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School level Lesson Class/Semester Standard Competence %asic Competence &ime Allocation Lesson *ethod Activit# &opic *edia : Senior High School : English Language : XII/1 : 5. A le to thin! scienti"icall# a out the harms o" the internet and gro$ scienti"ic sense o" thin!ing : 5.1 Can sho$ logical and choronological thin!ing during the contri ution o" opinions in group and class discussion : ' ( )5 menit : English scienti"ic learning : +ro lem,solving situation : &he harms internet cause to #oung students : +ro lem,solving sheet- po$erpoint- video

Duration/minute Activities Pre-Activity 5 &eacher introduces the topic to the class $ith po$erpoint and video as the supporting tool ) &eacher divides the students in groups o" "ive &eacher as!s the students to discuss a out the topic and gives direction to students $hat to ans$er during the discussion Whilst-Activity 1. Exploration and discussion: Students discuss in group a out the topic and ans$ers to the pro lems given 5 Syntesizing: Students conclude the discussion Reporting: Students report the discussion result in a "orm o" ans$ers to the /uestion 15 Argumentation: Each group representative presents their discussion result to the class 15 Meaning negotiation: An# group mem er can e(press $hat he agree and disagree "rom the opinions o" other groups and the reason $h#0 and the other group mem er can respond ' 1hen the time is up- teacher can close the class discussion. &eachers give comments such as well done- good job- or very good so that the students "eel motivated Post-Activity 2 &eacher as!s the students to conclude $hat the# have learnt "rom the discussion0 students $rite their report 5 Each students su mit their report in $ritten "orm0 &eacher

closes the class meeting Problem-solving sheet &opic: 1hat harms can internet cause to #oung students3 +ro lems to Ans$er 1. Harms caused # the internet '. Current "acts related to it ). E(perts4 statement a out it 5. 1hat students must do3 And $h#3 5. 1hat adults must do3 And $h#3 6. 1hat government must do3 1h#3 2. 1hat does this research contri ute to #oung students3 7. Conclusion

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