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Portfolio Exemplar Cover Sheet Attach to each exemplar in your portfolio.

Teacher Candidate Title of Exemplar !ortfolio Category ACE" $tandard

Rachel Mullen Graphing Music eelings " x "" """ "# #

Cohort #


Curriculum A'.( Mathematics) A'.* The Arts

ACE" $tandard Element%s&

Candidates +no,) understand) and use the ma-or concepts and procedures that define and operations) alge.ra) geometry) measurement) and data analysis and pro.a.ility. "n doing so they consistently engage pro.lem sol/ing) reasoning and proof) communication) connections) and representation Candidates +no,) understand) and use0as appropriate to their o,n understanding and s+ills0 the content) functions) and achie/ements of the performing arts %dance) music) theater& and the /isual arts as primary media for communication) in1uiry) and engagement among elementary students

$emester 1.

$pring '21(


April '4) '21(

3escription of exemplar and ho, it demonstrates meeting this ACE" $tandard and Element%s&. This exemplar ,as a lesson " taught ,here my students listened to three different songs) recorded their feelings a.out the songs) and then graphed the class results to ans,er 1uestions a.out the data. This lesson ,as a creati/e ,ay to mix mathematics ,ith the performing arts. My goal for the ma-ority of my curriculum exemplars is to ma+e sure they are integrated across multiple su.-ects. " ,as a.le to use the curriculum in .oth indi/idual su.-ects to create a multi su.-ect entertaining and engaging lesson for my students. 5y graphing the results and ans,ering 1uestions a.out their data) this exemplar addressed the math ACE" standard. This exemplar addressed the art ACE" standard .y ha/ing students listen to the music) and respond ,ith a feeling that it made them feel.


Reflection on my professional gro,th in +no,ledge) s+ills) and dispositions related to this ACE" $tandard and Element%s&. My +no,ledge of all the different curriculum su.-ects gre, ,hile " ,as creating and implementing this lesson plan. $pecifically in the performing arts) " had ne/er had a ,hole lot of formal classroom experience. " had participated in theater outside of school) .ut " had no experience ,ith integrating it in the classroom) or ho, to teach it in a ,ay that is interesting to all of my students. 6o,) " ha/e much clearer +no,ledge a.out ho, to teach performing arts) and ho, to integrate it ,ith other core classroom su.-ects.

" ,as a.le to de/elop my s+ills in integrating multiple different su.-ects into one lesson plan. As " ha/e mentioned .efore) " /ery much ,ant to try to integrate multiple su.-ects together) that ,ay lessons can co/er more content) and .e more engaging for my students. The more practice " get ,ith this) the .etter. "ntegrating performing arts and math may .e difficult) " .elie/e that " ,as a.le to do it in a fun an engaging ,ay that +ept all of my students interested. My disposition and my .elief in arts integration ,as sho,n through this lesson. $ince art is a su.-ect that most students en-oy) " thin+ that it is important to integrate it ,ith other su.-ects to help ma+e them more en-oya.le. This lesson allo,ed me to reach not only my students that ha/e an interest in math) .ut " ,as also a.le to reach my students ,ho don7t li+e math .y using performing arts. " firmly .elie/e that the arts are +eeping students interested in school) and " also .elie/e in trying to integrate the arts as much as possi.le through out the school day.

ITE 325 Lesson Plan Format DRAFT !"!3"!3#

$ame% Rachel Mullen Title% Graphing Music eelings

&ra'e Level an' Settin(% 1st grade) Ahuimanu Elementary Date Ta)(ht% 8n+no,n D)ration% 4*9*2 minutes $)m*er of St)'ents% 1:

+verar,hin( -athemati,al &oal s#% Analy;ing a graph<data. Consi'er .o)r St)'ents $ee's% For English Language Learners: This lesson will be helpful for ELL students because music is something is known in every language. The words describing the feelings of music will be simple, and have smiley faces that much for additional understanding. The graphing will be done as a whole group, so that ELL students do not fall behind, and the students will be able to count the actual people to help answer the questions about more less how many. For !tudents with !pecial "eeds: This lesson will also be helpful for students with special needs, due to the same reasons listed above for ELL. !tudents with special needs frequently also en#oy listening to music, so this will be a fun and engaging lesson for them to complete with their peers. $f needed, they can work with a buddy in class to help with the questions about more less how many. -aterials $ee'e'% Each student will need: music feeling paper) graph 1uestion paper) pencil) Teacher will need: Computer<i!hone %some,ay to play music&) ( songs) elmo pro-ector) graph 1uestion paper) music feeling paper) pencil) dry erase mar+er. So)r,es% 6one Stan'ar'"/en,hmar0 1CPSIII"Common Core% ine Arts %=C!$ """& $tandard '> M8$"C> 8nderstand and apply elements of music and understand ho, music communicates ideas) feelings) and experiences across culture. 5enchmar+ A.1.'.4> Explain ho, music can communicate ideas and moods.

Mathematics %Common Core& 1.M3. 4> ?rgani;e) represent) and interpret data ,ith up to three categories@ as+ and ans,er 1uestions a.out the total of data points) ho, many in each category) and ho, many more or less are in one category than in another. GA?s Community Contri.utor %the understanding that it is essential for human .eings to ,or+ together&.

Assessment +*serve% $tudents counting the different .et,een groups. $tudents counting the of people in a group. As0%

=o, many students chose BBBBBBBBC =o, many M?RE students chose BBBBBBB than BBBBBBC =o, many EDER students chose BBBBBBB than BBBBBBC Dhat does more meanC Dhat does less meanC

Assessment Re,or'in( Sheets an'"or R)*ri,s%

4 Uses a very efficient and sophisticated strategy leading directly to a solution. Employs refined and complex reasoning. The solution shows a deep understanding of the problem including the ability to identify the appropriate mathematical concepts and the information necessary for its solution. 3 Uses a strategy that leads to a solution of the problem. Uses mathematical reasoning. The solution shows that the student has a broad understanding of the problem and the ma or components presented in the tas!. 2 Uses a strategy that is partially useful" leading some way toward a solution" but not to a full solution of the problem. #ome evidence of mathematical reasoning. The solution is not complete indicating that parts of the problem are not understood. 1 $o evidence of a strategy or procedure" or uses a strategy that does not help solve the problem. $o evidence of mathematical reasoning. There is no solution" or the solution has no relationship to the tas!.

A,tivities"Instr),tional Strate(ies /EF+RE% $tudents ,ill meet at the carpet area $tudent ,ill read o.-ecti/e> Eo.-ecti/e songE " can sho, ho, different +inds of music ma+es me feel. Teacher ,ill as+ students 1uestions a.out music choices %$tudents ,ill raise their hand to ans,er&. o Dhat is your fa/orite songC o DhyC o Dho is your fa/orite artistC o DhyC o Raise your hand if you li+e BBBBBBBBBB %artist) song) music type& o Dhy do you li+e BBBBBBBBBBC %This is a re/ie, of the information they learned a.out each other during my sur/ey of students interest.& D2RI$&% Teacher ,ill pass out a feelings sheet to each student %see attached sheet& o $tudents ,ill ,rite name on the 5ACF of the paper. Teacher ,ill play song #1> o $tudents ,ill circle a face<feeling on the feelings sheet .ased on ,hat they feel from the music. Teacher ,ill play song #'> o $tudents ,ill circle a face<feeling on the feelings sheet .ased on ,hat they feel from the music. Teacher ,ill play song #(> o $tudents ,ill circle a face<feeling on the feelings sheet .ased on ,hat they feel from the music. $tudents ,ill read math o.-ecti/e> Eo.-ecti/e songE " can ma+e a tally graph) ans,er 1uestions a.out ho, many in each category) and ho, many more or less are in one category than in another. Teacher ,ill pass out graphing sheet %see attached graphing sheet& and students ,ill ,rite their names. Teacher A63 students ,ill record student responses in tally graph sheets. or the results of the song that had the most di/ersity) teacher ,ill ha/e students group themsel/es .ased on their responses. Teacher ,ill as+> =o, many students chose BBBBBBBBC o $tudents ,ill record ans,er .ased on counting the of people standing in the gi/en group on graphing sheet. Teacher ,ill as+> =o, many M?RE students chose BBBBBBB than BBBBBBC o $tudents ,ill record ans,er .ased on counting the of people standing in the gi/en group on graphing sheet.

Teacher ,ill as+> =o, many AE$$ students chose BBBBBBB than BBBBBBC o $tudents ,ill record ans,er .ased on counting the of people standing in the gi/en group on graphing sheet. Teacher ,ill collect graphing sheets.

AFTER% $tudents ,ill sit on the carpet. Teacher ,ill as+ 1uestions %students ,ill raise hand to ans,er 1uestions&> o Dhat does more meanC o Dhat does less meanC o Dhy did BBBBBBBBBsong ma+e you feel BBBBBBBBBC o Dhat +ind of music ma+es you feel BBBBBBBBBBC o 3id you all pic+ the same feelings for the songsC $tudents $=?8A3 ans,er no o Dhy do you thin+ that isC o Dhat is an opinionC o Dhat do ,e do if someone has a different opinion than usC %Turn and tal+ ,ith your partner) then share ,ith ,hole class&. An3 other reso)r,es nee'e' 4or0sheets5 'ata ta*les5 ,opies from tea,her so)r,es5 et,#% Graphing ,or+sheet 9'2 copies Music feeling ,or+sheet 9'2 copies

Name: _________________________________ Song 1: _________________________________ This song ma!es me feel% &'(E)#E *+,*(E -$E./




Song 1: _________________________________ This song ma!es me feel% &'(E)#E *+,*(E -$E./




Song 1: _________________________________ This song ma!es me feel% &'(E)#E *+,*(E -$E./




Name:_____________________________ Graphing Worksheet Emotio Tally Marks n Happy Tired Sad How many students hose ! Numbe r

____________ Students How many "ewer students hose___________than _________!

____________ Students How many less students hose___________than _________!

____________ Students

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