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Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie is a novelist and essayist.

Much of his early fiction is set at least partly on the Indian subcontinent. His style is often classified as magical realism, while a dominant theme of his work is the story of the many connections, disruptions and migrations between the Eastern and Western world. His fourth novel, The Satanic Verses, led to protests from Muslims in several countries, some of which were violent. Faced with death threats and a fatwa (religious edict) issued by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, then Supreme Leader of Iran, which called for him to be killed, he spent nearly a decade largely underground, appearing in public only sporadically. In June 2007, he was appointed a Knight Bachelor for "services to literature", which "thrilled and humbled" him. In 2007, he began a fiveyear term as Distinguished Writer in Residence at Emory University.

Salman Rushdie s-a nascut la Bombay (azi Mumbai) in 1947. La virsta de treisprezece ani pleaca in Anglia, unde va studia istoria la prestigiosul Kings College din Cambridge. Dupa absolvire se muta la Karachi, in Pakistan. Are o scurta si nefericita experienta in televiziune, apoi se intoarce in Anglia, unde isi construieste o cariera de scriitor profesionist. Debuteaza in 1975 cu Grimus (Polirom, 2008), dar romanul care l-a impus definitiv este Copiii din miez de noapte (1981; Polirom, 2005, 2007), distins cu Booker Prize in 1981 si The Booker of Bookers in 1993. Au urmat volumele Rusinea (1983; Polirom, 2001, 2008),Versetele satanice (1988; Polirom, 2007), pentru care a fost condamnat la moarte de ayatollahul Khomeini in 1989, Harun si Marea de Povesti (1990; Polirom, 2003, 2008, 2013), Ultimul suspin al Maurului (1995; Polirom, 2002, 2010), Pamintul de sub talpile ei (1999; Polirom, 2003, 2008, 2011), Furie (2001; Polirom, 2012), Shalimar clovnul (2005; Polirom, 2006, 2013),Seducatoarea din Florenta (2008; Polirom, 2009, 2011), Luka si Focul Vietii (2010; Polirom, 2010). Pe linga romanele mentionate, a mai publicat culegerea de povestiri Orient, Occident (1994; Polirom, 2005, 2009), relatarea unei calatorii in Nicaragua, intitulata Surisul jaguarului (1987, 1997; Polirom, 2012), si volumele de publicistica Patrii imaginare (1992; Polirom, 2008) si Dincolo de limite (2002; Polirom, 2006). In toamna anului 2012 publica simultan, in mai multe tari, un volum de memorii din perioada fatwei. Edita romaneasca a aparut la Editura Polirom, cu titlul Joseph Anton: Memorii. In 1999 Franta i-a acordat titlul de Commandeur dans lOrdre des Arts et des Lettres. In 2007 i-a fost decernat titlul de Cavaler al Imperiului Britanic, iar in 2008 a devenit membru in American Academy of Art and Letters.

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