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Background/Rational/Need: The Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Communication (BA OrCom) academic program offered in the University of the Philippines Manila is a four-year undergraduate degree that offers a wide range of courses. These courses include 9 units of Speech Communication, 6 units of Linguistics, 6 units of Technical and Research Writing, and other specialized subjects on Audio-Visual Communication, Public Relations, Marketing and Management. Such provide its students unique opportunities and skills geared toward various professional fields such as Corporate Communications, Human Resource Development, Public Relations, etc. The OrCom program of UP Manila has been in existence for almost 30 years, being founded by Dr. Angela P. Sarile in 1985. However, it remains unknown relative to other communication fields. The significant difference in the preferences between Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts courses of high school students and their parents also largely contributes to this need of the OrCom community or OrCommunity for more aspiring scholars and practitioners of its discipline. Both claims can be proven through the data gathered from the pre-campaign and post-campaign surveys, which shall be expounded in the following sections. Given these circumstances and needs, the team decided to launch the Panalo Ka Sa OrCom! campaign in two high schools in Quezon City: Judge Juan Luna High School (JJLHS) and Marriott School of Quezon City (MSQC). This initiative aims to provide information regarding UP Manilas Organizational Communication degree program to selected third year students of the aforementioned institutions; and in turn, increase the disciplines scholars and practitioners through encouraging and persuading these students and their parents/guardians into pursuing the program in college.

II. Situation Analysis STRENGTHS The programs holistic approach to organizational dynamics braces its students to become experts in various organizational processes. The program serves as a great training ground for enhancing WEAKNESSES BA OrCom is an unfamiliar course. In fact, 85.54% of the primary stakeholders said that they are unaware of it in the pre-campaign survey. Some students have off-putting

students written and oral communication skills. BA OrCom provides its graduates a variety of career opportunities. OPPORTUNITIES Students consideration of taking the UPCAT helps the campaign to be a success. The stakeholders lack of awareness about OrCom and their indecisiveness in the choice of course are also opportunities for the team in reaching the campaigns goal and objectives. Since the stakeholders are technology-savvy, the team used this fact as an opportunity to promote the degree program through the use of different social media platforms.

perceptions of the program (OrCom is a course for the elites; OrCom is a place for DPWAS students; OrCom is the least preferred course in UP Manila; etc.). THREATS Most students prefer taking BS courses than BA courses. As evident in the pre-campaign survey, only 31.33% consider taking a BA course. Some students do not consider UP as their university of choice. Some students, who will consider studying in UP, do not prefer UP Manila as their campus of choice. Most considered UP Diliman due to proximity. The chances of passing the UPCAT can also be considered as a threat.

III. Key Message OrCom, with its diverse curriculum and competent faculty, provides its students skills for various professional opportunities. Being an OrCom major is an achievement in itself because one is assured of a fulfilling future in his or her chosen career path. Anything is possible because Panalo Ka Sa OrCom!

IV. Stakeholders Primary Stakeholders

Third Year High School Students of Judge Juan Luna High 1 School (III Analysts) & Marriott School of Quezon City (III St. Francis & III St. Therese) Psychographics: 62.65% are planning to take the UPCAT (77.5% JJLHS, 48.84% MSQC) 51.80% cited UP Diliman as their first choice of UP campus (62.5% JJLHS, 41.86% MSQC) Demographics: Population: 83 students (40 JJLHS, 43 MSQC) Sex: 40 Females (24 JJLHS, 16 MSQC), 43 Males (16 JJLHS, 27 MSQC) Age: 13 to 16 years old Location: Predominantly from Quezon City and Metro Manila

10.84% cited UP Manila as their second choice of UP campus (15% JJLHS, 6.98% MSQC) 31.33% are considering a Bachelor of Arts (BA) course in college (40% JJLHS, 23.26% MSQC) 22.89% plan on taking up a communication-heavy course 12.05% are considering Mass Communication, 12.05% are considering Communication Arts 14.46% are aware of the degree program,Organizational Communication (25% JJLHS, 4.65% MSQC) 7.23% know OrCom from a friend/relative (12.5% JJLHS, 2.33% MSQC), 4.82% know OrCom from the internet (7.5% JJLHS, 2.33% MSQC), 3.61% know OrCom from word of mouth (5% JJLHS, 2.33% MSQC) 55.42% are still not fully decided on what course to take in college (37.5% JJLHS, 72.09% MSQC)

Technographics: Technology-savvy

Secondary Stakeholders
Demographics: Population: 25 (23 JJLHS, 2 MSQC) Sex: 23 Females (21 JJLHS, 2 MSQC); 2 Males (2 JJLHS) Age: 37 to 53 years old Employment rate: 44% Location: Predominantly from Quezon City and Metro Manila

Parents of Third Year 2 High School Students (JJLHS, MSQC)

Psychographics: 48% are considering Math and Science-related courses as most suitable areas of study for their children 88% ranked their childs personal choice as the most important factor in determining their childs course 44% ranked the reputation of the university/college as the most important factor in choosing a school for their childrens undergraduate studies 84% are considering to let their children take the UPCAT 84% ranked Diliman and Manila as top 2 choices for UP campus

Technographics: 48% have internet access either at home or at work 83.33% use Facebook, YouTube and Yahoo!;

16.67% use Twitter 50% use the Internet less than 7 hours a day

V.Goals and Objectives CAMPAIGN GOAL: To increase the number of UP Manila Organizational Communication enrollees for A.Y. 2015-2016 Objectives
1) To raise awareness of the stakeholders, both primary and secondary, on UP Manilas OrCom program

Goal Output

Goal Outcome

Distribute diploma-style flyers which provide an overview of UP Manila and BA OrCom

By the end of the campaign, the awareness of the primary stakeholders will increase from 14.46% to 100%;and the awareness of the secondary stakeholders will increase from 12%to 100%.

Create buzz through a social media account (Facebook) Design collaterals (OrCom cards, medals and stickers) and publicity materials (shirts, photos and videos) for the OrCom program Launch a campaign that will cover the basic facts, history, and curriculum of the OrCom degree program Hold an English essaywriting contest with the theme, How does OrCom make you a winner? Design and distribute post3) To persuade the third year campaign surveys to serve HS students of the as a feedback mechanism participating schools to Generate positive feedback consider taking up BA OrCom from at least 60% of the in UP Manila for their stakeholders to be measured undergraduate studies through the post-campaign survey results 2) To inform the target stakeholders, both primary and secondary, of the specifications of the degree program

By the end of the campaign, most of the stakeholders would consider having BA OrCom as one of their preferred degree programs in the UPCAT.

VI. Strategies and Tactics PHASE ONE

1. Create informational documents stating facts about OrCom and expounding what the degree program is about Junior High School Students & Parents/ Guardians Junior High School Students & Parents/ Guardians Junior High School Students & Parents/ Guardians The diploma-style flyer will be given a day prior to the date of the scheduled campaign to prepare them of what they can expect on the date of the campaign itself. Such flyer will include facts about UP Manila and a brief description of OrCom.It will also be given to parents on the day of their own session. The ORCOM (Bingo) cards will be given on the day of the campaign. The document will have blank squares in front where students or parents can write. Pens with the PKSO! Logo will also be distributed. The OrCom brochure will give students and parents an overview of OrCom and will cover various facts regarding the program such as its history, curriculum and offered career opportunities. It will be printed on the back of the ORCOM (Bingo) cards.

Create a diplomastyle flyer

ORCOM (Bingo) Cards + Pens

Create an OrCom brochure

2. Create giveaways that can highlight the campaign name Panalo Ka Sa OrCom! Junior High School Students & Parents/ Guardians Junior High School Students Gold medals, with the campaign name inscribed on the back, will be given to the students and parents to give them a sense of achievement and triumph through simply joining the OrCommunity. Panalo Ka Sa OrCom! stickers will be given, together with the gold medals, to reinforce the campaigns key message. These stickers can be placed on their shirts or school supplies to remind them that being part of the OrCommunity is already a victory.

Gold Medals

Panalo Ka Sa OrCom! Stickers

3. Create a social media account for the promotion of the campaign to students Junior High School Students & Parents/ Guardians

Panalo Ka Sa OrCom! Facebook page

Information and progress of the campaign will be posted on this page. Pictures of the members of the team, the students on the day of the campaign, and the immersion trip will also be posted.

1. Visit Judge Juan Luna High School (JJLHS) and Marriott School of Quezon City (MSQC) to promote the OrCom program Junior High School Students & Parents/ Guardians The Panalo Ka Sa OrCom! team will give students and parents an in-depth look into the OrCom program and will discuss topics such as: (a) UP Manila Life; (b) OrCom Life; (c) A Look into the OrCom Subjects and Faculty; (d) Highlights/Snippets of What OrCom Students Do; (e) Careers after OrCom

Panalo Ka Sa OrCom! Career Talk/Seminar

2. Conduct icebreakers and games to increase the energy and grab the attention of the students and parents A pool of 50 words related to the degree program will be flashed before the ORCOM (Bingo) game. Students or parents would be given liberty to write any word in any of the squares. Just like in Bingo, the game master will give letters and corresponding (random) words as seen on the pool. For instance, Sa letrang R, advertising, Sa letrang M, CAS and so on. This will be continued until a student or parent completes a straight line horizontally, vertically or diagonally. (Prize: Golden Chocolate Coins)

ORCOM (Bingo) Game

Junior High School Students & Parents/ Guardians

3. Set up a photobooth for students/parents to be opened after the campaign Junior High School Students & Parents/ Guardians A photobooth will be set up for students and parents to take pictures at the end of the campaign. The props will be thought/speech bubbles and stars with texts related to OrCom.


4. Hold an essay writing contest to not only have a two-way interaction with the students but to also let them apply what they learned from the Panalo Ka Sa OrCom! campaign Students will be asked to write an English essay with the theme,How does OrCom make you a Winner? The entries will also be a part of the students grade in their respective English classes and will be collected after four days by a member of the team. Two members of the team will screen the essays and will select the top five entries from each school. The chosen essays will then be forwarded to an OrCom professor, Mr. Chadwick Sy Su, from which he will choose the two final winners. The purpose of having an

English Essay Writing Contest

Junior High School Students

OrCom professor check and grade the essays (with the use of the UP grading system: 1.0 being the highest and 5.0 being the lowest) is to let the winners feel that they have the OrCom potential and therefore, have a future in the degree program. The prize of the four winners will be a one-day immersion in the OrCom 105 (Dynamics of Public Relations) class on Saturday, February 22, 2014. All expenses shall be shouldered by the team.

1. Create measuring tools that can assess the effectiveness of the campaign Four surveys will be created for this campaign. The first survey (pre-campaign for students and parents) will ask questions such as: Have you heard of the degree program, Organizational Communication before? The second survey (post-campaign for students and parents) will be distributed after the campaign and will ask the stakeholders if they were encouraged to consider OrCom as a course to take in college.

Create surveys

Junior High School Students & Parents/ Guardians

2. Establish a partnership with the English departments of JJLHS and MSQC to serve as a constant reminder of OrCom as a degree program in UP Manila Partnership with the English department of both schools (English class requirements) Partnership with the English department of both schools (Events related to English) The PKSO! team will show the English teachers the requirements done by OrCom students that can be incorporated in their subject as training for the high school students. For instance, the teachers can require them to do more impromptu speeches, mock research papers, sample proposals, reports, etc. PKSO! will partner with the schools English departments and help them arrange events such as oration and declamation competitions, essay writing contests, debate etc. PKSO! can assist in determining the theme and criteria, and aid in finding judges who are OrCom graduates/professors for the different competitions.

Junior High School Students

Junior High School Students

3. Establish a partnership with the school administration to engage the secondary stakeholders Partnership with the school administration for the quarterly PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) meetings During the quarterly PTA meetings, teachers can show the students outputs in their English class (along with other subjects) to their parents. The teachers can add that such requirements were done in partnership with the PKSO! team to equip the high school students with skills that are integral for OrCom majors.

Parents/ Guardians

4. Continuously update both stakeholders regarding the events of OrCom, and the UPCAT process Junior High School Students & Parents/ Guardians Weekly posts of OrCom facts and trivia, fun videos showing the OrCom life, and achievements of the PKSO! members in various OrCom subjects will be posted on PKSO!s Facebook page. Weekly updates regarding the UPCAT will also be posted starting from March 2014 to August 2015. E-mail and/or SMS updates will be sent to both students and parents regarding the UPCAT. This is to properly guide both stakeholders in submitting necessary UPCAT forms on time, as well as to serve as a reminder of choosing OrCom as a course to consider or take in college. Such scheme will start from April 2014 to June 2015.

Weekly posts on PKSOs Facebook page

E-mail and/or SMS updates regarding the UPCAT

Junior High School Students & Parents/ Guardians

VII. Measures of PR Effectiveness OBJECTIVES

1) To raise awareness of the stakeholders, both primary and secondary, on UP Manilas OrCom program

RESULT: Both primary and secondary stakeholders have background knowledge on UP Manila and its Organizational Communication degree program. MEASURE: Increase of awareness of the program among the primary stakeholders from 14.46% to 100%; and12% to 100% among the secondary stakeholders with data gathered from the precampaign and post-campaign surveys as bases

2) To inform the target stakeholders, both primary and secondary, of the specifications of the degree program

RESULT: Stakeholders are knowledgeable of the OrCom program: its definition, curriculum, faculty and offered career opportunities. MEASURES: Primary stakeholders submit substantial essays centering on the theme How does OrCom make you a Winner?. The essays reflect their insights and takeaways regarding the program from the campaign. At least 60% of both primary and secondary stakeholders respond positively in the post-campaign survey

3) To persuade the third year HS students of the participating schools to consider taking up BA OrCom in UP Manila for their undergraduate studies

RESULTS: Primary stakeholders consider BA OrCom as one of their choices for their course in UP. Secondary stakeholders allow their children to take the UPCAT and write BA OrCom as one of their choices for their course. MEASURES: 60% of the primary stakeholders write BA OrCom as one of their top preferences for a course in the UPCAT application form The primary stakeholders like the Panalo Ka Sa OrCom! Facebook page and share its posts in their social media accounts to disseminate information regarding the OrCom program and UP Manila

VIII. Feedback & Program Adjustment The campaigns present level of success was measured primarily through the analysis of survey results and social media feedback. Pre-campaign and post-campaign survey results showed that the first objective was met, with an increase from 14.46% to 100% in awareness of UP Manilas BA OrCom program among the primary stakeholders. However, the team was not able to distribute post-campaign surveys to the secondary stakeholders due to time constraints. Feedback and participation of the secondary stakeholders shall be gained instead through special projects and activities to be held in the next few months of the campaign. The second objective which is to inform the target stakeholders, both primary and secondary, of the specifications of the degree program was measured through the essay writing competition for the primary stakeholders, and post-campaign surveys for both primary and secondary stakeholders. Results have also been satisfactory for this particular objective. Many of the submitted entries prove to be substantial and insightful with respect to the contests theme, How does OrCom make you a W inner? As a reward, the two winners from JJLHS attended the OrCom 105 class on February 22, 2014. The two winners from MSQC shall only be selected and asked to attend the same class on a later date due to instances of miscommunication. Results from post-campaign surveys and social media engagement of the primary stakeholders are the references for success of the third objective. The first condition of

having at least 60% of the primary stakeholders answer in the post-campaign surveys that BA OrCom in UP Manila will be their first choice in the UPCAT has already been met. In fact, data from the post-campaign surveys showed that almost 70% of the respondents are considering BA OrCom and UP Manila as their first choices of course and campus respectively, in the UPCAT. Many of the primary stakeholders have also expressed their positive feedback through liking the PKSO! teams Facebook page and sharing and commenting on its posts. The general performance and progress of the campaign so far prove that the strategies and tactics employed were effective. In order to assure its overall success, the team included the organization and management of events and activities that are focused on the promotion of OrCom, and sustaining the campaigns visibility for the succeeding months.

IX. Timetable

X. Budget
Medals PKSO! T-shirts Press Kit Papers Tokens for the principals Tarpaulin Immersion Expenses Quantity 100 6 100 --4 1 --Price 13 each 250/person 75/person 26/person 250 x 2 60/person 100/person Total Amount 1,300 1,500 450 156 500 360 500 TOTAL: PHP 4,766


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