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● 2 primary types :
(a) Racemous inflorescences
Where the main axis does not terminate in a flower but continues
to grow and give off flowers laterally in acropetal succession, the
lower flowers (outer) are older than the upper (inner)

(b) Cymose inflorescences

Flowers develop in basiopetal succession where the terminal is
the oldest and the lateral ones younger.
Racemous inflorescences

With main axis elongated (a-e), main axis shorten (f-g) and
main axis fattern (h)

Racem : unbranced main axis ending in single flower

Spike : flowers without stalk

Spikelet : with very small spikes with one or few flowers (florest) e.g:

Catkin : spike with long and pendulous axis which bear nisexual flowers

Spadix : spike with fleshy axis which enclosed by one or more large
bright colour bracts=sphates eg:aroid

Corymb : short main axis where the lower flowers with much longer
stalks (pedicels)

Umbel : primary axis tips bear a group of flowers are seen to spread out
from common point, if branched=compound umbel, unbranced=simple

Head or Capitulum : main axis is supressed and flat and the florets aree
also without stalk
Cymose inflorescences

Uniparous: the main axis ends in a flower and
produces only one lateral branch at a time ending in
flower. Two form of uniporous seen: helicoids
(lateral axes develop successively on the same side
and forming a sort of helix) and scorpoid (lateral
branched develop on alternate sides, in zig-zag form).


Multiporous - special types




Female catkin from a variety of black mulberry (Morus
nigra). Mulberry flowers are produced in a catkin, with
male and female catkins on different trees. Male
flowers have four stamens while female flowers
consist of single pistil tightly envelepod by four
inconspicuous sepals. Each carpel or pistil consists of
a forked stigma, a short style and a spherical ovary.
Each ovary (carpel) becomes a drupelet and the
ripened cluster of drupelets (syncarp) is called a
multiple fruit. In the aggregate fruit of a blackberry, all
the drupelets of the cluster come from a single flower.
Seedless, parthenocarpic fruits may be produced
without pollination by male trees.

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