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eage ne her soca, Opal Fields to cen at Ala Moana Ward Warehouse jewelry retailer adding second store Iida Gon, alratn ua ope beth one tem Guoenaerd et na fen wid Halla cg al om Bask Tevelers co Belp sia His pals few stove sated to open "Were going to bring SPS tpt eto Als vreknown Moana Wheder sa "Fie ene de as ‘Opal Feds was started. proved by Genel Grow ly Whaderia 884m Wie Properses, wiieh owns ‘Sona tel blak opal oth Ala Moar and Ward omAustlla Thecompe Centers (Gln when fe dosed in Ay reheat to Hawaftin The new Opal elds Spall but another eel ‘Sodatesatran Rowand sto will be about 1400 fy business taking Rs by. Hallmark Jowolers, foethepa deadchasbeen sguae foc sgh larger sce, Which indbeeniabusiass at Ward Warebous Which an the 1600s ‘Opal Fields whieh oper 97 year ispuofWantcentrs Ward Warehouse lato, scsrestWatlWae. Tem Whee owner ot Wieser re lise plnetoespaatwit OpslPidsankhepiasto nylongaendiverictwaih Reach Andrew Gomes at seen locaton ste thie the majority of the sbreadseeetinofjewely dgomestahonluuadver ‘monthintheepoccempsed roughly doven employees and serie, though the sercomor 52-8065. HTA sets up $10 million marketing fund ees eee ee rg ers eae ee ee eee ere earners fooes Nee a cae ar “Reais a cutaatenme ae Roa aes allow the Hawai ‘Tourism Authority ey will allow the boardte act on things ae Serbo Aah grate toe ee beret riariorat oe ee eee ce east ioctl aa nse eee ee eect Sane eee earn ceee ee nraoe eae a a eg es ee Se aan eee are eee aU pea era Sela pred eatin epee gt ml erage apt re city ore Hamar Joe ‘pelea voide Ala oss $71 million budget includes ‘money for swift action to boost tourism right now bur main gost ito increase vst arls ‘2010... Ts (ow eet, {und is tended to eeetea tee eee set its budget a $71 milion for the e©200RY ough rect support ext sal ar ie sme av isto No 1 indus.” Yer buteeredaney so milion us iF ene C234 Tihiiodlp host theviorindis neta sco tn dig the cent hm, abl ceeding to Pacific Oce relay ling “Th paraethp has borowed mon ur she ‘inithars dla had sccured sal isco tive dsaslon with he Bank to ele he suaton Phares fh STOCK WATCH sso varest Trends, Poae 2 DowJones 7496 Close: 8.75024 NASDAQ 4.2410 (Close: 150.02 £99.05 Clone: 976801 Dollar” .053yen LateTokyo _9676yen Markets resume upward trend as bank ratings, oil prices rise [NEW YORK — Tiers are feting tat an improving ee eee ee ‘Stocks oe forthe fifth nein ix days esterday af epee ture ectatcicieke Seep ieee cid = Brees oe one ope at Se es See DAILY CHART AWA! UNEMPLOYMENT. ie urereloment chins, |Uponpbrent te vweokanang May 30" |p mont) Apa Sigse i lgiaga 2 $2225 éiaigé Taurens meaner of ans dom eee BREAKING BUSINESS NEWS. NOW ON YOUR CELL PHONE vse TOMBE 4806 (ANE) tl sree Bi Tenens sen eto ee Nebtjertratiir top Aso esata ya PAL

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