RESPONDENT's Claim That:: (Enter Your State Code # For UCC 9-210)

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I/We conditionally accept your offer to followed by the conditional elements, such as Upon proof of claim or Documentation verifying

RESPONDENTs claim that : 1. Jane Doe entered into a contract with you to perform to your demands !. all the terms of the contract were disclosed in the document ". the alle#ed loan account was e$er $alidated or $erified %. an attempt to collect upon a fraudulent debt, sent $ia the &.'. mail, is somethin# other than a $iolation of the mail fraud statutes.

(our 'tate law ) *enter your state code + for &,, -.!1/0 re1uires you to pro$ide me with a full and complete, accurate and not misleadin# accountin# includin#, but not limited to, the initial deposit and all char#e slips with rele$ant entries. 2ailure to accept this ,onditional 3cceptance, by producin# the re1uested records and documentation, respondin# on a point by point basis in 3ffida$it form under your full commercial liability, includin# all related documents that $erify you ha$e authority to enforce an instrument includin#, without limitation, certified copies of documentation showin# you are a bona fide creditor in a collection process, and a certified copy of your re#istered claim, pursuant to 4itle 15, 'ections 1/-1, 1/-5, showin# James 6latt as the debtor and you as the secured party creditor, and the security a#reement supportin# said re#istered claim with the D789s si#natures, and statin# that the facts contained therein are true, correct, complete and not misleadin#, pursuant to :ir#inia 'tatutes, within fourteen *1%0 days;; plus mailin# time, shall constitute your a#reement with the facts stated in the attached 3sse$eration. 4his is a pri$ate presentment to you in your indi$idual capacity and is intended to effect an out.of court settlement of this matter. ,onduct yourself accordin#ly. ;;<ote: If you are re1uestin# an accountin#, you must #i$e them 1% ="=">!/ days. If you are not re1uestin# an accountin#, it is only "="=">- ? howe$er, the code specifies 1% minimum. (ou

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