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Moped/Scooter Saddle Bags

by thelandofthedave (/member/thelandofthedave/) (/id/MopedScooter-Saddle-Bags/) 5 Steps

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thelandofthedave (/member /thelandofthedave/)

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So i wanted to add saddle bags to my 150cc scooter. I looked around online at various sources but the prices turned me off. Afterall all most of them appeared to be similar to messenger bags sewn together and then laid over the bike with the seat holding the straps in place. I decided at that point i could make a set myself by finding two messenger type bags and sewing them together.

This will be a fairly short instructable as there is not much to it. Items you will need are: Messenger type bags (found mine at a army/navy surplus store) Sewing machine (or sew by hand) Cardboard (optional depending on bag style and prefrence)



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Step 1: Bags



I got my bags at a local army navy surplus store. This particular store had a huge selection of bags. It took me a while to decide on a set. The ones i went with were $14.00 dollars each plus they were on sale at 40% off. So i spent about $20.00 on this project all together. Really you can use any bags you want as long as they will realistically fit your bike and your needs.

Step 2: Measure


I for whatever reason did not get any photos of this step. But its easy to describe what i did. My bags had canvas straps on them. I had to cut the straps off of one bag and then sew the strap from the other bag to this bag. To know where to attach them i had to measure on the bike and mark the strap. The strap should be sewn to the same spot that you removed the previous strap from. To measure i lifted my seat up and had my wife help me hold the two bags against the bike in the location i wanted them to hang when completed. I then used chalk to mark on the strap where i needed to sew it to the other bag. Now we can go and sew.

Step 3: Sewing



Now we sew. If you have a machine this part will be pretty easy. If not you will be sewing by hand. I find thick material like this is no fun to sew by hand. I have not used a sewing machine in many many many years. My wife helped me out here as i did not want my first attempt at sewing in a few decades to destroy her machine. Sew the straps using the chalk lines you created in the last step to the bag that you removed the straps from. When done you should have your bags pretty much done. As seen in the photo for the measure step. Next i reinforced the bags so they would retain their shape vs just flapping in the wind. Of course this is optional and on some bags would make no sense at all. So on to the next step.

Step 4: Reinforcements



So for the reinforcements i used cardboard left over from a package i was about to send out to recycle. The reinforcements are optional and on some bags wont be needed. On my bags they keep the bags square like vs. just flapping in the wind. I started by cutting a piece to fit the bottom of each bag and then a piece for the two sides front and back. I did not bother with the front and rear faces as the sides do a good job of keeping the shape. After this i coated them with masking tape just to help stiffen the cardboard up. You can of course use other material than cardboard but the concept is the same. After doing this i used industrial velcro to attach the cardboard to the inside of the bags to keep the cardboard in place. Really all you need to do now is put the bags on the scooter.

Step 5: Put the Bags on and Ride



Ok so your pretty much done. Now you put them on and ride. I did use Velcro to attach the bags to the bike to keep them down while they are empty and im riding. Lift your seat up lay the straps down and make sure you are clearing any exhaust or other items that get hot and put your seat down and you now have some pretty wicked and super cheap saddlebags on your scooter.

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drobinson25 (/member/drobinson25/)
(/member bottom /drobinson25/)

8 months ago


Wow this is great I used a couple if waterproof bags and sewed little loops in the of both of them to attach a bun-jee cord underneath the bike for stability and it works great, thanks for the idea!

etlerd (/member/etlerd/)

2 years ago


(/member /etlerd/)

I was thinking about just this setup for my scooter! I thought Id use corrugated plastic for the interior reinforcement, and somehow bungie the bottom of each bag to the frame so they dont flop around.

thelandofthedave (/member/thelandofthedave/) (author) etlerd Reply (CX2P7NJGONGHT0F) 2 years ago

(/member much better /thelandofthedave/)

Corrugated plastic i think would be than cardboard. At some point i might change the cardboard out for something more

water proof anyway

Mr.Jowee (/member/Mr.Jowee/)

Im curious as to how these are (/member holding up after a year. Im guessing /Mr.Jowee/) they are the same material as all of the similar bags sold in ARmy/Navy surplus stores, so unless they are susceptible to UV rays or your scooter is constantly wet Id think they held up nicely. Reason Im asking is I had the same idea. :P

thelandofthedave 1 year ago


thelandofthedave (/member/thelandofthedave/) (author) Mr.Jowee Reply (C5TM67MH0E0MSY1) 1 year ago

(/member do only /thelandofthedave/)

So far they are holding up well. But I put them on the scooter when I need them. So they do not get used everyday. Yes they are the same material used in most if not all surplus store bags.

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