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Level 9


Just announced: existing home sales hit an annualized rate of 5.03 million units during August. That exceeds the 4.70 million unit rate that had been expected, on average, among economists polled by The pace is also up from the rate of 4.67 million units recorded during the previous month. The broad market hasn't reacted strongly to the data. However, homebuilders Genix (GEN 14.32, +0.22), ND Home (NDH 6.59, +0.15), and Home Group (HMG 4.54, +0.03) are all up nicely as investors anticipate that a rise in existing home sales portends an acceleration of the rate of new home sales.


1) Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? A. B. C. D. Investors Favor Homebuilders A Better Way to Build a Home GEN and ND Home Register Big Gains Led by Homebuilders, Stocks Hit New Highs

2) As used in the passage, which is the best synonym for portends? A. B. C. D. predicts decreases affects authorizes

3) This passage would most likely be found A. B. C. D. in a high school economics textbook in a book on twenty-first century economics in a manual outlining stock market rules and regulations on a real-time stock market trading website

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