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Document Overview

Use this procedure to create an entry sheet.
Perform this procedure when you have an invoice for a service
You need security access to transaction code ML81N.
HeIpfuI Hints
The following table will appear throughout all training documents. The left column designates the Field
Name into which data is entered. The middle column indicates that the field is one of the following: (R)
Required a value must be entered in this field; (O) OptionaI a value may or may not be entered in
this field; or (C) ConditionaI a value must be entered in this field if certain other field(s) have a value
entered that has a relationship to this field(s). The right column gives a brief description or definition of
the Field Name in the first column.
FieId Name R/O/C Description
Field Name on Screen R - Required
O - Optional
C - Conditional
Brief description of the Field
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1. Start the procedure, by using transaction code ML81N.
SAP Easy Access
2. As required, complete/review the following fields:
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FieId R/O/C Description
KEYCODE R Transaction code
3. After entering the transaction code, click on this button . This dialog box below appears
prompting you to enter in the P.O.#. f the purchase order has more than one operation line, you will
need to select it, by using the field to the right of the purchase order number. Note if you do not
select the operation line, SAP automatically defaults to operation number 10.
SeIect Purchase Order/Entry Sheet
4. As required, complete/review the following fields:
FieId R/O/C Description
R Enter in the purchase order number.
R Enter in the operation line, if there is more than one operation line on the
purchase order.
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5. Click on this button . The screen below appears.
Service Entry Against Purchase Order 4500594553 00010
6. Next click on this button . Notice the short text field is now yellow, indicating you can now start
entering text in this field.
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1000122496 Create Entry Sheet
7. As required, complete/review the following fields:
FieId R/O/C Description
Short Text R Start by filling in the short text with the invoice number and the date of
the invoice.
nv.#410067755 dtd 3/12/10
8. Next on the click "Basic Data" tab control .
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1000122496 Create Entry Sheet
9. As required, complete/review the following fields:
FieId R/O/C Description
R n this field, you can enter the order number or other reference number
listed on the invoice. if applicable.
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FieId R/O/C Description
Service Loc. R Enter in the location, where the work or service was performed.
Boone HS
Period R Enter in the time period the work was suppose to start, or if a monthly
inspection, list the month the inspection covers, or starting period of the
10. Next click on the - text box .
11. As required, complete/review the following fields:
FieId R/O/C Description
- Period R Enter in the time period, the work was complete, or if a monthly
inspection, list the date in the month, the inspection covers through.
PRsp. ntern. R Enter in the person who is overseeing the work or who signed off ,as the
work being complete.
PRsp. Extern. R Enter in the name of the technicain, if listed on the invoice or the contact
person at the vendor, responsible for this work.
12. Next, click on the "Accept. Data" tab control .
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1000122496 Create Entry Sheet
13. As required, complete/review the following fields:
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FieId R/O/C Description
Reference R This field is only for entering the invoice number. Please keep in mind,
you must enter the characters listed exactly, as seen on the paper
invoice. f you don't enter them correctly, this will prevent Accounts
Payable from paying this invoice. **Also note, if you use this field, make
sure to let the person performing the 02 release, know that you are using
this field. The reason for this is, if the person doing the release, performs
a collective release (Transaction code ML85) the characters listed in the
reference field of the lowest entry sheet number, will over write the
reference fields of all other entry sheets, release at that same time.
Doc. Text R This field can be used to list the serial number of equipment that is
repaired (required if for custodial equipment) Also list the work order
number if applicable in this field.
Ser.# Pacific20 WO# 18412
14. Next, click on the "Long Txt" tab control .
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1000122496 Create Entry Sheet
15. As required, complete/review the following fields:
FieId R/O/C Description
R Use the field to document payment authorization or any other vital
information. You can simply copy and paste an email, authorizing
payment release. This is a free text and with no limits on how much text
you want to input.
per the email received form Diane Muchetti, this work is complete and
approved for payment release
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16. Click on the "Service No". / 10 text box . f you know the number of the service
master, you can simply enter it in this field.
17. f you do not know the number for the service master, click on the "Service Sel". button
. The dialog box below appears.
Service SeIection
18. f the dialog box, has the purchase order selection chosen, you will need to change it, to the MSS
radio button . by clicking on this selection (MSS stands for model
service specifications)
19. As required, complete/review the following fields:
FieId R/O/C Description
MSS R n the field for MSS, type the word SERVCES in all capital letters.
20. Next click on this button . the screen below appears with the SAP catalog with all the service
masters loaded. Look for the folder with the name of the service you are releasing for
payment.Once you find the correct folder you need, click on it. The preloaded list of service
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masters will appear on the screen.You can simply click on the ones you need, or go to the header
entitled "EDT"and from the dropdown menu, chose the word "select all" and this will capture all
the service masters listed in this folder. You can then deselect any you do not need, by clicking on
SeIect Services as Reference
21. Look under label entitled "Service Specs Outline" to find the
folder for the services you need.
22. Click on the folder you need (example only folder #14M CUSTODAL EQUPMENT REPAR
. Now, your screen should have a list of all the services
in that folder.
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23. Click on all the services lines you need. Example only>
24. Next needed item
25. Next needed item
26. Last needed item
Once you have selected all the services you need, click on Services button . This is
the copy & paste feature of SAP.
f the service you selected, does not have a set price associated with it, the dialog box below will
appear, prompting you to enter in the price of the service or item. This dialog box will continue to
appear, if you selected more than one type of services, that does not have a set price associated
with it.
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Maintain Service DetaiIs
28. As required, complete/review the following fields:
FieId R/O/C Description
Price R Type in the price of the item, as seen on the invoice.
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29. When done, click on this button . the screen below appears.
1000122496 Create Entry Sheet
30. Now click on the "Vals" tab control . This shows how much SAP calculates the total of all
the services you selected. This amount needs to be exactly the same amount, as the invoice. f
not, you need to check the amounts you entered.
31. As required, complete/review the following fields:
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FieId R/O/C Description
Quantity / 40 R You need to enter in the quantity of each specific part, that was
repaired/replaced. Note, the default quantity is set as 1. So, if more than
one, you will need to change the quantity, as needed.
Ext. Service
Number / 40
Short Text /
R Example where the service master text was amended, to capture the
parts description.
32. Notice, the description, reflects the change you made.
33. As required, complete/review the following fields:
FieId R/O/C Description
Quality of
R Use this field to rate the vendors quality of service you received. The
range is from "0" to "100" percent.
34. Use this field to rate the vendors quality of timeliness in performing the work on schedule.The
range is from"0" to 100" percent. Click on the Service timeliness text box .
35. Next click on this button . The dialog box below appears.Enter in 01 in the release code field.
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Enter ReIease Code
36. As required, complete/review the following fields:
FieId R/O/C Description
Release code R Release code for the entry sheet.
Enter ReIease C
37. Next, click on this button . The screen below returns.
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1000122496 Create Entry Sheet
38. Lastly, click on this button . The dialog box below appears.
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Entry Sheet 1000122496
39. Last step, click Yes button .
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You have have sucessfully created an entry sheet for an unplanned service, using service masters.
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