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Terra E.

1796 East Creek Road Sandy, Ut 84093 801-792-1628, terra_baker14@hot a!"#$o , htt%&''terrabakerse%ort(o"!o#)eeb"y#$o ' EDUCATION B.S., Human Development Family Studie emp!a i Early C!ild!ood Edu"ation University of Utah ,o% 10- .o( h!/h s$hoo" $"ass0 s$ho"arsh!% *e ber o( 1"%ha 2h! 1dd!t!ona" $o3rse)ork !n b!o"o/y, $he !stry, and h3 an anato y# CE#TIFICATION Utah Elementary Teaching License

*ay 2014 Sa"t +ake C!ty, Utah

*ay 2014

TEACHIN$ E%&E#IENCE $ran'er Elementary S"!ool, $ranite S"!ool Di tri"t 13/# 2013-%resent Student Teacher 4est 5a""ey, Utah ,ea$h 1st-/rade $"ass o( 22 ethn!$a""y d!6erse $h!"dren, d!((erent!ate !nstr3$t!on (or st3dents )!th 1787, a3t!s , and s%ee$h ! %ed! ent at ,!t"e 9 s$hoo" !n $entra" $!ty 1ssessed "!tera$y 3s!n/ 79:E+S and r3nn!n/ re$ords Created a ser6!$e-"earn!n/ %ro;e$t )!th a 3rd /rade and k!nder/arten $"ass# ,a3/ht $h!"dren to be ad6o$ates (or read!n/# Co %"eted ter re%ort $ards, assess ents, $o ents, and SE2<s# 7e6e"o%ed and ! %"e ented $"assroo ana/e ent %"ans that (o$3sed on %ro$ed3res and beha6!ors !n the $"assroo # ,ra!ned !n 3s!n/ =o *ath and 9 a/!ne 9t# 2ra$t!$ed !nte/rat!on thro3/h a"" s3b;e$ts !n the $3rr!$3"3 # S3$$ess(3""y )orked as a tea %"ayer and $o""aborated )!th %arents on a da!"y bas!s# ,ra!ned !n Ear"y Ste%s and 8!/her Ste%s# ,a3/ht ear"y ste%s to a se$ond /rade boy# ,a3/ht ne>t ste%s to a se6enth /rade boy# C!ild and Family Center Univer ity o( Uta! ?an-*ay 2013 Kindergarten Teacher Intern S+C, Utah 8e"%ed tea$h a @!nder/arten $"ass o( 20 st3dents# Created a 3n!t on %"ants and %"anned a (!e"dtr!% to Red :3tte =ardens# S!riner Ho pital ?3"y 2010- ?an 2011 Volunteer Teacher S+C, Utah 5o"3nteered !n the s$hoo" at the hos%!ta"# ,a3/ht a"" s3b;e$ts and he"%ed $at$h 3% $h!"dren to )here the!r $"ass )as# ,hese $h!"dren )ere %hys!$a""y d!sab"ed .so e )!th ha"o<s0 and had a 3$h harder t! e )ork!n/ !n s$hoo"# Head Start Aeb- 1%r!" 2012 Volunteer Teaching Assistant (5 hours/ ee!" *3rray, Utah 5o"3nteered !n a %res$hoo" and k!nder/arten $"assroo )!th "o) !n$o e and ethn!$a""y d!6erse st3dents# 4orked )!th the st3dents !n$"3d!n/ E++<s d3r!n/ $enters, )ho"e /ro3% and s a"" /ro3% a$t!6!t!es# S)I**S 8!/h s$hoo" dra a tea , =2S, S*1R, :oard# 2re6!o3s"y "!$ensed !n E*,, CB1, C2R, and A!rst 1!d# 9 ha6e a"so been a nanny (or the "ast s!> years#

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