after sewing, he will su&&ly to the &eo&le in market to sell but today, he has workers that sew for him and he is the Managing +ire#tor of ,a#o !nter&rise Nigeria, today he is making it in a big way.


Mr. !)ikeme -lu !bem is the son of Mr. -lu !bem from Ama"u in muhu !"e#hi in .ende /.0.A. Abia %tate. $e was born on the year 1971, and he was the only son of his &arents with four sisters. $e s#hooled at !"e#hi Community %e#ondary %#hool 2! C%%A3 and he later got admission in Abia %tate ni4ersity, turu 2A.% 3 after his ser4i#e, he worked with the nile4er after ser4i#e, after

sometimes he de#ided to be an entre&reneur of himself, he started business at !keoha %ho&&ing Center in aba. 5oday, he is one of &o&ular enter&rise in 2!keoha3 %ho&&ing Center, he deals in im&ort and e6&ort of both lo#al and foreign suit materials. $e is the C!of !)yk 7nt(l 8 Com. Nig. /td.

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