Wolfcry Pack - Warmachine 2014

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Wolfcry 2014 Warmachine Players Pack

Date: Sunday 29th June. Venue: Onehunga RSA, 57 Princes St, Onehunga Format: Cost: $20 $!5 i" you a#so $ish to %#ay the &'(ing e)ent on Saturday* +% to t$o ,7 %oint #ists $ith - %oints o" reser)es, .oth #ists /ust .e "ro/ the sa/e "action. 0ercs10inions /ay use di""erent Pacts1Charters Character restricted. P#ayers cannot inc#ude the sa/e )ersion o" a /ode# $ith 2A:C in .oth #ists* 55 /inute 3eathc#oc4 inc#uding de%#oy/ent* A## /issions $i## .e using the Reser)es and 2#an4 de%#oy/ent Stea/ro##er )ariants. 5ie.rea4s: 6a/es $on 7 CPs 7 8i##%oints P#acings $i## 9O5 .e #oc4ed "or the "ina# round.

Painting: 5his years %ainting co/%etition $i## .e decided on :;est (arcaster1#oc4<. 5his /ode# /ust .e %art o" one o" your #ists. A#though there is no /andatory %ainting re=uire/ent "or this e)ent, it is high#y encouraged. Round chedule: -.>5 a/: O%ening address, Round > dra$ announced -.!0 a/? >0.,0 a/: Round > >0.50 a/ ? >.00 %/: Round 2 >.00 %/ ? >.>5 %/: @unch >.>5 %/ ? !.25 %/: Round ! !.25 %/ ? 5.!5 %/: Round , Pac4 u% and %riAegi)ing.

Registration: 5he %re"erred /ethod o" registrations is )ia e'/ai#. Send through your detai#s to $o#"cry000>Bg/ai#.co/ 5he %re"erred /ethod o" %ay/ent is )ia direct de.it. 3etai#s .e#o$ ;an4 Account C: >2'!>0!'00>!-!D'00 Particu#ars: 2irst na/e E Surna/e Fnitia# e.g. John S* Code: (ar/achine Re"erence: (o#" Cry 20>, F" you re=uire additiona# in"or/ation or $ou#d #i4e to discuss a#ternati)e /ethods o" %ay/ent, %#ease send through an e'/ai# to $o#"cry000>Bg/ai#.co/

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