January 30 20141

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8inde 9e(s

January 30, 2014

Skip Counting (5s, 10s, 2s) Coin Identification Coin Values Solving Basic Addition and Subt action ! oble"s using nu"be lines, counting on, calculato s and "anipulatives#

Practice at Home...

!lease send in &ou donations fo t'e food and diape d ive b& to"o o(%
)eb ua & 2nd* + ound'og ,a& )eb ua & -t'* 100t' ,a& of Sc'ool )eb ua & .t'*Auction )eb ua & 12t'* !ictu es )eb ua & 1/t'* Valentine0s ,a& !a t&

Co"ing $p%

Please Read with your Child EVERY night!

These are the High Frequency Words your child should know by sight
a, am, for, have, he, I, is, like, little, look, me, my, see, she, the, to, we, with, they, of, you, are, that, do
Words coming up one, two, three, four, five

100th Day of school! Please send in a 1-gallon size Ziploc bag filled with 100 items. We will be doing vario s learning activities so yo r child will want to have his!hers!

!lease continue to p actice t'e" at 'o"e%

"his Wee# in $indergarten%

1 23plo ing c'anges in "atte # 1,iscussed (o ds (it' 4o0 spelled oo# 1Sto & ele"ent5 6ain Idea# 1Addition and Subt action ! actice# 17 iting co"plete sentences# 17 iting a pe sonal na ative, pa ticula l& sto ies about adventu e#
As Valentine0s ,a& is app oac'ing (e a e encou aging t'e students to ( ite Valentine0s ,a& notes to one anot'e # Students (ill need to b ing a Valentine fo eac' of t'ei class"ates#

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