Curriculum Vitae Del Dr. Hussain Rabia

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Rabia wrote his definitive textbook "Fundamentals of Casing Design", over 20 years ago, where he presented the well design method in a structured way. He also showed for the first time how kick tolerance and kick profiles can be used to design wells using a variety of well conditions. Dr. Rabia has since developed and extended most of the ideas presented in the book into a concise and coherent methodology for well design using the latest available technology and many ideas from unpublished work carried out under his supervision. In his courses, Dr. Rabia uses actual well design examples from wells he planned and drilled over the last 23 years. He is still involved in developing and updating a number of topics including API casing strengths, kick tolerance and kick profiles, collapse design, shock loading and triaxial methodology. With his strong background in Rock Mechanics, he combines this expertise into good effect in showing where best to choose casing seats whilst maintaining either minimum kick tolerance or company policy on kick tolerance. Indeed, a large number of consultants and some of our competitors still use the original textbook which has of course been updated several times over but the updates have not been published. You can only find out the most updated method of well design by attending our casing design course. No other competitor can match our expertise in this area. A quick glance at the contents of our course and our competitors will clearly show how superior our course is and the depth at which we go into in order to explain the well design process. Dr. Hussain Rabia is managing director of Entrac Pertroleum Ltd., a company specializing in providing consulting and training set-vices for the Iraqi and international oil industry. The company provides specific advice on opportunities in Iraq, including technical studies, field development and in-country assistance. The author has over 27 years of experience, mainly with large international oil companies, including BC and ADGO. Dr, Rabia has worked on many large reservoirs and on HPHT reservoirs, He has written three books and several technical papers.

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