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MBusinessToday Honllabdvetitcon/bces THURSDAY, JULY 23,2009, ‘Clunkers’ program kicks off tomorrow ‘GET BETTER MILEAGE GET BIGGER SAVINGS cece pros hey sts [Erorod, podes vouchers ‘cea onnre who an fig ode ences Auto dealers hope trade-in plan will boost slumping sales ‘Loca automobile desers ae hoping for hoo insaes with hess offer] Presa giving owners of older cars a oeher toward the purcaseofs new ca “Cesh for Chinker” arts nearest morrow a eat dealerships await thea uncement ofthe ofa les for he Federal program infect ince ul “The prosam gives S8300 or $4500 tenjoinvouchers to susomers ho rng Inthe ot vetielestoBeunked. To qua Hy care mat be 0 025 years ol pet _mies er palin exe and ave Bean Sire by the ownerforatlese ayer ‘Dealers encourage customers 19 visit caragov tose ther vets quales “The progam is expected co improve sale foranindaty thtsbeen date oy ‘thecconomy —slesin Hawa sipped by 15 percent theft sixronths 02009 ‘compare ast year “Auto Oak Inc, ab adepepdent auto matt eaesc frm, esingtes the pro ‘ann ill generate stout 0020 velo Se mn year nti "Werw eect a increase insales of about 20s pero" Jon Kato ieessles manager Cater Ponte Bak GMCin Wash "Two cistomers fave already come oven fo Crter in Wala fo tae in ‘hol old SUVs for ticked Manis, Sespte no adveresing fom Cuter about ‘Daprogran. ‘oad ot car sles ae pending the announcement ofthe programs us ‘Cash or Chunkers” or the Consumer Asssance to Resyle and Save Act of 2009 sareon ly tlc of tae Sex CLUMRER “eles fr rerdand nigra cn Mois Anas wl be ow ty Mos Aine tp’ do sets oe arabe {ot purchase stating Ju) 2 uel ging hg. ‘Mokulele in code-share with Alaska Air ‘Mokilele Allies saith sgn anew coe-shite agrerient with Alaska Allies Sosle eed Alsen Hes rect fom the Manan to ‘Hoof a Ka and Hin, Under the case sare ‘arent, Alas wll ket fr Mole ih b- ‘een stalls and the Neighbor Ian destinations "iat are aalale or purchase trig ly 25 oe ‘waved beginning Aug L Advocates of blind fault SBA’s Web site ‘Ving sine a Hono resident who owns Good ‘Nev tanh National Feertion fhe Hind have ‘ledan administrative complaint sth the Sal sins ‘Admlleation svn tbe SBA Web iets not acs Seenough “They a the stecan bused by bind people who wse temto-socch screen acess ecmnlo’ or Bra i ‘Says toatsetinoannnonthe interes The compe $ybilind pooplecamct ct rmson the she boone ‘ofthis ore online courses fered by the SBA. Snaet, whose business peeves mia diag ser sees sald access tothe SHA We ste sca ace he ‘Sethe SA's programs ad saris "The fact hat eld mo core he Web ste cos sme tne and reacurces hat T woud ot have needed fo ‘spend had boon abet Une the ae ike everyane dbo Set sa in apres satoment ‘New CEO hired at Energy Industries Beng Industries Corp, a Honolulu based company speilngnenersyefelency services aid haired ‘Hhdbet Chang an presen and chief excotee oer. ‘Chang wl take over CEO dues Irom company founder area Kimura wo wil coniue ase. les Kubo, who had been president, ll no Serve 35 Shela mn crave ris preston te ‘Smpanyseneagy Rance dvson. —Adverther sa po TOC DowJones W368 Close: 881.26 NASDAQ. 1018 Close:192638 Nikkei 4. 69.78 Chose: 9.79294 France Bow op ter woskgsces 0 ake enelvas etn ‘Abou works thoi plant tn Montseavies Mines in eters France locked up four managers i ‘Stinger on Ted le ‘Theminagerswererlasel el Jos" feragyater elo liealsfredo ‘ede: Michelin spekaswoman Fb ‘one de Brecon “hs tension pose, worker cme considered fo admins fe balding brekingwitows a ‘hap tacos shes. sotesay “Workers a mil tht prodaces i= roe paper held four of thee bases ‘hss meetings Tuesday ae aout Jays The loka, which sted fou ues, sured ithe town ball of ‘Malaisenein southese France “Them owned by Alpharetta Gi- asd eno Mende rerio line elated ose dowain Sep er he at wont are slight go ‘ines to intervene to elp finda erfor the plan, acordingto the COT ‘obo each rom et SA and SA Peageoieoe, amin French a towalers fr easing the collpss of ‘hel actoy, Taio workers a Date pete homcal company that supoles the Seto ndusey Hock proton for Several ours ystnday athe atory in oraueher om the Mediterranean ots Tie? woken ate yondll- ‘sel plane want to bere a jabs They coded thei protest ater Pratagenen spec tsp bce Frei empioyeos has so how many moving parts are Sbvch money (oe the pro-_frscarand thes Raw ny Clunker 2238: sie, was Sli ally TES Frew Faris of the Bills Bagge (chur whan Oban got bout how itwill work has felyed ands econey th Subedalile uncertainty at ay ki wae ed ‘dent Takiostbition lc Ching, erven Auto "You lok atthe number CCentessecectve vice re of dale nyold ad the dent sald while Servo ls Swat ofen conan le ot ye accepting aden lly dite the progeat (8 fm, soifyousellacarand cis thereat aden boo Peopleshoullcomedn ” eae) wil ell around 2 clunkers cro people tink hey qul- dove vs blot ity, we encourage tem © ey lbe gone” comelnandsttbepeeces "Don Man usstearman- ff decd what car You_ager for Windward Dodge Yeantand hat quale for ype oop ast wants thet meage ott Kno what fo do with the moun There some c= cay afer he sept thes, Semthathe I sioncould. eles are rset poe Immo evenbeforethe pe vile pot of goat the ‘eas sted" besaitchnkers at apeoved Scape ‘Mast people Whe qualify. petal yards wil get at Teast 2 $3500 "Sof nose yardshave Vokes Thase who Buy been announced for deers ew sehllethat get iO mp to tke the cs to, bat Sr more than thle clunker ‘here any word on BOW (@ sree S400 avbclow the overament, Damien ik Fara, gene Silom alten. manager ofManiToyors, "Tes xoaieandsee game Shuttle propane right now Man dT ERRORS civgteucadnere Aone’ SRW garg SiMe ene mae? mee ae alia RN of oone SSE oe SOT ket mie Halt ae sreamieliese Bi) iatalinaiae Sateen ine i Ss vncner nche Dave Rol executive di- stor for Hae Automo- ‘SleDealrs Assit as ‘pest and compliment ‘edhe speed of inplespent etenroemeneees ‘ant dink in al my Pee EeOeNS years Thave sen program Wate meter tists Roll SideWsagzearcomplinent FIRST "othe peoples adel v= tenment. When You Teak st oes ba | 2 Mi aaa Ben) ee) ‘ata ie eee) ME ohh eed | AREF RAAT Saateaty) ses eee eel ae fevers entra re a at se a er as eer Pcmoe ee = cee (i a fat £15 fh ae cele |e Se wel [Pop a ae eee Sele bee see | at a rou at als Nae | MS amateur], MONI ao | “mer usin | fe SERIE | at, Saye "S| oso otal “omconmncr rine Saas, SUES FROSTED) FUN ANOAT een | riipeoore vba ac Bok Wats, || SMP UM a Ne tuboc samara. | Bi RARE [SMERGUAMTST. SUITES, Haase nee arts tii pease as ‘Wea ta xp Hr eM kay i itty D039) |

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