Toshiba Rough Draft

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1. Cycle time=114 seconds= 1 hr per 31.58 notebook computers WIP on the assembly line=31.

58 notebook computers/hr Direct labor content per notebook computer-1119.33-(208/3)=1050.33seconds=.29 hrs Line capacity for a 7.5 hour shift=236.85 notebook computers/7.5 hours Direct labor idle time per notebook computer assembled=71 seconds Manufacturing lead time for a notebook=1119.33 seconds= .31 hrs 2. CapacityQualityEfficiencyFlexibility3. The experienced workers on the assembly line should be positioned at the bottleneck (Station 2) because it is the activity that takes the most time. Anytime lost on Station 2 will affect the assembly line as a whole negatively. The part-time and temporary workers should be place on the non-bottleneck stations because even if they slow down the stations they are positioned at, it will not affect the assembly line as a whole. 4. The Ome Works assembly line should work hard to speed up Station 2 and increase its capacity because the assembly line as a whole will be able to produce more.

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