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March / April 2014

The Community That Love Is Building

Never doubt the potential for overnight success. Change, healing and transformation can happen in an instant when we allow Spirit to fully have Its life in us. Consider though, that what feels like immediate results is most likely the final release of some long held troublesome belief. Rev. Shawn Kindorf, Now the new thing pops in Senior Minister and it seems miraculous. How wonderful! I see it as analogous to a gold chain that has many knots in it. Each prayer, meditation, affirmation and class helps to untie those knots. Sometimes we may not even notice that we have already untied some of them. We need to notice. Then at some point there comes a realization that there is only 1 or 2 knots left, which when untied, releases the whole issue, hence, overnight success. I can tell you that this has been my experience many times. Prayer works! We must be willing to believe, to stick with a desired idea, to celebrate the baby steps toward our

ear Beloveds,

goal, and most importantly pay attention. When we pay attention to what were thinking and how were feeling it gives us clues. With these clues we now know what the next prayer or affirmation needs to be. You see, we are using a Spiritual Law that always corresponds to our intentions. We must first have an intention, do our prayer work about it, notice what shows up, and repeat, over and over again. My theme for March is LAW. I will be speaking all month on how we consciously co-create with Spiritual Law and how powerful we truly are to shift our lives to move us into alignment with the life we say we want. In April my theme will be TRANSFORMATION and I have some amazing pictures & videos (thanks to Patty Dailey) to go along with my talks that I am very excited about. Lastly, I just want to remind you how important it is to be part of a community that loves, supports, prays, grows, and has fun together. We are that community! Together we are awesome.

Love and Blessings, Rev. Shawn

Holmes Quote: S.O.M. Pg. 271.4 The way to work is to begin right where we are and, through constantly applying ourselves to the Truth, we gradually increase in wisdom and understanding, for in this way alone will good results be obtained. If day by day, we have a greater understanding and a clearer concept, if daily we are realizing more of Truth and applying It in our actions, then we are on the right path and eventually we shall be made free.

Thursday March 27 7:00 pm

Practitioners Corner

by Carol Barber

This month I am quoting from this Thing Called You by E. Holmes. A prayer that says it all: There is one Power, one Presence and one Life. The living Spirit is right where I am, within, around and through me. I am in Spirit Spirit is in me. Spirit knows in me. Spirit sees through me, thinks in my mind, and acts through my act. This well-spring of Life, flowing up through me, knows no obstruction, no congestion, no imperfection. There is a pattern of perfection at the center of my being, a divine and heavenly pattern of wholeness. Every organ, action and function of my being is spiritual. The Spirit is perfect in every part of my being. I live in peace, in joy and in perfect life. So writes Ernest Holmes and I say wow and so it is.

Harmony Center is an inclusive spiritual community. We transform our own lives as we love, play and grow together. Through the recognition of the oneness of all life, we consciously activate the Global Heart.

CORE Council
Susie Davies Pat Richardson Lamont Hyde Mary Sampson Mary Morris Janet Syberg Laura Ruchhoft President New on Board New on Board Secretary

Practitioner Support
Our Practitioners work on an individual fee basis and invite you to call on them for private consultation and affirmative prayer.

Becky Moore Bill Carlson Carol Barber Janet Syberg Sherry Uzel

(562) 508-1313 Leave of Absence (562) 692-8460 (562) 864-9779 (562) 947-3633

Treatment for March - April 2014

I close my eyes and tune in to the Source within and around me. I feel and know this Source as Love, Intelligence, Wholeness and Perfection. There is only One. This One creates out of Itself to become every one and every thing. There is no place or time where the Source abandons Its own nature and Its nature is to Love, to give freely. I am created from this Source and am endowed with all the qualities of the One. Therefore, I am love, intelligence, wholeness and perfection. I am always Divinely Loved. Whatever I know to be true of me is true of every one and every thing. I speak my word claiming that good is at hand for all of us now. We all possess the ability to live our perfect lives as individual creations of the One. I know that as we open our hearts and minds to believe something greater than ever before, that the Source delights in becoming this greater expression in our lives. All is by Divine Design and we get to co-create with this Divinity. I am grateful for these Truths and I allow myself to remember this gratitude right here and at all times. I release this prayer into the Spiritual Law which can only say yes. I let go and let Source. And so it is!

Uniquely . . .
Submitted by Laura Ruchhoft

Rosemary Abrahamson
experience for anything. It was so educational and mind expanding. My hobbies have been sewing, golf, tole painting, scrapbooking, and Bridge. I was a sewing consultant for Hinshaws Department Store for four years. My husband and I played golf together, until his death in 1993. Two years ago I started playing Bridge again, after 25 years. I play about three times a week. I came to Harmony Center in 2008. I had been in a very traditional church most of my life and found myself thinking about everything except what was being said each Sunday. My daughter took me to her CRS in Redondo Beach. I couldnt believe what a wonderful experience that was. I found Harmony Center in the phone book and called to find out about services. Rev. Shawn answered the phone and welcomed me. The first person I met was Pat Sanchez. She took me under her wing and made me feel at home, instantly. I have made wonderful friends here and have been active on the Craft team for four years. I usher and help with food on the first Sunday of each month. Harmony Center is truly my home. I have just finished our four week abundance home group meetings. This was a great experience in getting to know people, education, and spiritual development. I would highly recommend this program. I look forward to continuing to grow spiritually at Harmony Center.

I was born in Anderson, Indiana, an only child. I lived there until I was fourteen. My father worked for General Motors and in his spare time he bought old houses and fixed them up and resold them to supplement our income. I moved thirteen times in the fourteen years I lived there. I went to every school once and a few, two and three times. I never had to make new friends because I had been there before. My parents brought me, kicking and screaming, to California when I was a sophomore in high school. Leaving all my friends and family was a trauma I didnt think I could ever survive, but surprisingly, I did. I graduated from Hoover High School, in Glendale. I met my husband, Harvey, two years later and was married. We moved to Corvallis, Oregon, where Harvey got his degree in education. I took extension classes while Harv was getting his degree. I received a PHT (pushed husband through) degree. This was given to all the working wives when their husbands received their degrees. After our only child and my best friend, Cheryl, was born, we moved to Whittier. Harv got his first teaching job in Norwalk where he taught Industrial Arts. We rented a small house in Whittier, near the Quad, for ten months and then bought a house in East Whittier, where I still reside. After teaching for four years, Harv went to work for Fluor Corp. where he worked for 30 years. During those years Fluor moved us around the world. We lived in England, Iran, Abu Dubai, South Africa, and Canada. We traveled extensively, while living abroad. I wouldnt trade that

Principles of Successful Living

Certificated Class (pre-requisite, Foundations) Sign-up sheet on cube Class Begins April 4th 7:00 9:30pm runs 10 weeks, $190, Facilitated by Rev. Shawn
This course is designed to give the student a greater understanding of their place in the Spiritual System, and the part that consciousness plays in demonstrating greater good. On a very practical basis, this course offers the tools for achieving concrete demonstrations for good. Emphasis is given to the use of the Law of Mental Equivalents, Spiritual Mind Treatment, and the qualities of living a spiritual life

What a fantastic fun spiritual experience! January was Abundance Month. Did you get in on the extra fun of home study groups? Thanks so much to each of the members who opened their homes to small groups for the four-week meetings where we explored our abundance consciousness and the message theme Fear to Faith. With the help of Practitioners and the PITS (Practitioners In Training), participants had time to exchange ideas and delve deeper into the meaning of the Sunday messages. And in this relaxed, communal setting we got to know each other better and made new friends. Dont miss out on a future opportunity to share in one of these home study groups.

Come join us at Harmony Center for a magical evening with Anton and Laura presenting their transformational healing & meditation music, Celtic song, and participatory chant. Anton and Laura bring world instruments, myths, and stories. Enjoy keyboards, tablas drums, Tibetan bowls, pennywhistle, harmonica, and of course their exquisite vocals. Love offering at door.

March 2014
Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



This Month 4
10:00 AM Shared Horizons

Time Changes St. Patricks Day Spring Begins Concert - Anton & Laura

Change Clocks Spring Forward

9:30 am Meditation 10 am Celebration Service

9 Daylight Saving Time 10



10:00 AM Shared Horizons



9:30 am Meditation 10 am Celebration Service





7 pm Mid-Week Gathering



9:30 am Meditation 10 am Celebration Service

St. Patricks Day






10:00 AM Shared Horizons

7:00 pm Concert Anton & Laura


9:30 am Meditation 10 am Celebration Service



9:30 am Meditation 10 am Celebration Service

7 Maria Walker 20 Afton

25 Eileen Falvey 29 Krista Santanna 29 Peggy Smyth-Casey

April 2014
Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



10:00 AM Shared Horizons 7:00 pm Class Successful Living April Fools Day

10:00 AM Shared Horizons


7:00 pm Class Successful Living


9:30 am Meditation 10 am Celebration Service








9:30 am Meditation 10 am Celebration Service 7 pm Mid-Week Gathering

7:00 pm Class Successful Living

Income Tax Due





10:00 AM Shared Horizons

7:00 pm Class Successful Living


9:30 am Meditation 10 am Celebration Service


Earth Day





9:30 am Meditation 10 am Celebration Service

April Birthdays 2 Elizabeth Viebey

8 Mary Sampson 13 Sue Kleinhans 25 Richard Rosenberg

If you would like an uplifting message, dial

(562) 698-0341, 4 # Each week there is a new message for our inspiration.

Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 AM - 4 PM The Office phone number is (562) 698-0341

Rev. Shawn also available by appointment!

9:30 AM 10:00 AM

Healing Treatment Service Celebration Service

Available . . .
for wedding receptions, birthday parties, quincieras, graduation parties, business meetings and more.
Leave a message for Becky at the church office to set up an appointment.

Rev. Shawn Kindorf- Minister

You are invited to join us in Harmony Hall for refreshments and social time after the Celebration Service.

Harmony Center for Spiritual Living

12907 E. Bailey St. Whittier, CA 90601 Address Service Requested
Please deliver promptly with love and blessings to

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