Script - My Dream

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My Dream Written by Saeri and May

The music is going to start and the screen is black and white. Fade in: 1. INT: In the empty room on the cardboard CU - Tae Jun o ens his eyes and looks at the ceiling ! show the sadness and oor. "aura goes out o# the door. Slow aced VOICE (V.O.) iece o# dark blue sky% the only thing abo&e our roo#% Mum made her way out o# the cold hard door. '. EXT: in the field WS ! Tae Jun is going out #rom the room into the #ield. e) ression VOICE (V.O.) The smell o# lonely braches there% they woke me u that corner% They ne&er belonged to me%

$t dawn a

! (el less

and * heard sounds #rom

+. ,-T. *n the #ield ! on the grass Middle U Shot ! May is recei&ing money #rom Tae Jun
VOICE (V.O.) School bells ringing% sister/s making a li&ing% My dreams le#t me wondering%

0. EXT: in the new field !"nny day C# $ay i! !in%in% with lot! of e&pre!!ion! VOICE (V.O.) * know nothing could knock me down1 someday my dream/s not 2ust a dream% Mum and sis could count on me * know nothing could hold me back% Sunshine/s #inally in reach% teach me how to lo&e

3. *4T. School ! W*SS ! technology lab corridor WS ! Tae Jun and Macha are going to &isit school VOICE (V.O.)

There comes the angel her magic touch% brought me to the aradise * dreamt o#%

5romises #illed my heart%

6. *4T . School ! class room CU to WS ! Tae Jun is listening to the teacher 7*gnacio8 CU ! Tae Jun is learning to use com uter and ty ing a letter to his Mom and sister

The wheels o# #ortune s un to my side% My willing arms they o ened wide% ,&ery mo&e * make% e&ery ste * take was great%

9. EXT : in the field !"nny day '( to C# $ay i! !in%in% with the wind comin% VOICE (V.O.)

School bells ringing% sister/s making a li&ing% My dreams le#t me wondering%

:. ,-T. in the #ield ! sunny day WS and CU ! hal# Tae Jun and "aura and hal# may

* know nothing could knock me down1 someday my dream/s not 2ust a dream% Mum and sis could count on me * know nothing could hold me back% Sunshine/s #inally in reach% teach me how to lo&e

;. ,-T and *4T . e&erywhere CU ! Tae Jun is swee ing the #loor ! (is memories going to #lash back

Memories #lashed back and brushed my #ears%

1<. ,-T. in the #ield ! sunny day CU and WS ! Tae Jun and "aura are crying "aura is taking care o# him May is singing

Those days with 2oy and tears * know nothing could knock me down1 someday my dream/s not 2ust a dream%

11. ,-T. in the #ield ! sunny day CU ! May is singing VOICE (V.O.) $ D=,$M

1'. ,-T. in the #ield ! sunny day CU ! May is singing 7*n #ront o# "aura% Tae Jun and Macha8 WS ! "aura% Tae Jun and Macha are standing together VOICE (V.O.) * know nothing could hold me back% Sunshine/s #inally in reach% teach me how to lo&e% to lo&e% to lo&e mmm >ade ?ut. The music is going to #inish and the screen is going to be dark.

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