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Fault MVA at 3.3kV Bus at MCC M3SA MVA values Upstream (in Series) Utility MVA Cable 1 MVA Combined Series MVA MVA values in Series downstream Motor 1 MVA Cable 1 MVA Combined Series MVA - Motor 1 Motor 2 MVA Cable 2 MVA Combined Series MVA - Motor 2 Motor 3 MVA Cable 3 MVA Combined Series MVA - Motor 3 Motor 4 MVA Cable 4 MVA Combined Series MVA - Motor 4 Motor 5 MVA Cable 5 MVA Combined Series MVA - Motor 5 MVA values in Parellel Sum of Parellel MVA in the bus (Sum of all motor MVA) Hence, Fault MVA at 3.3kV Bus at MCC M3SB A+B = = 207.827 MVA 36.35926 kA B = 24.75893 MVA = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 3.36 645.2491 3.338348 MVA 4.46 645.2491 4.429889 MVA 4.65 645.2491 4.613148 MVA 4.65 645.2491 4.613148 MVA 7.96 314.7556 7.764399 MVA A = = = 250 683.7841 183.068 MVA

Fault MVA at 415V Bus - A at MCC NEW MCC MVA values in Series Upstream Transformer 1 MVA Combined MVA at Source (3.3kV Swgr) Combined Series MVA - Upstream C = = = 15.00 207.827 13.99025 MVA


MVA values in Series downstream 10HP Motor MVA Cable for 10HP Motor MVA Combined Series MVA - 10HP No. of Motors in Parellel Combined Series MVA for all Motors- 10HP 2HP Motor MVA Cable for 2HP Motor MVA Combined Series MVA - 2HP No. of Motors in Parellel Combined Series MVA for all Motors- 2HP 30HP Motor MVA Cable for 30HP Motor MVA Combined Series MVA - 30HP No. of Motors in Parellel Combined Series MVA for all Motors- 30HP 150HP Motor MVA Cable for 150HP Motor MVA Combined Series MVA - 150HP No. of Motors in Parellel Combined Series MVA for all Motors- 150HP MVA values in Parellel Sum of Parellel MVA in the bus Hence, Fault MVA at 0.415kV New MCC- BUS : A C+D = 15.39726 MVA 21.42014 kA D = 1.407008 MVA = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 0.53 6.502762 0.48714 2 0.97428 MVA 0.11 1.385194 0.097876 4 0.391504 MVA 0.01 1.385194 0.006986 1 0.006986 MVA 0.04 1.385194 0.034238 1 0.034238 MVA

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