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Sara A Molle Mott Elementary Robins/First Grade 2:25-3:00pm September 26, 20 3 So!ial St"dies # $ispani!

$erita%e/&earn t'e parts o( t'e (a!e in Spanis' )deri*ed (rom Robinson+s s"%%estions, 1. Standards --. ./M.0.1 2resent in(ormation (rom a%e- and le*el-appropriate, !"lt"rally a"t'enti! materials orally or in 3ritin%. 2. Objectives S45A6 re!ite and re!all t'e parts o( t'e (a!e in Spanis'. 3. Materials -paper plates/oa7 ta% -old ma%a8ines/!atalo%s 3it' pi!t"res o( people -sa(ety s!issors -%l"e -!rayons -!'al7 board -list o( parts o( t'e (a!e in Spanis' -9:os # eyes -/ari8 # nose -5o!a # mo"t' -9re:a # ear -2elo # 'air )!an be introd"!ed i( st"dents seem ready, -;ientes # teet' )!an be introd"!ed i( st"dents seem ready, 4. Procedure Introduction . 6'e topi! o( $ispani! $erita%e Mont' 'as been introd"!ed to t'e st"dents ea!' day so t'ey 3ill be (amiliar 3it' 3'y t'ey 3ill be 3or7in% on learnin% t'e parts o( t'e (a!e in Spanis'. 2. 4'at 3e 'a*e dis!"ssed abo"t $ispani! $erita%e Mont' 3ill be re*ie3ed and so 3ill its p"rpose. 3. St"dents 3ill be %at'ered at t'eir seats 3it' not'in% on t'eir des7s. 1. 6ea!'er 3ill sele!t st"dents to re!all 3'at t'e parts o( t'e (a!e are in En%lis'. Body 5. 6ea!'er 3ill t'en as7 st"dents i( t'ey 7no3 'o3 to say any o( t'e parts o( t'e (a!e in Spanis'. <( t'ey do not 7no3 tea!'er 3ill model %est"res to %o alon% 3it' t'e parts. 6. Gest"res:

9:os # blin7 eyes 3idely /ari8 # tap t'e tip o( t'e nose 3it' (in%er 5o!a # open and !lose mo"t' 9re:a # !"p 'and be'ind ear -. A(ter introd"!in% t'e parts o( t'e (a!e t'e st"dents 3ill be instr"!ted to (ind pi!t"res o( t'e parts o( t'e (a!e. 2 eyes, a nose, a mo"t', and 2 ears. =. 6'e st"dents 3ill !are("lly !"t o"t t'ese items and pla!e t'em in t'e !orre!t spot on t'eir paper 5EF9RE %l"in%. >. 6ea!'ers 3ill !'e!7 st"dents+ papers and t'en st"dents may %l"e. Closing . Sele!t st"dents to s'are t'eir (a!e 3it' t'e !lass and re!ite t'e parts o( t'e (a!e in Spanis'. 2. As an e?it slip to dismissal !all on ea!' table to re!all and per(orm t'e part o( t'e (a!e in Spanis'. 5. Assessment St"dents 3ill be assessed on t'eir re!all o( t'e parts o( t'e (a!e in Spanis' )eyes, nose, mo"t' and ears, alon% 3it' t'e %est"res t'at a!!ompany t'em. St"dents 3ill also be assessed on t'e pla!ement o( t'e parts o( t'e (a!e on t'eir paper.

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