Stacey Evaluation Cs

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Teaching Evaluation Cover Sheet

Teacher Candidate Title of Exemplar Portfolio Category ACEI Standard

Rachel Mullen Teaching Evaluation I II III IV x V

Cohort #


Professionalism A5.1- Professional growth, reflection, and evaluation

ACEI Standard Element(s)

A5.1 Professional growth, reflection, and evaluationCandidates are aware of and reflect on their practice in light of research on teaching, professional ethics, and resources available for professional learning; they continually evaluate the effects of their professional decisions and actions on students, families and other professionals in the learning community and actively seek out opportunities to grow professionally.

Semester Spring 2014 1.


March 24, 2014

Description of exemplar and how it demonstrates meeting this ACEI Standard and Element(s). This exemplar is an evaluation that was completed by my field supervisor during on of my teaching formal observations. I used these notes and suggestions from my supervisor to reflect and evaluate the lesson that I had taught, and used her ideas to further my teaching during my next lesson.


Reflection on my professional growth in knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to this ACEI Standard and Element(s). My knowledge of using reflections and observations in order to grow as a teacher was shown through this exemplar. I was able to take the feedback that I was given from my supervisor and translate it into my next lesson, making my teaching stronger and more successful. This also allowed me to develop my skills in reflecting with different people after my lesson had been taught. In addition to my self-reflection, I was able to reflect with my supervisor and my mentor teacher, which gave me multiple different sources of ideas and suggestions. My disposition related to reflecting with my supervisors changed significantly during this placement and reflection. Before, I had been sort of uneasy about having my supervisors observe me. Following this observation, I learned just how valuable the feedback of other teachers can be, and how I can use their ideas to

think of something that I had never thought of before. Now, I love having other teachers or my supervisors observe me, because it gives me a chance to develop my teaching further.

Teacher Candidate: Rachel Mullen School: Ahuimanu Elementary Lesson Title: Date: 4/11/13 Field Supervisor: Stacey Takanishi Learning Activities Transition to lesson from lunch recess. Reviewed The Very Hungry Caterpillar You assigned the task and had the groups form and work together. Students worked and you monitored and assisted where necessary. Students shared their answers and you collected their papers.

Strengths Elicited details from the story from individuals and, to give all the children an opportunity to talk and share their ideas, you had the students turn and talk to their neighbor. (You also gave the students this opportunity to share different answers [equations or number combinations to 12] with their neighbors) Very positive interactions with the students! You recognize cooperative behavior and give specific feedback about the appropriate behaviors you expect (which helps other children who may have forgotten). Clarified vocabulary with which students may not be familiar (plums). Good questioning! Groups assigned, prepared in advance, and clearly listed on the board. Clarified, through questioning, the directions and expectations. Wow! All of the students were facing each other, working together, and were on-task! You gave them a time frame in which their group had to work and updated elapsed time. Youre accepting of all students answers and you make sure they feel they can take risks. You recorded the students answers on the board.

You gave clear directions and allowed them to be creative! The task was open-ended and there are many different answers. You circulated and monitored the students progress as they were completing their group assignment. You wrote down phrases you heard from the groups discussions. You encourage the sharing of ideas. Good pacing throughout your lesson. Youre positive, enthusiastic, and were well-prepared to teach the lesson. The children enjoy your smile and good humor! Great job!

Areas for improvement Standard written on the board or reviewed? Academic vocabulary posted on the board? What are your goals for teaching your next lesson?

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