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psa = — Rae ee oe oem LAST IMPRESSIONS OF CANADA (The Bris Hig Commissioner a Ottawa to the Sesretary of Ste ‘or Forcign and Cosunoatelth APs) ; SUMMARY 1, Lord Moran's nal penal impresons of Canad, after 130000 sof tevel in the country nthe yar (patgapi 2), 2 Disnvantye of being in Canada whe Me Trudeau was Fri Minis, ‘hut RE best hours had too wet Queber in 1970 and 1980, 165 ——“7SRRES™ ‘ane caml conta pararph 3) 3 litle Weology in Canadlsn poics. Exousve patronage. Poor aualty of Cenedian pliant They look ster enh ther (Seaperts #6) 4 The sce of economic mations (paegraph 7. 5. Some characteiis of Conan. Abeeace of Gere competition. Low uation but a kuge ick, Saanderng of uatardl rasateos oeapaphe 8-13), 6 ‘Television, ele nd tapping (ptasanh 13) 7. Tiss of the Fklnos, problems wth che Indi, Growth of mbes cf nw Cenadans, or ates” (paren 14-13). 8 Ble selections afte 39 years in he Save, Soasetd reson forthe dine ofthe Oct 4 public estes, Regret that adminisvative procdares are new so Byzantae sed 3) som (utpanh 17, 9. Aw very sincere words of thanks (prmgzaph 18), 12dune 184 se, 1. tn few days time my wife and I leave Ottawa and I become a private nan. For the pst ‘ree yeus we have taal al oer ths vas and dann land coving alengtr sone 130,000, ‘ies — equivalent to five Unes round the word ~ by eveything fom a jimbo Mt fo canoe We ‘nave een sever tines to all he min cies and to places ike nce Raper, Anmpois Royal and Medicine Hat, bus, sty, not to Moote J, lets or Flan, On cout ovaions we bate ‘munched those inevitable lds, stood for the singing of “O Cinads™ and drunk The Queers ‘elt ed water. We shall mis, heir ferent aye, he cy ef the loon, sscharectestc of Canadas theft eal's is f Ain, ane he eacerfl shop sod watts of Nort Aes, who send us on our way with “Take cre" or ave x nice Sa 2. The sent you and your predeceors my thoughts on Anglo Canadian setions, Canaan foreign poly, bir Troseay, the moaachy in Canada, Canade orth of ant. and Breach 2h Engish Camacans. Now that my sejoue in Caran nearly ove | would like Yoreord» few lr pesonalimpresions.ond rather wie way of mjc MR TRUDEAU 3, although I tke him peony and he has eam Kind too it hab Tam sure, been Slsadvetage tat Mr Trades has been Me Miner throwphot my tne in Canade becasc, {ith some reson, eas not been grea respected or trusted n Landon. Heh peer eae) ‘hake off his pas 2 wello-o hippie and Graft dager His views on as/Wes estions hae been paicusty suspect Many of my collapses here admire him. Tcanot say Ido He sen ood Fah and hs own worst enemy, and on te whole TANK fs inloenc on Canada ic the past snes year hn been dotsmental. Bur wit he minded most about war Keeping Quebec in Cana and his fnest hours were the rthiess and eect stampngout trots in Quebec in 1970 en te Winnie cere of the referendum on soveriny (sociation ten yea later, For the presen, Separation a Quebes at's low ebb. Mr Todas tas malaaned tet ony by at instese Sueswa's power sould Canada develop a5 « song state, He treated province! prem wh Eontempt and provincial governments aif they were town count BUT | think fow Canadiaae sare hs exieme centralsing sane, Mot belive that Canad's versity snd gcgapical read eed 2 federal system end 2 diviion of owen, with ea level teaing the ote, 2 am happened in Mr Trudeau's tne, with courts) spect and undentaning- Mr Tues for ne, {LACK OF IDEOLOGY IN POLITICS: PATRONAGE 4. [ste Been suck by the mathe abuance of olay in Canadian polit. Feopie inthe United Kingdom joi the Conserate o Labour partes with very ifferent Mea about te Kind of scclety they want tose, In Cans che phloropie tferecas between Libera and Propenee ‘Constvatves are scarey percept. The ein mtive for joning one ofthese pares to Sone Bower or lathe job. So pole! patzouge fowishes Higiy paid and long stng oben the Senate snd chuimansips of public eerie ae used almost eniely to rewind erty hacks Canadians are sured to lear that an acne meer ofthe Hose of Losi nad nd ooo lest in expenss' than 9 Canadian on welfare No-one would pretend for's moment tat MrDonJanicrn the most sltsbe man to represent Canada in Landon. ie is there because he isan old Liberal warhore who wasted one ore job before heretic land ves dhappelnted ‘9 Mashing), Party appoines il sors of Federal appotted port Pele ran on "ibs for ‘Be bons”. And Canadian minster: arange for large amounts of fader money to go te tei onstuecis In Nova Scots 40% of al federal grams go tothe hing of tie Deputy Prine Minis, MacEacten, And provincial poverments behave in exactly thes Wy LOW CALIBRE OF CANADIAN POLITICIANS 4S. One rol that the afr of Canaan poician is ow. The level of dette inthe House ‘F Commons i comespondingy low: che maori of Canadian misses ae unimessive a 2 ve fae found frankly bizame. The lsders of the corpocie and nancial world — the chief xccuhe offices and oter sor execu of the bg banks, of lange usineses and vesting hous ae fr tore capable than the overage Canaan poliican 6 But Canadian poiciane lok fer their own — and one mother. When, for example Mr Jamieson (Libera) goes ton from London, he tl me tat» hsicopen provided by ths roves (Conservative) goverment (tthe taxpayers” expense) i atte alr to fly Hi tot ‘sountry house ix Newfoundland. Wlastes andthe Leader ofthe Opposition ave fe pases on ‘Air Camda ~ which ow of the cndists for the Live! leadership avs bee sing haley {o campaign soos he county ECONOMIC NATIONALISHE 7. The Liber Government poly of economic ational, diectes sgtnst the ‘rerelming American economic presence Sut iting uy, the Japanese and European x wel, 8 Imanfsed i MF Mare Lalonde’ now widely dacredted Reonal Eneny Plcy,dacamntas ‘atanty pans nonCanaclan companies an containing prorat for retort confucaton ‘nd inthe Foreign Investment Review Ageacy, now tinier les igorout bu slay mcs In place. The policy as ha hide acu fect on frig helen Canaéa~ apart em he Acquition by Canadas. govemmentsontaled compenist (at very hgh ice) of peleum Interns such as Petofinn (ormely Began) and Bis unpratabie dowrutam arte te hs sindoabiedly com Cana foreign testnent which wou are cestes more velih and mor js her, hy ist costs tothe Canaan taxpayer are forlasle, 60% of the ding cone of a compass operating fo the arctic and olf the east coat ae mat ftom ple funds OF all the exploratory wells dled wich the 2d of PIP pans (perleum incentive panes, not 2 single fone his yet produced ll in commercial quanies And a yet the vst expenditaw in the ‘Beaufort Se shows no sgn of discovering enouah olf Jas production, ‘CANADIAN CHARACTERISTICS 8, __Canatias ae s modente, comfortable, poopie, Not sumngy, they share many ‘characterises with ouselvn La # wood where we lve fo deal with the Gees, Khor a indeep the Stemi and vith aany others who ate happy to ide roughshod over ou test ‘emt to me sensble to culate decent and reasonable people ke thi quite apart Eom te ot Wat ey ve auch cose stone es with or and dlspete of eich fnsense natural sources ‘Cena are mildly vations, (Qu pekape los evily so then Austatan) very sera, tspecy fo any expresed oF implied Boitah ence about Cana as "boring" a perhaps Somewhat licking in seifeonidence. Mr Charles Ritchie ald ot long ago "Wear not the sue "ype 9f country ss Bon ~ ous country isbuped an steommodstion,compranse and contiton| Spd I think cha 3 reece Some extent, nthe manner in which we conduel vr fori, poli”. My late Chinese callegue, 1 pecepte maa, told ta thought the tena nadie meme in Albena, Sasatchowan and the Atlnie province. and ths hes beew sr ow ‘mpoesion The most difiue, picky and enforicoming we undoubtedly some of those who ‘otk forthe Federal Goverment In Ota 9, Ceradns go to chucit moe than we o bet ther Inet arene longer subjected to tert Prestyteran moral coe, About 35% of Canadian marriages en in voce: Ors tg diferece lm {he United Kingdom is tt thre is vary St hers of that song public pion which has 30 ft {ete a pce fom publi men of women who fal Below aceptedstndarde The Canadian me ‘specs ery tle of poltians and tends to shrugs haul en the pes or eles por Yet another sends Memories ar short Even mites who gn afer eave misdemeenout och 48 forgngsgnaores an tying nine jades, appear In Cabinet afters rift of beet, ABSENCE OF COMPETITION 10, On doss not encourser her the frsiows competition of talent that takes place i the United Kingiom. Many ited Cenaias al nek wider opporunties stewhere. efor example ‘yn Seymour, jennifer Penaey ana Wayne Eig di when they fined the Raye Bae, Anyone iho een moertely good a wht they do ~ in Herta, tether sng x wbateee~ tends 'o betome s national gure. Even some Candin representatives oven, ke Mean | Far Mi) Alla Got, Mr Ken Taylor or ~ inher tine ~ rs Jean Wad, aeweten up inthe newspapers, fnd anyone who stands out at all ram the eed ted tbe fated to the Ss tnd ve the Order Cane stone, LOW LEVEL OF TAXATION 1, Thovoh Canadins complain vigorously stout the race of Revenue Coad, the highest Imari rte of federal and provinctl income tax combined i nly $6%. (Ater the clecton ona axes may hve co be rased 1 help reduce the enormous $50 billon budgetary deft, fn, ain the Unite State, hee iiited rope for reducing eapendtae and defence expendar, suns to be istensed). And, amsingly, 240 Canadians who tem mote than the equhalet of £140,000 « year contrive to fay o tax al So there ech mare reed for usneosmen end totes to make money in Cade thas i Drain, Ihave fund itd to meet bight Young sh ght eareuires working, often in tir wn bonnes ll ver Cada, ema 2 neve) city The Sisacoon. I hope we ean mazape Yo create conditions wiih wil epeouage some of tse ‘erpdag mento comeback to Bane [RESOURCES NOT UNLIMITED 12, Lam snuck by the way tat Canales ve aquandereé soe of tei wsoures. Clee) ‘ey hae repos then, in swat country. at Unless But they ne trong. The wp ores se running ou, and here has ben not enough veplanting 50 tat tenor Been yes thi aor spor resource may ttf diminish sharply, Iwas shocked to are on the Dean Rive in Brie Chuo iat tes ying the wer an along te tanks Wich fon cut down and ply andonéd. Postion too, of the air, the ses and takes fas bien slowed fo tecome a stots ‘roblm whsh hss not yet been adequately tuclled, Many ofthe Sine Crest Lake ar now Seveloping malignant tumours Canadians complain bout the ae rn fom the United State, ‘owes 2,000 tons of sulphur dioxide are ll Belced out evry day bythe Heo sack ln Subuey ‘But they have at Team ow taken vigorous action to are the ine of Ade talon, 1 contrat tothe Euspean Community, which asso far done nating. TELEVISION AND THE INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR ANINAL WELFARE 13, | Cemians have been ow to wake op to the formidable impact of the television screen tli othe animal wetae lobby. The image of cra redneck Canadians clubbig to deuth baby Sets on the ies, flowed now by the campaign "SAVE THE SEALS. NO TO CANADIAN FISH ‘6 the absur Tesco ban on Betsh Columbia tnned salmon, has bes racing fo Canada Ts esr the rae nal susie and Jett Chae with «probe of ow to corto ts age el Populi, And i i clenly ony = macter of time before the nlnal welfare lobby tus on ‘rapping. which, unlike sealing, vey & onl This would thvten the whet rensinig tse a NATIVE PEOPLES 14 ve eee interested tose fr mys something ofthe devoted care beng ren tothe 25,000 Esimos or Iii the ar noth, tooth inevitably th ative Yornernmade people ‘who wid to lve by hunting, upping and fing, hae bes tured ato mer pensioner of the sae, The problem of te thee quarters ofa mullon Indians and ofthe mined ce Mets (obone ‘numbers are snyone's gue) sens to me ffintely ore aifaut tnd wil bea headache for Poot %o come, Cardin ee Sed with elngs of gut about the Indian peoples. Canadian poy, ‘ny vow uawisely.hay"ein wo ge them a speci! priveged satus ad pay em ras sain ‘which offen cause them to ge up wing bt to ne ut integration into Canadian acy Alco i mor peobles and rary of the laian, partly inthe west ve a deeaed a Pathetic existence {thnk it wou be beter to spend money to elp the lees adept to he ‘oder word and be asinButd lata tie genera population, fo thee ean be no pny ak to thar previous way of ie ‘THE eTHNICS 15, Uni recently the Canadian population, spat from the Aiton betwee Enh and French speaker, wat reasonably horogeacous. But the ioMux of “new Canadan’™ immense the second world war, expec Italians and Portuguese, bot incline West Indies, Cesk, Chinse (and now ineremingly the sch rom Hong Kong), Poin, Pakntanie and even Hala, hay Sanged the etuscer of Canaan ches Though people of rsh sack sl Gomi taj Cancion sis, except for Montreal ni Qusbe, there are now to be [ound giant nonbers of eth in ‘Toronto 10% of the populition i alan: Edmonton hat 10% Uktenan; Vancouver 1% Chinese, Winnnee 10% Unrinian and Cllguy 9% German. The prsace of the “winless sendy ‘egnning to cause minor problems ip Toronto sod Matted, though happy, tye oth onpartbie to the looming soci problems asocted with the proliferation of Hacks and hkpeics, ‘in s9 many American cleg or wi Oe Hotsin Brees in 1981. But sendy te “etl” se sy § millon, some 33% of the populstion I is thi olen ed to tove ofthe Peach Ganadins, which Rave Kept he Liters i power in ssa! yous, while the English (excep (Gunde) fave mostly voted Consent, And the great maori of thes shows to se Ealsh not renh, as thelr everyasy lang, Ewvo1 16, Ive ben fortunate tobe given this teeing snd sresble joa my lst in the Serve {besa thirynine yer ago na now remote ee, under Mr Bevin and St Alexander Catoyan hea ‘here was one other Foreign Offs minster, who wat only allowed tose pepe on the way down nd we to the admirable stem of minting on Jackets A uch sale Ofc handled sno u more quickly and the rls were consid in a alin booklet ot, 8 wow in he $3 volumes of DSP. I have often inated the Office by suspesting new coumes, otal ivan, srsing, for ‘examine for greater adminis dacredon ong before Lad Rayne, 17. Like others 1 ve teen sa to 28 the Offee deine in public esters. Much the sé ooul us i unfirbut I think the Office is now often peered (hope no lrvomaly) es Reine no it feeling for our own peonle, at lmutiinay salou for shiners, a sein "rmement with foreign goreraments at snow any cost, a unnarorably obec with Europe, 4 Knowing and cari litle shout Betap north of Potters Bar. if was mot aways so {Peal 3 fonmer Chief Cletk cling a stare candidate that sou didnot jon tis Serve because you led foreigners bat “Yo do the foreigner dwn". I epetto that urate srosdute ar vo Byzantine an, in this age of computer snd micro proceuon, so exraodinay slow, 16, ut, neverhses, much ha gone well, Tam grateful orl the help Thave had foe ay itn Ouawa, good eal mae effective than Mr Jansson’ sa In Londo, though is fase ns the se mine, and fom the fe conse pons in Catada, who ache 9 sobd sl ull ply faction oF the eaoures we ha a ew yar ago py tebe, Speeches, to the ieaoulabe contibtion ase bit often mating afte Si nae done in ome of my 1 ou efforts bya good many of ou wien unl rece telwcensuces and fur, And ln ths, hy lst depts, 1 ‘shoud like tasty thank you to my own wif Fo hry five Yen, at home tha st eens overseas, we Dave done ereryting tpsiber. Mine has been ener jb thn Hers Bot het ontibution has been enombous, Doing it all ogther har made it fn. Indeed to have done without er would have bee conceal 19, 1am sending copies ofthis depatch tothe Secrtay of Sine for Trade ad fnduty, he Governor of the Bank of Exsland te Secretary of the Cabinet, Heade of Maslov at NATO porte snd Canberra, to the United Kingdom Representa at NATO andthe United Nain to Coney Pots Canada, Lae Sin ‘Your fthlly

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