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Prashant J sh!
Under the guidance of

"Mrs Ar#hana A B r$%&


In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Ma ter in Mar!eting Management"MMM# Through INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ' RESEARCH( CHINCHWAD PUNE( )**+*, A$EDAMI$ YEA% &''()**

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page i

I am reall+ happ+ and e,ited in repre enting thi +ou/ ummer training pro-ect report .efore

I mu t e,pre m+ gratitude toward 0A%1Y STO$0 B%O0IN2 3TD for gi4ing me an opportunit+ to wor! with on thi report/ M+ incere gratitude to Mr A-h!na. Prasa$. "5ead6 northern region67Di tri.ution8 !ar4+# and Dr. Asha Pan#h/an$% "Director6 IBM%6 chinchawad6 9une#6 for pro4iding me with an opportunit+ to wor! with !ar4+ toc! .ro!ing limited/ I am highl+ inde.ted to Mr. Var0n Pan$%16 product head " Di tri.ution#6 0ar4+ Stoc! Bro!ing 3td/ al o m+ compan+ pro-ect guide6 who ha pro4ided me with the nece ar+ information and hi 4alua.le ugge tion and comment on .ringing out thi report in the .e t po i.le wa+/ I al o than! Ma$a2 Ar#hana B r$%6 9ro-ect guide6 IBM%6 chinchwad6 9une who ha incerel+ upported me with the 4alua.le in ight into the completion of thi pro-ect/ I am grateful to Mr. Na.a3 A4ar5a3 ".ranch co)ordinator6 0ar4+6 and all of the of $i4il 3ine .ranch6 who ha4e helped me in the ucce ful completion of thi pro-ect6 pecial mention of Mr/ Anil Agarwal6 Mr/ Dine h6 Mr Mani h 6 Mr/Neera-6 and Mr Mu!e h6 The+ ha4e al o pro4ided me a 4alua.le ugge tion and e,cellence guidance a.out thi training6 which pro4ed 4er+ helpful to me to utili:e m+ theoretical !nowledge in practical field/ 3a t .ut not the lea t m+ heartfelt lo4e for m+ parent 6 who e con tant upport and .le ing helped me throughout thi pro-ect/ I am al o grateful to m+ friend 6 to all !nown and un!nown indi4idual who ha4e gi4en me their con tructi4e ad4i e6 educati4e ugge tion6 encouragement6 co)operation and moti4ation to prepare thi report/

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page ii


I 9ra hant ;o hi6

tudent of MMM "&''()**#

tud+ing at <In titute of Bu ine

Management and %e earch=6 $hinchwad6 9une/ >ormall+ declare that the pro-ect wor! titled "A STUDY ON PREFERENCE AMONG ADVISORS TOWARDS MUTUAL FUND& wa carried out .+ me at Kar.1 St #6 Br 6!n4 Lt$6 in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the degree of Ma ter? in Mar!eting Management under Uni4er it+ of 9une/ Thi pro-ect wa under ta!en a a part of academic curriculum according to the Uni4er it+ of 9une6 .+ it %ule and %egulation/

Date@ 9lace@ 9une Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Prashant J sh! Page iii

E7%#0t!.% s022ar1
According to the curriculum of Uni4er it+ of 9une6 we are required to do ummer training for two month in an+ compan+ to get the practical !nowledge of corporate world/ Thi pro-ect ha .een a great learning e,perience for me at the ame time it ga4e me enough cope to implement m+ anal+tical a.ilit+/ Thi pro-ect a a whole can .e ummari:ed a .elow/ Pr 8%#t t!t3%9: The t!t3% of the pro-ect i <A STUDY ON 9%E>E%EN$E O> T5E AD1ISO%S TOAA%DS MUTUA3 >UND=

O-8%#t!.%9: The -8%#t!.% of the pro-ect i to find out the preference among financial ad4i ior toward mutual fund in4e tment/ It al o o.-ect the preference of ad4i or toward 0A%1Y

S# /%9: Thi pro-ect ha a lot of s# /e/ It will help the organi:ation in man+ wa+ / An organi:ation ma+ !now6 what are the preference of their ad4i or and .u ine o the+ can wor! on that accordingl+/ a ociate

R%s%ar#h 2%th $ 3 419: Thi pro-ect wor! i limited to the cit+ A33aha-a$/ The data pro4ided .+ the organi:ation wa B'' .ut out of that*'' ample were randoml+ elected therefore the ample i:e i *''/

F!n$!n4s9: Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page i4

The finding of the re earch are@) ) ) ) The awarene among ad4i or i much more than a it wa e,pected/

The rea on for not dealing in mutual fund i pa+ out factor/ The ad4i or are ha4ing hortage of time to attend eminar /

L!2!tat! ns9: The 3!2!tat! ns of the re earch are@) ) ) The re earch i limited to the cit+ Sample i:e wa onl+ *'' a 6 man+ of them were u.).ro!er C.u ine a ociate of !ar4+ and the+ are limited in ) ) The re earch proce wa a .it e,pen i4e and it wa .eared .+ me/

Aor!ing of the office wa al o affecting re earch/

C n#30s! n9: The conclu ion i a follow / ) Due to higher return D preference of in4e tor 6 the ad4i or are elling mutual fund6 .ut due to low pa+ out factor the preference of ad4i or are changing/ ) 0A%1Y i not a.le to pro4ide er4ice a e,pected6 due to lac! of taff/ ) The awarene le4el among ad4i or i quite high/

R%# 22%n$at! n9: Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page 4

Therefore it i recommended than6 awarene

of M> er4ice pro4ided .+ 0ar4+ i al o

quite high6 .ut er4ice part i lagging6 o compan+ need proper mar!eting of their all er4ice .+ di tri.ution of form 6 collection of form 6 arranging eminar etc/


Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

*& *B


F* F&)FH

TAB3E NO/ J/B/* J/B/& J/B/B J/B/G J/B/H J/B/I J/B/J J/B/F J/B/( J/B/*' J/B/** J/B/*& J/B/*B J/B/*G J/B/*H TO9I$ Age 2ender Education AM>I $ertified In4e tment option 9referred 9roduct No/ of cu tomer 9a+ment period Sati faction le4el for 9a+ment period Ta, a4ing in4e tment >a4orite AM$ No entr+ load Ad4i or of 0A%1Y Sati faction le4el B+ er4ice Training and eminar 9A2E NO/ H( H( I' I* I& IB IG IH IH II IJ IF I( J' J* Page 4ii

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune


Aor! a emplo+ee


LIST OF FIGURES TABLE NO. J/* J/& J/B J/G J/H J/I J/J J/F J/( J/*' TOPIC Age and 2ender Education AM>I $ertified In4e tment option 9referred 9roduct No/ of cu tomer 9a+ment period D Sati faction le4el for 9a+ment period Ta, a4ing in4e tment >a4orite AM$ No entr+ load PAGE NO. H( I' I* I& IB IG IH II IJ IF

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page 4iii

J/** J/*& J/*B J/*G

Ad4i or of 0A%1Y Sati faction le4el B+ er4ice Training and eminar Aor! a emplo+ee

I( J' J* J&


SL.NO. * & B G H I J F (


E;PANSION Mutual >und A et Management $ompan+ Initial 9u.lic Offering New >und Offer Demateriali:ed %egi trar and Tran fer agent A et Under Management Net A et 1alue Equit+ 3in!ed Sa4ing Scheme Page i,

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

*' ** *& *B *G *H


A ociation of Mutual >und in India 9ermanent Account S+ tematic Tran fer 9lan S+ tematic In4e tment 9lan S+ tematic Aithdrawal 9lan Securit+ E,change Board of India

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

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Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

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"A tud+ on preference among ad4i or toward mutual fund=/ It i an anal+tical re earch .a ed on 4ariou a pect a ociated with ale and promotion of Mutual >und/ $ompan+ want to penetrate deeper into the mar!et/ To achie4e thi goal ucce full+ compan+ want to !now the effecti4ene of it product D er4ice / of it product/

>or thi purpo e compan+ wanted to tud+ the mar!et effecti4ene $ompan+ want to !now a.out awarene regarding the product6 er4ice pro.lem6 etc/ %ea on for election of the topic @)

of it product6 financial ad4i or? opinion

$u tomer are 4er+ important for an+ .u ine / >inancial .u ine their pro.lem L

.a icall+ are old

through certified ad4i or / So it i 4er+ important to !now6 what the+ wantL6 Ahat are Ma!ing new ad4i or for elling the product i a .it co tl+6 than timulating old and dead ad4i or / It .etter to ort out the grie4ance D a it will automaticall+ generate the .u ine /

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Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page B


Intr $0#t! n9 i a -ourne+6 not a de tination/=


If we loo! for e,ample to pro4e thi quote then we can find man+ .ut there i none li!e that of !ar4+/ Bac! in the +ear *(F*6 fi4e people created hi tor+ .+ e hing !ar4+ and compan+ which i toda+ !nown a !ar4+6 the large t financial er4ice pro4ider of India/ S0##%ss s0tras > 6ar.19 The ucce tor+ of !ar4+ i dri4en .+ F ucce utra adopted .+ it namel+ tr0st( with !nt%4r!t1( $%$!#at! n( # 22!t2%nt( %nt%r/r!s%( har$ 5 r6 an$ t%a2 /3a1( 3%arn!n4 an$ !nn .at! n( %2/ath1 an$ h02!3!t1. The e are the 4alue that .ind ucce !ar4+/ V!s! n > 6ar.19 To achie4e D u tain mar!et leader hip6 0ar4+ hall aim for complete cu tomer ati faction6 .+ com.ining it human and technological re ource 6 to pro4ide world cla qualit+ er4ice / In the proce 0ar4+ hall tri4e to meet and e,ceed cu tomerM ati faction and et indu tr+ tandard / M!ss! n stat%2%nt9

Our mission is to be a leading and preferred service provider to our customers, and we aim to achieve this leadership position by building an innovative, enterprising , and technology driven organization which will set the highest standards of service and business ethics.

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page G

Th% s0##%ss 3a$$%r9

Fig no 1.1 success ladder


C 2/an1 .%r.!%59

0ar4+ wa e hed a !ar4+ and compan+ .+ fi4e chartered accountant during the +ear *(J()F'6 and then it wor! wa confined to audit and ta,ation onl+/ 3ater on it di4er ified into financial and accounting er4ice during the +ear *(F*)F& with a capital of % *H''''/ It achie4ed it fir t mile tone after it fir t in4e tment in technolog+/ 0ar4+ .ecame a !nown name during the +ear *(FH)FI when it fora+ed into capital mar!et a regi trar/

E. 30t! n > KARVY9

It i well aid that ucce !ar4+/ Under thi i a -ourne+ not a de tination and we can ee it .eing pro4ed .+ ection we will ee that how thi <!ar4+ and compan+= of *(F' .ecame

<!ar4+= of &''F/ 0ar4+ .lo omed with the etting up of it fir t .ranch at during the +ear *(FJ)FF/ The turning point came in the +ear *(F( when it decided to enter into one of the not onl+ emerging rather potential field too i/eN toc! .ro!ing/ It added the feather of toc! .ro!ing into it cap/ At the ame time it .ecame the of Stoc! E,change through a ociate firm !ar4+ ecuritie ltd and then !ar4+ ne4er loo!ed .ac!OO//it went on adding er4ice one after another6 it entered into retail toc! .ro!ing in the +ear *(('/ 0ar4+ in4e tor er4ice center were et up in the +ear *((&/ 0ar4+ which alread+ en-o+ed a wide networ! through it in4e tor er4ice center 6 entered into financial product di tri.ution er4ice in the +ear *((B/ One +ear more and Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page H

!ar4+ wa now dealing into mutual fund er4ice too in the +ear *((G .ut it didn?t topped there6 it tepped into corporate finance and in4e tment .an!ing in the +ear *((H/ 0ar4+? trateg+ ha alwa+ .een .eing the fir t entrant in the mar!et/ 0ar4+ again hit the

limelight .+ .ecoming the fir t regi trar in the countr+ to .e awarded ISO (''& in the +ear *((J/ In ;anuar+ *((F6 0ar4+ .ecame fir t Depo itor+ 9articipant in Andhra 9rade h/ An ISO (''& $ompan+6 0ar4+? commitment to qualit+ and retail reach ha made it an Integrated >inancial Ser4ice $ompan+ .Then it tepped into the other mo t happening ector i/eN IT ena.led er4ice .+ e hing it own B9O unit and at a gap of -u t * +ear it too! the path of e)Bu ine through it we. ite www/!ar4+/com / Then it entered into in urance er4ice in the +ear &''* with the launch of it retail arm <!ar4+) the finapoli @ +our per onal finance ad4i or=/ Then in the +ear &''& it launched it 9$2"9ri4ate $lient 2roup# which loo! after it commenced econdar+ de.t and ADM trading/ It wa a decade which aw man+ Indian companie going glo.alO// o wh+ the large t financial er4ice pro4ider of India hould lag .ehindL 5ence6 !ar4+ launched <!ar4+ er4ice limited= after entering into a -oint 4enture with $omputer hare6 Au tralia in the +ear &''G/the +ear &''G al o aw !ar4+ entering into commoditie mar!eting through !ar4+ comtrade/ Year &''H aw 0ar4+ e hing a eparate .ranch for it in urance er4ice under the head < !ar4+ in urance .ro!ing ltd= and in the ame +ear6 after .eing impre ed with the rapid growth of !ar4+ toc! .ro!ing limited6 9$2 group of 5ong 0ong acquired &HP ta!e at 0SB3/ In the +ear &''I6 !ar4+ entered into one of the hotte t ector of pre ent time i/e real e tate through 0ar4+ realt+D er4ice "India# ltd/ hence 6 we can ee now !ar4+ .eing e hed a the lage t financial er4ice pro4ider of the countr+/ Toda+6 compan+ ha HJH .ranch office in BJH location all o4er the India D o4er ea at D New Yor!/ The compan+ add H new office e4er+ month to the compan+? e4er growing national networ! in e4er+ corner of the countr+/ The compan+ er4ice o4er &H million indi4idual in4e tor through (''' trained D qualified taff6 &&H corporate and handle corporate di .ur ement that e,ceed % /HH'' $rore / it 5igh Networth Indi4idual /and maintain their portfolio and pro4ide them with other financial er4ice / In the +ear &''B6

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Page I


The landmar! achie4ed .+ 0ar4+ 4er+ well define it large t financial intermediar+ of India/ But ucce ucce tor+/ A compan+ tarted

.+ fi4e chartered accountant 6 named a !ar4+ now turned into toda+? !ar4+ group6 the didn?t came to !ar4+ at a flow6 the hard wor! and dedication of it wor!force made it what it i toda+/ 2raduall+ it achie4ed the following landmar! and now it ha .ecame what we call the !ar4+ group6 now it i @ */ 3arge t independent di tri.utor for financial product / &/ Among t the top B toc! .ro!er/ B/ Among the top B depo itor+ participant / G/ 3arge t networ! of .ranche D .u ine H/ ISO (''& certified operation .+ DN1/ I/ Among t top *' in4e tment .an!er / J/ Ad-udged a one of the top H' IT u er in India .+ MIS outh A ia/ F/ >ull) fledged IT dri4en operation/ (/ India? no/* regi trar D ecuritie tran fer agent/ a ociate /

0A%1Y i a legendar+ name in financial er4ice 6 0ar4+? credit i defined .+ it mi ion to ucceed6 pa ion for profe ionali m6 e,cellent wor! ethic and cu tomer centric 4alue / Toda+ 0A%1Y i well !nown a a premier financial er4ice enterpri e6 offering a .road pectrum of cu tomi:ed er4ice to it client 6 .oth corporate and retail/ Ser4ice that 0A%1Y con tantl+ upgrade and impro4e are .ecau e of compan+? !ill in le4eraging technolog+/ Being one of the mo t techno) a44+ organi:ation around help compan+ to deli4er e4en more co t effecti4e financial olution in the horte t po i.le time/ Ahat .ear ample te timon+ to 0ar4+? in4e tor and cu tomer 6 all acro 0ar4+? ucce i the faith repo ed in compan+ .+ 4alued

the countr+/ Indeed6 with 0ar4+? wide networ!

touching e4er+ corner of the countr+6 e4en the mo t remote in4e tor can ea il+ acce er4ice and .enefit from compan+? e,pert ad4ice/ Page J

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

N 5 6ar.1 4r 0/ # ns!sts > *+ h!4h31 r%n 5n%$ %nt!t!%s 5h!#h ar% as > 33 59 <.@ KARVY SERVICES A AN OVERVIEW
*/ &/ B/ G/ H/ I/ J/ F/ (/ *'/ Stoc! .ro!ing Demat er4ice In4e tment product di tri.ution In4e tment ad4i or+ er4ice $orporate finance D Merchant .an!ing In urance Mutual fund er4ice IT ena.led er4ice %egi trar D Tran fer agent 3oan

C 2/an1 !s $%a3%r > > 33 5!n4 F!7%$ D%/ s!ts PUBLIC SECTOR S3. N . C 2/an1 Na2% * 5UD$O & Sardar Saro4ar Narmada Nigam 3td/ B Tamilnadu 9ower >inance $orporation 3td/ G NT9$ 7P0-3!# S%#t r FD 5!th 5h!#h Kar.1 $%a3sB NON BANKING FINANCE COMPANIES S3. N . C 2/an1 Na2% * A ho! 3e+land >inance 3td/ & Ba-a- Auto >inance 3td/ B Birla 5ome >inance 3td/ G $holamandalam In4e tment D >inance $o/ 3td/ H E cort >inance 3td/ I >ir t 3ea ing $ompan+ of India 3td/ J IDBI Su4idha F Nicco Uco Alliance $redit 3td/

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page F

7FD > N n Ban6!n4 F!nan#% C 2/an!%s 5!th 5h!#h Kar.1 $%a3sB HOUSING FINANCE COMPANIES S3. N . C 2/an1 Na2% * $an >in 5ome 3td/ & Dewan 5ou ing >inance $orporation 3td/ B 2ruh >inance 3td/ G 5D>$ 3td/ H 9NB 5ou ing >inance 3td/ I Sundaram 5ome >inance 3td/ 7FD > H 0s!n4 F!nan#% C 2/an!%s 5!th 5h!#h Kar.1 $%a3sB MANUFACTURING COMPANIES S3. N . C 2/an1 Na2% * A 9 9aper Mill 3td/ & Amte! India 3td/ B Atul 3td/ G Ballarpur Indu trie 3td/ H $ >ertili:er D $hemical 3td/ I E cort 3td/ J 2rea4e 3td/ F 2u-arat Al!alie D $hemical 3td/ ( Indian E,pre *' Ind)Swift 3td/ ** ;0 Indu trie 3td/ *& ;indal Steel D 9ower 3td/ *B Sound $raft Indu trie 3td/ *G Supreme Indu trie 3td/ *H Euari Indu trie 3td/ 7 FD > Man0>a#t0r!n4 C 2/an!%s 5!th 5h!#h Kar.1 $%a3sB 0ar4+ i dealer of following .ond %BI Sa4ing Bond N5AI Bond %E$ Bond

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Page (

L!st > AMCCs ass #!at%$ 5!th KARVY9

* & B G H I J F ( *' ** *& *B *G *H *I *J *F *( &' &* && &B &G 7L!st > MF C

Alliance Mutual >und Birla Mutual >und Ban! of Baroda Mutual >und $an Ban! Mutual >und $hola Mutual >und Deut che Mutual >und DS9 Merrill 3+nch Mutual >und >ran!lin Templeton In4e tment 2I$ Mutual >und 5D>$ Mutual >und 5SB$ Mutual >und I3 D >S Mutual >und ;M Mutual >und 0ota! Mutual >und 3I$ Mutual >und 9un-a. National Ban! Mutual >und 9rudential I$I$I Mutual >und 9rincipal Mutual >und %eliance Mutual >und State Ban! of India Mutual >und Standard $hartered Mutual >und Sundaram Mutual >und SUN >D$ Mutual >und Tata Mutual >und 2/an!%s 5!th 5h!#h Kar.1 $%a3sB

A SEBI $ategor+ * %egi trar6 So far6 0ar4+ ha handled o4er IJH ISSUES a %egi trar to pu.lic i ue proce ed o4er H& million application and i in4e tor from 4ariou location pread o4er &'H client / er4icing o4er *I million


Or4an!Dat! n str0#t0r% > 6ar.19

tal!ing a.out the organi:ation tructure of !ar4+6 we ha4e the .oard of director a the upreme go4erning .od+ 6 the chairman .eing Mr/ $ 9artha arth+6 Mr/ M Yugandhar a the managing director6 Mr M S %ama!ri hna and Mr/ 9ra ad 4/ 9otluri a director / Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page *'

The .oard of director head the !ar4+ group6 !ar4+ computer hare limited6 !ar4+ in4e tor er4ice ltd/6 !ar4+ comtrade6 !ar4+ toc! .ro!ing ltd/6 and !ar4+ er4ice ltd/ 0ar4+ group .eing the flag hip compan+ loo! after the functional department technolog+ er4ice and corporate qualit+/ 0ar4+ computer hare pri4ate limited facilitate mutual fund er4ice 6 hare regi tr+ and uch a

corporate affair 6 group human re ource 6 finance D accounting6 training D de4elopment6

i ue regi tr+ wherea merchant .an!ing i loo!ed after .+ !ar4+ in4e tor er4ice ltd/ 0ar4+ toc! .ro!ing ltd head it another .ranch too ie/ 0ar4+ in urance .ro!ing ltd/ The er4ice offered .+ 0SB3 are@ toc! .ro!ing6 depo itor+6 re earch6 di tri.ution6 per onal client group and in titutional de !/ And finall+ the B9O er4ice are managed .+ !ar4+ er4ice ltd/ Summari:ing it in a diagram6 it can .e pre ented a @

S/%#tr02 > s%r.!#%s >>%r%$ -1 6ar.19

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0ar4+ .eing the top regi trar and tran fer agent6 function a regi trar in mo t of the i ue in the countr+/ Tal!ing a.out the mutual fund er4ice offered .+ !ar4+6 we can get the product of BB AM$ o4er here/ it deal in .oth clo ed ended fund a well a open ended too/ Now one mu t .e thin!ing wh+ to get the mutual fund from !ar4+ in tead of getting it directl+ from AM$ L we ha4e great rea on for it@ the fir t one .eing N if we a4ail the er4ice of !ar4+ then we can get the information a.out all the AM$ and their product at a ingle place along with e,pert recommendation wherea at an AM$ we can get information a.out the product of that pecific AM$ onl+/ And the econd .eing wide networ! of !ar4+/ Nowada+ we can find !ar4+ office at remote area too/ Along with the e6 !ar4+ i 4er+ well handling the role of depo itor+ participant/ Being regi tered with .oth the depo itorie i/e/N NSD3 "national ecuritie depo itor+ ltd# and $DS3 "central depo itor+ er4ice ltd#6 !ar4+ can ha4e acce al o facilitate it in di tri.ution of retail financial product / 0ar4+ .elie4e in .eing updated alwa+ / So it i alwa+ read+ to u e late t technologie o that it client alwa+ .e in touch with the late t happening along with !ar4+/ It offer e).u ine 0ar4+? through internet through it we. ite@ www/!ar4+/com / Other than it6 it al o er4ice through SMSe / er4ice are not limited to it in4e tor onl+ rather it offering are for it pro4ide it 4ariou to .oth/ It wide networ!

corporate client and di tri.utor too/ it i 4er+ well aware of the fact that in thi era of nec! to nec! competition6 we cant ignore an+ of the a pect of our .u ine O/ o there? a offering for e4er+.od+Oe4er+one? welcome at !ar4+/ Wh1 sh 03$ !n.%st rs #h s% > r 6ar.1?

E,cellence i ne,t to nothingO/and here at !ar4+ e4er+.od+ trie their .e t to offer e,cellent er4ice to it clientele through it offering maintaining the !ar4+ culture which include @ */ $ontrolled and low co t er4ice culture@ !ar4+ i there to er4e it client at the minimum po i.le co t/ it control co t .+ it 4ariou co t) cutting technique and minimi:ation of a4oida.le co t / &/ 3arge 4olume proce ing capa.ilit+@ .eing the large t financial er4ice pro4ider in the countr+6 it ha the unique di tinction of operating it acti4itie on a large cale which .enefit all the partie cordiall+/

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

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B/ Adherence to trict time chedule@ !ar4+ !now that time i mone+ and trie it .e t to fini h the ta ! within the tipulated time chedule/ G/ E,perti e in coordinating multi)location re pon e @ !ar4+ ha got a wide networ! and hence one can find it .ranche at mo t of the place in India/ Thu it en-o+ it pre ence e4er+where and coordinate among it elf in ol4ing the querie and in re ponding to an+ ituation/ H/E,perti e in managing independent entitie uch a .an! 6 po t)office etc/@ the wor! culture of !ar4+ and the ethic followed in ide !ar4+ ma!e it wor!force compati.le with e4er+.od+6 o the !ar4+ people e he good coordination with independent entitie too/ I/ 9ooling of group re ource @ !ar4+ group con i t of eight u. idiarie 6 o it can ea il+ pool up it re ource for accompli hment of it goal 6 whene4er needed/ The group can help each other whene4er there are pea! and low 6 and e4en in the ca e when the+ ha4e huge target -u t a we aw few +ear .ac!6 Tata group pooling it re ource to acquire $oru /

H 5 6ar.1 a#h!%.%$ !t?

The core competenc+ of !ar4+ lie in the following point due to which it en-o+ a competiti4e edge o4er it competitor / The following culture adopted .+ !ar4+ ma!e it all time fa4orite among it clientele@ */ 9rofe ionall+ managed .+ qualified and trained manpower/ &/ Uniquel+ tructured in)hou e oftware and hardware department B/ Quer+ handling within GF hr / G/ Strong ecretarial6 accounting and audit + tem / H/ Unique wor! culture of wor!ing J da+ a wee! in B hift / I/ Unmatched networ! preading all o4er India/

C3!%nt%3% > 6ar.19

0ar4+? culture ha helped !ar4+ in achie4ing uch a di tinct po ition in the mar!et where it can .oa t of it huge client .a e/ Be it a retail in4e tor in4e ting % / H'' in a SI9 in %eliance mutual fund or .e it the large t corporate hou e of the countr+@ %eliance indu trie ) e4er+.od+ i heading toward !ar4+ for their wealth ma,imi:ation6 let ha4e a loo! at the clientele of !ar4+ @ Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page *B

According to the data hed in +ear &''(6 !ar4+ toc! .ro!ing ltd/ Operate through more than *&''' terminal 6 more than B''''' account are maintained and command o4er B/*GP mar!et hare of NSE/ The di tri.ution er4ice ha acce to more than % / G' .illion A et Under Management/ 0ar4+ .eing a depo itor+ participant with .oth NSD3 and $DS36 manage more than J''''' account from more than BF' location / Tal!ing a.out the regi tr+ er4ice 6 it manage o4er JH' pu.licC right i ue /at the ame time6 it i managing o4er *I million portfolio a regi trar/ If we too! a loo! at ome of the top corporate hou e a4ailing the er4ice of !ar4+ then we ha4e@ %eliance6 IO$6 IDBI63I$6 5indu tan Unile4er6 9rincipal Mutual >und6 Duet che Mutual >und6 Yogo!awa6 Marico Indu trie 6 9atni $omputer 6 Morgan Stanle+6 2lenmar!6 $%ISI36 BM6 0ota! Mahindra Ban!6 Bharti Tele4enture6 Info + Technologie 6 Aipro6 Infotech6 I9$36TATA con ultanc+ er4ice 6 UTI mutual fund etc/ Thu in total !ar4+ er4e o4er *I million in4e tor and B'' corporate / N 5( as th% /r 8%#t 5as #arr!%$ n !n A33aha-a$( s th%r% !s a s/%#!a3 r%>%r%n#% t 5 r6!n4 > 6ar.1 at N rth%rn D n% an$ 20t0a3 >0n$s !n /art!#03ar.

KARVY at N rth%rn D n%9

0ar4+ toc! Bro!ing 3td ha it Eonal office in 3uc!now6 which regulate it 4ariou Branche in Allaha.ad6 1arana i6 Mir:apur6 2ora!hpur6 A:amgarh6 Deoria6 2ha:ipur6 2onda6 ;aunpur6 0anpur6 Mughal Sarai6 %enu!oot etc/ 9re entl+ Mr/ A.hina4 9ra ad i heading the Northern :one "Di tri.ution#/ 0ar4+ i a of three toc! e,change of India@ National Stoc! E,change "NSE#6 Bom.a+ Stoc! E,change "BSE# and Stoc! E,change "5SE#/

H!%rar#h!#a3 Str0#t0r% !n $!a4ra29

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The a.o4e diagram how the hierarch+ of 0ar4+ toc! .ro!ing ltd/ It can .e ea il+ depicted from the diagram that the Northern regional head "pre entl+ Mr/ A.hina4 9ra ad# i the upreme in the northern region6 under whom the 4ariou :onal head operate and under the e :onal head 6 the .ranch head operate/ Between each le4el o the hierarch+6 there e,i t a coordinator6 who act a the facilitator .etween the different head /

Kar.1 at A33aha-a$9 Now if we loo! at !ar4+? .ranch office at Allaha.ad6 then there e,i t two .ranche of !ar4+ 6 which are a follow@ */ $i4il 3ine / &/ Naini/

Str0#t0r% a## r$!n4 t th% Pr $0#ts >>%r%$ -1 Kar.19


Mutual Mutual fund fund

Depo it Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune In urance In urance or+ or+ %ealt+ comm Stoc! .ro!ing .ro!ing particip particip .ro!ing .ro!ing oditie 9%ODU$T ant 9%ODU$T ant 5EADS 5EADS

Depo it

nt nt D D De.t De.t in4/.an! in4/.an! di4i io di4i io ing n n ing

Mercha Mercha

Page *H 9MS

KARVY M0t0a3 F0n$ S%r.!#%s9

Mutual fund ha4e er4ing for e4er+.od+/ Ahiche4er t+pe of in4e tor +ou are6 +ou will urel+ get a mutual fund meeting +our requirement / But in4e ting in mutual fund i no child? pla+ therefore !ar4+ mutual fund ad4i or+ er4ice i there to guide in each and e4er+ tep of in4e tment in mutual fund o that the dream of wealth creation doe n?t turn into nightmare / It offering include @ product of all the BB ma-or AM$ 6 re earch report a.out all the e,i ting fund a well a N>O 6 cu tomi:ed mutual fund portfolio de igned for indi4idual a well a in titutional cu tomer 6 it not onl+ de ign the portfolio rather it offer continuou portfolio re4i ion too depending on changing mar!et outloo! and e4ol4ing trend 6 it further gi4e acce en4ironment of the Indian financial mar!et/ to it online con olidated portfolio tatement/ Thu !ar4+ with it 4ariou offering ma!e the in4e tor feel afe in thi d+namic

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0ar4+ $omputer hare mutual fund er4ice offer in4e tor er4ice to all the e three facet of the in4e tment proce /

er4ice 6 di tri.utor er4ice

and client er4ice / It can .e aid that !ar4+ i dedicated toward pro4iding qualit+ 0ar4+ .eing an intermediar+ i well regi tered with the A ociation of Mutual >und of India "AM>I#/ 0A%1Y ha got the regi tration no 7A%N ''*F8 for mutual fund 6 which i mentioned on e4er+ form/ After the procurement of form from 4ariou AM$ 6 the form are pa ed on to it 4ariou :onal and .ranch office "a per their requirement # and then further proce ing i done either directl+ or through u.).ro!er / 0ar4+ operate through it u.) .ro!er 6 a ociate and it e,cellent pool of own direct emplo+ee / The emplo+ee are offered alar+ .+ !ar4+ wherea the u.) .ro!er and a ociate get certain commi ion/ 0ar4+ ha & .ranche and * franchi e in the cit+ All the wor! of mutual fund i regulated from .ranch/ The main ource of earning for 0A%1Y i the .ro!erage offered .+ the 4ariou AM$ !nown a pa+)in/ The amount offered ma+ 4ar+ from AM$ to AM$/ Al o6 the franchi ee ha4e to pa+ a certain amount e4er+ month/ Now !ar4+ al o pa+ a certain amount to the u. .ro!er and a ociate !nown a pa+)out/ The pa+out i decided according to the procurement done .+ them/

R%#r0!t2%nt9 0ar4+ ha an en4ia.le pool of d+namic emplo+ee / It people power ha a great contri.ution in ma!ing it the No/ * financial intermediar+/ All the emplo+ee of !ar4+ dealing in mutual fund ha4e to go through AM>I te t/ The recruitment proce i at par with the indu tr+ tandard 6 it i mo tl+ done through campu recruitment from reputed B) chool / Other than that6 it al o recruit through direct inter4iew and 2D a per their requirement/ 0ar4+ ne4er compromi e with qualit+ that? the rea on it i e,celling .+ pro4iding qualit+ er4ice to all the in4e tor 6 client 6 AM$ etc/ a ociated with it/

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$5A9TE% B


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ItCs a33 a- 0t 20t0a3 >0n$s9

M0t0a3 >0n$s@ A mutual fund i a profe ionall+)managed firm of collecti4e in4e tment that pool mone+ from man+ in4e tor and in4e t it in toc! 6 .ond 6 hort)term mone+ mar!et in trument 6 andCor other ecuritie /in other word we can a+ that A Mutual >und i a tru t regi tered with the Securitie and E,change Board of India "SEBI#6 which pool up the mone+ from indi4idual C corporate in4e tor and in4e t the ame on .ehalf of the in4e tor Cunit holder 6 in equit+ hare 6 2o4ernment ecuritie 6 Bond 6 $all mone+ mar!et etc/6 and di tri.ute the profit / The 4alue of each unit of the mutual fund6 !nown a the net a et 4alue "NA1#6 i mo tl+ calculated dail+ .a ed on the total 4alue of the fund di4ided .+ the of hare currentl+ i ued and out tanding/ The 4alue of all the ecuritie in the portfolio in calculated dail+/ >rom thi 6 all e,pen e are deducted and the re ultant 4alue di4ided .+ the of unit in the fund i the fund? NA1/ NAV E T ta3 .a30% > th% >0n$FFFFFF. N . > shar%s #0rr%nt31 !ss0%$ an$ 0tstan$!n4 A$.anta4%s > a MF R Mutual >und pro4ide the .enefit of cheap acce R R R to e,pen i4e toc!

Mutual fund di4er if+ the ri ! of the in4e tor .+ in4e ting in a .a !et of a et A team of profe ional fund manager manage re earch input from in4e tment anal+ t / them with in)depth

Being in titution with good .argaining power in mar!et 6 mutual fund ha4e acce to crucial corporate information6 which indi4idual in4e tor cannot acce /


H!st r1 > th% In$!an 20t0a3 >0n$ !n$0str19

The mutual fund indu tr+ in India tarted in *(IB with the formation of Unit Tru t of India6 at the initiati4e of the 2o4ernment of India and %e er4e Ban!/ The hi tor+ of mutual fund in India can .e .roadl+ di4ided into four di tinct pha e /

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F!rst Phas% A *,G):HI

Unit Tru t of India "UTI# wa e hed on *(IB .+ an Act of 9arliament .+ the %e er4e Ban! of India and functioned under the %egulator+ and admini trati4e control of the %e er4e Ban! of India/ In *(JF UTI wa de)lin!ed from the %BI and the Indu trial De4elopment Ban! of India "IDBI# too! o4er the regulator+ and admini trati4e control in place of %BI/ The fir t cheme launched .+ UTI wa Unit Scheme *(IG/ At the end of *(FF UTI had % /I6J'' crore of a et under management/

S%# n$ Phas% A *,HI:*,,@ JEntr1 > P0-3!# S%#t r F0n$sK

*(FJ mar!ed the entr+ of non) UTI6 pu.lic ector mutual fund et up .+ pu.lic ector

.an! and 3ife In urance $orporation of India "3I$# and 2eneral In urance $orporation of India "2I$#/ SBI Mutual >und wa the fir t non) UTI Mutual >und e hed in ;une *(FJ followed .+ $! Mutual >und "Dec FJ#6 9un-a. National Ban! Mutual >und "Aug F(#6 Indian Ban! Mutual >und "No4 F(#6 Ban! of India ";un ('#6 Ban! of Baroda Mutual >und "Oct (&#/ 3I$ e hed it mutual fund in ;une *(F( while 2I$ had et up it mutual fund in *(('/At the end of *((B6 the mutual fund indu tr+ had a et under management of % /GJ6''G crore /

Th!r$ Phas% A *,,@:<++@ JEntr1 > Pr!.at% S%#t r F0n$sK

*((B wa the +ear in which the fir t Mutual >und %egulation came into .eing6 under which all mutual fund 6 e,cept UTI were to .e regi tered and go4erned/ The er twhile 0othari 9ioneer "now merged with >ran!lin Templeton# wa the fir t pri4ate ector mutual fund regi tered in ;ul+ *((B/ The *((B SEBI "Mutual >und# %egulation were u. tituted .+ a more comprehen i4e and re4i ed Mutual >und %egulation in *((I/ The indu tr+ now function under the SEBI "Mutual >und# %egulation *((I/ A at the end of ;anuar+ &''B6 there were BB mutual fund with total a et of % / *6&*6F'H crore /

F 0rth Phas% A s!n#% F%-r0ar1 <++@

In >e.ruar+ &''B6 following the repeal of the Unit Tru t of India Act *(IB UTI wa .ifurcated into two eparate entitie / One i the Specified Underta!ing of the Unit Tru t of India with a et under management of % /&(6FBH crore a at the end of ;anuar+ &''B6 Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page &'

repre enting .roadl+6 the a et of US IG cheme6 a ured return and certain other cheme The econd i the UTI Mutual >und 3td6 pon ored .+ SBI6 9NB6 BOB and 3I$/ It i regi tered with SEBI and function under the Mutual >und %egulation / con olidation and growth/ A at the end of Septem.er6 &''G6 there were &( fund 6 which manage a et of % /*HB*'F crore under G&* cheme /

@.< Cat%4 r!%s > 20t0a3 >0n$s9

Mutual fund can .e cla ified a follow@


Bas%$ n th%!r str0#t0r%9 Open-ended funds@ In4e tor can .u+ and ell the unit from the fund6 at an+ point of time/ Close-ended funds@ The e fund rai e mone+ from in4e tor onl+ once/ Therefore6 after the offer period6 fre h in4e tment cannot .e made into the fund/ If the fund i li ted on a toc! e,change the unit can .e traded li!e toc! "E/g/6 Morgan Stanle+ 2rowth >und#/ %ecentl+6 mo t of the New >und Offer of clo e)ended fund pro4ided liquidit+ window on a periodic .a i ha4e relati4el+ low liquidit+/ uch a monthl+ or wee!l+/ %edemption of unit can .e made during pecified inter4al / Therefore6 uch fund


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Page &*

Bas%$ n th%!r !n.%st2%nt -8%#t!.%9 Equity funds@ The e fund in4e t in equitie and equit+ related in trument / Aith fluctuating hare price 6 uch fund how 4olatile performance6 e4en lo e / 5owe4er6 hort term fluctuation in the mar!et6 generall+ moothen out in the long term6 there.+ offering higher return at relati4el+ lower 4olatilit+/ At the ame time6 uch fund can +ield great capital appreciation a 6 hi toricall+6 equitie ha4e outperformed all a et cla e in the long term/ 5ence6 in4e tment in equit+ fund hould .e con idered for a period of at lea t B)H +ear / It can .e further cla ified a @

i# Inde, fund ) In thi ca e a !e+ toc! mar!et inde,6 li!e BSE Sen e, or Nift+ i trac!ed/ Their portfolio mirror the .enchmar! inde, .oth in term of compo ition and indi4idual toc! weightage / ii# Equit+ di4er ified fund ) *''P of the capital i in4e ted in equitie different ector and toc! / iii# Di4idend +ield fund ) it i imilar to the equit+ di4er ified fund e,cept that the+ preading acro

in4e t in companie offering high di4idend +ield / i4# Thematic fund ) In4e t *''P of the a et in ector which are related through ome theme/ e/g/ )An infra tructure fund in4e t in power6 con truction6 cement ector etc/

4# Sector fund ) In4e t *''P of the capital in a pecific ector/ e/g/ ) A .an!ing ector fund will in4e t in .an!ing toc! / 4i# E3SS) Equit+ 3in!ed Sa4ing Scheme pro4ide ta, .enefit to the in4e tor /

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Ba3an#%$ >0n$9 Their in4e tment portfolio include .oth de.t and equit+/ A a re ult6 on the ri !)return ladder6 the+ fall .etween equit+ and de.t fund / Balanced fund are the ideal mutual fund 4ehicle for in4e tor who prefer preading their ri ! acro in trument / >ollowing are .alanced fund cla e @ i# De.t)oriented fund )In4e tment .elow IHP in equitie / ii# Equit+)oriented fund -In4e t at lea t IHP in equitie 6 remaining in de.t/ D%-t >0n$9 The+ in4e t onl+ in de.t in trument 6 and are a good option for in4e tor a4er e to idea of ta!ing ri ! a ociated with equitie / Therefore6 the+ in4e t e,clu i4el+ in fi,ed)income in trument li!e .ond 6 de.enture 6 2o4ernment of India ecuritie N and mone+ mar!et in trument uch a certificate of depo it "$D#6 commercial paper "$9# and call mone+/ 9ut +our mone+ into an+ of the e de.t fund depending on +our in4e tment hori:on and need /


L!L0!$ >0n$s: The e fund in4e t *''P in mone+ mar!et in trument 6 a large portion .eing in4e ted in call mone+ mar!et/ G!3t >0n$s ST: The+ in4e t *''P of their portfolio in go4ernment ecuritie of and T).ill /F3 at!n4 rat% >0n$s : In4e t in hort)term de.t paper / >loater in4e t in de.t in trument which ha4e 4aria.le coupon rate/



Ar-!tra4% >0n$: The+ generate income through ar.itrage opportunitie due to mi ) pricing .etween ca h mar!et and deri4ati4e mar!et/ >und are allocated to equitie 6 deri4ati4e and mone+ mar!et / 5igher proportion "around JHP# i put in mone+ mar!et 6 in the a. ence of ar.itrage opportunitie /


G!3t >0n$s LT) The+ in4e t *''P of their portfolio in long)term go4ernment ecuritie / In# 2% >0n$s LT: T+picall+6 uch fund in4e t a ma-or portion of the portfolio in long)term de.t paper / MIPs: Monthl+ Income 9lan ha4e an e,po ure of J'P)('P to de.t and an e,po ure of *'P)B'P to equitie / FMPs: fi,ed monthl+ plan that of the fund/ in4e t in de.t paper who e maturit+ i in line with




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In.%st2%nt strat%4!%s9

*. S1st%2at!# In.%st2%nt P3an9 under thi a fi,ed um i in4e ted each month on a fi,ed date of a month/ 9a+ment i made through po t dated cheque or direct facilitie / The in4e tor get fewer unit when the NA1 i high and more unit when the NA1 i low/ Thi i called a the .enefit of %upee $o t A4eraging "%$A# <. S1st%2at!# Trans>%r P3an9 under thi an in4e tor in4e t in de.t oriented fund and gi4e in truction to tran fer a fi,ed um6 at a fi,ed inter4al6 to an equit+ cheme of the ame mutual fund/ @. S1st%2at!# W!th$ra5a3 P3an9 if omeone wi he to withdraw from a mutual fund then he can withdraw a fi,ed amount each month/

R!s6 .Ms. r%t0rn9

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W r6!n4 > a M0t0a3 >0n$9

The entire mutual fund indu tr+ operate in a 4er+ organi:ed wa+/ The in4e tor 6 !nown a unit holder 6 hando4er their a4ing to the AM$ under 4ariou in4e tor ? need / The AM$ further in4e t the fund into 4ariou cheme / The o.-ecti4e of the in4e tment hould match with the o.-ecti4e of the fund to .e t uit the ecuritie according to the in4e tment o.-ecti4e/ The return generated from the in4e tment i pa ed on to the in4e tor or rein4e ted a mentioned in the offer document/

@.N R%403at r1 A0th r!t!%s9

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To protect the intere t of the in4e tor 6 SEBI formulate policie and regulate the mutual fund / It notified regulation in *((B "full+ re4i ed in *((I# and i ue guideline from time to time/ SEBI appro4ed A et Management $ompan+ "AM$# manage of 4ariou cheme of the fund in it cu tod+/ the fund .+ ma!ing

in4e tment in 4ariou t+pe of ecuritie / $u todian6 regi tered with SEBI6 hold the ecuritie According to SEBI %egulation 6 two third of the director of Tru tee $ompan+ or .oard of tru tee mu t .e independent/ The A ociation of Mutual >und in India "AM>I# rea ure the in4e tor in unit of mutual fund that the mutual fund function within the trict regulator+ framewor!/ It o.-ecti4e i to increa e pu.lic awarene of the mutual fund indu tr+/ AM>I al o i engaged in upgrading uch a profe ional tandard and in promoting .e t indu tr+ practice in di4er e area 4aluation6 di clo ure6 tran parenc+ etc/ Document required "9AN mandator+#@ 9roof of identit+ @ */photo 9AN card &/ In ca e of non)photo 9AN card in addition to cop+ of 9AN card an+ one of the following@ dri4ing licen eCpa port cop+C 4oter idC .an! photo pa 9roof of addre .oo!/ "an+ of the following# @late t telephone .ill6 late t electricit+ .ill6 9a port6

late t .an! pa .oo!! account tatement6 late t Demat account tatement6 4oter id6 dri4ing licen e6 ration card6 rent agreement/ O>>%r $ #02%nt9 An offer document i i ued when the AM$ ma!e New >und Offer"N>O#/ It? ad4i a.le to e4er+ in4e tor to a ! for the offer document and read it .efore in4e ting/ An offer document con i t of the following@ Standard Offer Document for Mutual >und "SEBI >ormat# Summar+ Information 2lo ar+ of Defined Term %i ! Di clo ure 3egal and %egulator+ $ompliance E,pen e $onden ed >inancial Information of Scheme $on titution of the Mutual >und Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page &I

In4e tment O.-ecti4e and 9olicie Management of the >und Offer %elated Information/ K%1 In> r2at! n M%2 ran$029 a !e+ information memorandum6 popularl+ !nown a 0IM6 i attached along with the mutual fund form/ And thu e4er+ in4e tor get to read it/ It content are@ */ Name of the fund/ &/ In4e tment o.-ecti4e B/ A et allocation pattern of the cheme/ G/ %i ! profile of the cheme H/ 9lan D option I/ Minimum application amountC no/ of unit J/ Benchmar! inde, F/ Di4idend polic+ (/ Name of the fund manager" # *'/ E,pen e of the cheme@ load tructure6 recurring e,pen e **/ 9erformance of the cheme " cheme return 4C / .enchmar! return# *&/ Year) wi e return for the la t H financial +ear/

@.G D!str!-0t! n #hann%3s9

Mutual fund po e a 4er+ trong di tri.ution channel o that the ultimate cu tomer doe n?t face an+ difficult+ in the final procurement/ The 4ariou partie in4ol4ed in di tri.ution of mutual fund are@ */ D!r%#t 2ar6%t!n4 -1 th% AMCs@ the form could .e o.tained from the AM$ directl+/ The in4e tor can approach to the AM$ for the form / ome of the top AM$ of India areN %eliance 6Birla Sunlife6 Tata6 SBI magnum6 0ota! Mahindra6 5D>$6 Sundaram6 I$I$I6 Mirae A et 6 $anara %o.eco6 3otu India6 3I$6 UTI etc/ wherea foreign AM$ include@ Standard $hartered6 >ran!lin Templeton6 >idelit+6 ;9 Morgan6 5SB$6 DS9 Blac!roc!6 etc/ &/ Br 6%rM s0- -r 6%r arran4%2%nts9 the AM$ can imultaneou l+ go for .ro!erC u.) .ro!er to populari:e their fund / AM$ can en-o+ the ad4antage of large networ! of the e .ro!er and u. .ro!er /eg@ 0A%1Y .eing the top financial intermediar+ of India ha the greate t networ!/ So the AM$ dealing through 0A%1Y ha acce in4e tor / Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page &J to mo t of the

B/ In$!.!$0a3 a4%nts( Ban6s( NBFC9 in4e tor can procure the fund through indi4idual agent 6 independent .ro!er 6 .an! and e4eral non) .an!ing financial corporation too6 whiche4er he find con4enient for him/

@.I C sts ass #!at%$9

E7/%ns%s9 AM$ charge an annual fee6 or e,pen e ratio that co4er admini trati4e e,pen e 6 alarie 6 ad4erti ing e,pen e 6 .ro!erage fee6 etc/ A */HP e,pen e ratio mean the AM$ charge % */H' for e4er+ % *'' in a et under management/ A fundM e,pen e ratio i t+picall+ to the i:e of the fund under management and not to the return earned/ Normall+6 the co t of running a fund grow lower than the growth in the fund i:e ) o6 the more a et in the fund6 the lower hould .e it e,pen e ratio L a$s9 Entr1 L a$MFr nt:En$ L a$ J+P#) It the commi ion charged at the time of .u+ing the fund to co4er the co t of elling6 proce ing etc/ A per new rule of SEBI6 there will no entr+ load for purcha ing Mutual >und/ E7!t L a$MBa#6: En$ L a$ J+.<N:<.<NOK: It i the commi ion or charged paid when an in4e tor e,it from a mutual fund6 it i impo ed to di courage withdrawal / It ma+ reduce to :ero with increa e in holding period/

@.H C n#%/t > -%n#h2ar6!n4 > r /%r> r2an#% %.a30at! n9

E4er+ fund et it .enchmar! according to it in4e tment o.-ecti4e/ The fund performance i mea ured in compari on with the .enchmar!/ If the fund generate a greater return than the .enchmar! then it i aid that the fund ha outperformed .enchmar! 6 if it i equal to aid to .e underperformed/ .enchmar! then the correlation .etween them i e,actl+ */ And if in ca e the return i lower than the .enchmar! then the fund i S 2% > th% -%n#h2ar6s ar%9 */Equity funds@ mar!et indice uch a SD9 $NK nift+6 BSE*''6 BSE&''6 BSE)9SU6 BSE H'' inde,6 BSE .an!e,6 and other ectoral indice / &/Debt funds@ Intere t %ate on Alternati4e In4e tment a Benchmar! 6 I)Be, Total %eturn Inde,6 ;9M T)Bill Inde, 9o t)Ta, %eturn on Ban! Depo it 4er u De.t >und / Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page &F

B/ Liquid funds@ Short Term 2o4ernment In trument ? Intere t %ate a Benchmar! 6 ;9M T) Bill Inde, T 2%as0r% th% >0n$Cs /%r> r2an#%( th% # 2/ar!s ns ar% 0s0a331 $ n% 5!th9 I# Aith a mar!et inde,/ ii# >und from the ame peer group/ iii# Other imilar product in which in4e tor in4e t their fund / @., F!nan#!a3 /3ann!n4 > r !n.%st rs Jr%>. t 20t0a3 >0n$sK9

In4e tor are required to go for financial planning .efore ma!ing in4e tment in an+ mutual fund/ The o.-ecti4e of financial planning i to en ure that the right amount of mone+ i a4aila.le at the right time to the in4e tor to .e a.le to meet hi financial goal / It i more than mere ta, planning/

St%/s !n >!nan#!a3 /3ann!n4 ar%9 Ass%t a33 #at! n. S%3%#t! n > >0n$. St0$1!n4 th% >%at0r%s > a s#h%2%. In ca e of mutual fund 6 financial planning i concerned onl+ with .road a et allocation6 lea4ing the actual allocation of ecuritie and their management to fund manager / A fund manager ha to clo el+ follow the o.-ecti4e tated in the offer document6 .ecau e financial plan of u er are cho en u ing the e o.-ecti4e / Wh1 has !t -%# 2% n% > th% 3ar4%st >!nan#!a3 !nstr02%nts? If we ta!e a loo! at the recent cenario in the Indian financial mar!et then we can find the mar!et flooded with a 4ariet+ of in4e tment option which include mutual fund 6 equitie 6 fi,ed income .ond 6 corporate de.enture 6 compan+ fi,ed depo it 6 .an! depo it 6 99>6 life in urance6 gold6 real e tate etc/ all the e in4e tment option could .e -udged on the .a i of 4ariou parameter the e form uch a ) return6 afet+ con4enience6 4olatilit+ and liquidit+/ mea uring in4e tment option on the .a i of the mentioned parameter 6 we get thi in a ta.ular

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plan gi4ing the ma,imum return of % / *BJJ/(H per +ear which come to *I/FFP roughl+/ Ne,t we can ee if an+.od+ would ha4e underta!en the SI9 in %eliance di4er ified power ector fund would ha4e got return of app/ *I/HFP/ Ae can ee BOB growth fund6 DAS in4e tment opportunitie and 9rincipal fund gi4ing return of *H/((P6 *I/FFP6 and *H/IGP re pecti4el+ which i greater than an+ other monthl+ in4e tment option / 5owe4er the e return were onl+ for the period for ** month D therefore the return were not much/ Mar!et generall+ gi4e .etter return in long term/ Thu we can ea il+ ma!e out how SI9 i .eneficial for u / It ha le free6 it force the in4e tor to a4e and get them into the of a4ing/ Al o pa+ing a mall amount of % / *''' i ea + and con4enient for them6 thu putting no pre ure on their poc!et /

>ollowing are li t of Mutual >und companie in India/

Sr. N .
* & B G H I J F ( *' ** *& *B *G *H *I *J *F

M0t0a3 F0n$ Na2%

Alliance Mutual >und Benchmar! Mutual >und Birla Mutual >und Ban! of Baroda Mutual >und $an Ban! Mutual >und $hola Mutual >und Deut che Mutual >und DS9 Merrill 3+nch Mutual >und E cort Mutual >und >ran!lin Templeton In4e tment 2I$ Mutual >und 5D>$ Mutual >und 5SB$ Mutual >und I3 D >S Mutual >und IN2 1+ +a Mutual >und ;M Mutual >und 0ota! Mutual >und 3I$ Mutual >und

N . > S#h%2%s
BI H JG *J &H GH G' G' *H *B' H J( B& GB HH HH HI BH Page B&

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*( &' &* && &B &G &H &I &J &F &( B' B* B&

Morgan Stanle+ Mutual >und 9un-a. National Ban! Mutual >und 9rudential I$I$I Mutual >und 9rincipal Mutual >und %eliance Mutual >und Sahara Mutual >und State Ban! of India Mutual >und Standard $hartered Mutual >und Sundaram Mutual >und SUN >D$ Mutual >und Tata TD Mutual >und Tauru Mutual >und Unit Tru t of India UTI Mutual >und

* G *&G IF JG *& H( *'' H& * *'' ( G& II

7M0t0a3 F0n$s !n In$!aB

*. Ba8a8 Ca/!ta3 It wa e hed in *(IG at Delhi/ In *(IH it inno4ate a new financial in trument

S$ompanie >i,ed Depo it ? and .ecome the fir t compan+ to rai e >i,ed Depo it / The -8%#t!.% > # 2/an1 !s t /r .!$% /r >%ss! na3 40!$an#% t !n.%st rs n 5h%r%( 5h%n an$ h 5 t !n.%st an$ t ass!st th% # r/ rat% s%#t r !n !ts r%s 0r#% ra!s!n4 a#t!.!t!%s. Ba8a8 Ca/!ta3 -%#a2% th% >!rst # 2/an1 t s%t 0/ PIn.%st2%nt C%nt%rsC a33 .%r In$!a > r th!s /0r/ s%. T $a1( Ba8a8 Ca/!ta3 has ,+ >>!#%s !n .%r )+ !2/ rtant In$!an C!t!%s an$ has a t%a2 > ar 0n$ N++ %2/3 1%%s nat! n5!$%. S%r.!#%s /r .!$%$ Merchant .an!ing Bu+ing and Selling of Mone+ Mar!et In4e tment Di tri.ution of financial product In4e tment Ad4i or+ Ser4ice Page BB

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T $ompan+ fi,ed depo it T Bond T Mutual fund T 3ife in urance T 2eneral in urance T 9en ion cheme T 9o t office cheme T Ta, a4ing cheme T In urance lin!ed in4e tment cheme T Initial pu.lic offering T 5ou ing loan T N%I cheme T $ar in urance

F!nan#!a3 P3ann!n4 T In4e tment planning T %etirement planning T In urance planning T $hildrenM future planning T Ta, planning T Short)term ca h flow planning

<.MCS Lt$. It i e hed in *(FH in Delhi/ It i one of the large t Data 9roce ing 5ou e emplo+ing more than I'' people/ M$S 3td/ ha F .ranche all o4er India V 302%s Han$3%$ in4e tor / in4e tor / Billing D ettlement plan for Indian operation of IATA 2ene4a for */& million tic!et per annum co4ering "&I airline D o4er *&'' agent #/ S%r.!#%s O>>%r%$9 Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page BG Mutual fund operation for &H fund 6 er4icing o4er G/H million Share regi tr+ acti4itie for o4er *'' corporate er4icing o4er *' million

%egi trar and Tran fer Agent %egi trar to I9O? C%ight I ue %egi trar to Open Offer %egi trar to Mutual >und Data 9roce ing for Airline 9rint Shop Ser4ice

M$S i a ma-or pla+er in the e acti4itie in the $ountr+ with a mar!et hare of a.out &HP/ M$S toda+ pro4ide the e er4ice to o4er *G' $orporate and Mutual >und for a total in4e tor .a e of *H million/ @. N.J.In$!a In.%st2%nts P.t. Lt$. N; India In4e t "formerl+ !nown a N; $apital toc! # wa growing financial er4ice tarted in *((G to cater to the

ector/ N; India In4e t e4ol4ed out a a client focu ed need .a ed

in4e tment ad4i or+ firm/ N; regard mutual fund a one of the .e t in4e tment a4enue a4aila.le to ati f+ an+ !ind of in4e tment need/ N; India In4e tment had o4er IN% H6'H' $rore of mutual fund a et under ad4ice with a wide pre ence in o4er *B' location in && tate in India/ The are reflection of the tru t6 commitment and 4alue that N; hare with it client / ). ICICI S%#0r!t!%s Lt$. I$I$I Securitie 3imited "i)SE$# i a wholl+ owned in4e tment).an!ing u. idiar+ of ICICI L!2!t%$/ I$I$I i the onl+ non);apane e A ian financial in titution to .e li ted on the New Yor! Stoc! E,change "NYSE#/ I$I$I Securitie wa formed on &&nd >e./ *((B6 when I$I$IM Merchant Ban!ing Di4i ion wa pun off into a new compan+6 I$I$I Securitie toda+ i IndiaM leading In4e tment Ban! and one of the mo t ignificant pla+er in the Indian capital mar!et / I$I$I Bro!erage Ser4ice 3imited "IBS3# et up in March *((H6 IBS3 i a *''P u. idiar+ of i)SE$/ It commenced it ecuritie .ro!erage acti4itie in >e.ruar+ *((I and i regi tered with the National Stoc! E,change of India 3imited and The Stoc! E,change6 I$I$I ha tarted a we. ite I$I$Idirect/com which i the mo t comprehen i4e we. ite6 which Page BH

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allow +ou to in4e t in Share 6 Mutual fund 6 Deri4ati4e ">uture and Option # and other financial product / I$I$I ha a large networ! of .ranche all o4er India/ S%r.!#%s >>%r%$9 N. HDFC 5D>$ i the leading financial compan+ in India/ IT ha large networ! of .ranche all o4er India/ 5D>$ Securitie which i full+ u. idiar+ of 5D>$ pro4ide demat er4ice/ 5D>$ and it u. idiar+ pro4ide following er4ice / Demat Ser4ice 3ife In urance Ban!ing Ser4ice 5ou ing >inance 1ehicle >inance Education 3oan 9er onal 3oan Mutual >und Merchant Ban!ing Demat Ser4ice Stoc! Bro!ing

G. K ta6 S%#0r!t!%s Lt$. 0ota! Securitie need no introduction a one of the large t toc! .ro!ing hou e in the countr+ and a leading di tri.utor of primar+ mar!et offering / 0ota! Securitie limited i a -oint 4enture .etween 0ota! Mahindra Ban! and 2oldman Sach 6 the international in4e tment .an!ing and .ro!erage firm/ 0ota! Securitie i a corporate of .oth the BSE and the NSE/ It i al o a depo itor+ participant with the National Securitie Depo itor+ 3imited "NSD3# for trading and ettlement of demateriali:ed hare / Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page BI

S%r.!#%s >>%r%$9 Stoc! Bro!ing >inancial 9roduct Di tri.ution Demat Ser4ice In4e tment Ad4i or+ Ser4ice

I. M t!3a3 Os5a3 S%#0r!t!%s Lt$. Motilal O wal Securitie 3td "MOS3# i one of the leading equit+ re earch and .ro!ing hou e of India/ MOS3 ha a &') re earch team6 which i engaged round the cloc! in anal+:ing the Indian econom+ and corporate ector to identif+ equit+ in4e tment idea / A ia Mone+ Bro!erM 9oll &''& ha rated MOS3 a one of the .e t Indian .ro!ing hou e6 for re earch6 for the econd time ince &'''/ Motilal O wal i of NSD3 and $DSI3 for D9/ It ha wide networ! of .ranche / It ha *HF .ranche all o4er India S%r.!#%s O>>%r%$9 Demat Ser4ice Stoc! Bro!ing In4e tment Ad4i or+ Ser4ice


Mar6%t P s!t! n!n49

Mar!et po itioning tatement of 0ar4+ are At Kar y !e gi e you single !indo! ser ice" and #e also ensure your co$fort". So6 0ar4+ focu on the con umer who prefer almo t all in4e tment acti4itie at ame place .+ pro4iding of 4ariou financial er4ice / At 0ar4+ a per on can purcha e or ell Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page BJ

hare 6 de.enture etc/ and at the ame place al o demat it/ 0ar4+ al o pro4ide other in4e tment option to the ame per on at ame place li!e Mutual >und6 In urance6 >i,ed Depo it6 and Bond etc/ and help the per on in de igning hi portfolio/ B+ thi wa+ 0ar4+ pro4ide comfort to it cu tomer / 0ar4+ i al o po itioned according to %ies and &rout/ 0ar4+ i promoted a a no/ * in4e tment product di tri.utor and % D T agent of India/

Tar4%t Mar6%t9
0ar4+ u e de$ograp'ic seg$entation trateg+ and egment people .a ed on their occupation/ 0ar4+ u e selecti e speciali(ation trateg+ for mar!et targeting/ Target per on for the 0ar4+ Stoc! Bro!ing and 0ar4+ In4e tment Ser4ice are per on who can wor! a $A for ma!ing u.).ro!er/ u.).ro!er for the companie / $ompanie focu on Ad4i or of In urance and po t office6 Ta, con ultant and

Mar6%t!n4 #hann%3 S1st%29

0ar4+ u e one le el mar!eting channel for in4e tment product di tri.ution/ Su.).ro!er wor! a intermediar+ .etween con umer and compan+/ $ompan+ ha .oth forward and .ac!ward flow of acti4it+ through channel/ $ompan+ di tri.ute forward to it u.).ro!er/ The u.).ro!er tationer+6 .ro!erage6 and information end filled form 6 querie 6 amount of in4e tment/

Tra!n!n4 Chann%3 M%2-%rs9

0ar4+ pro4ide training to the u.).ro!er .ecau e the+ will .e 4iewed a the compan+ .+ the in4e tor / The e,ecuti4e of 0ar4+ e,plain 4ariou new cheme of in4e tment to the u.) .ro!er with it o.-ecti4e6 ri ! factor and e,pected return/ $ompan+ al o periodicall+ arrange eminar to guide u.).ro!er /

A$.%rt!s!n4 an$ Pr 2 t! n9
The o.-ecti4e of ad4erti ing of 0ar4+ i to create awarene a.out er4ice of 0ar4+ among Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page BF

SWOT Ana31s!s Str%n4ths9

Emplo+ee are highl+ empowered/ Strong $ommunication Networ!/ 2ood co)operation .etween emplo+ee / * %egi trar and Tran fer agent in India/ * dealer of In4e tment 9roduct in India/

5igh Emplo+ee Turno4er/

O// rt0n!t19
2rowth rate of mutual fund indu tr+ i B' to G''P during la t +ear and it e,pected that thi rate will .e maintained in future al o/ Mar!eting at rural and emi) area /

Increa ing of local pla+er / 9a t image of Mutual >und/ No Entr+ load i affecting pa+out D .u ine directl+/

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$5A9TE% G

S$O9E O> AO%0

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S# /% > th% 5 r6

Mar!eting of >inancial product i a challenging a well a a growing field/ Scanning and future potential are the important part of compan+/ And when an+ per on collect the data related to thi topic then e4er+one notice it/ E4er+ of mar!eting department need thi data from e,ecuti4e to the product head/ A a mar!eting tudent it i important to !now a.out the real mar!et condition which de4elop the idea related to mar!et without going in mar!et and it al o pro4ide a re earch pattern to tudent/ Thi tud+ contain detailed !nowledge a.out6 awarene among ad4i or 6 the mar!et

hare of Mutual fund6 pro.lem of ad4i or for not elling the Mutual fund/ Thi will .e helpful for all the concerned per on / A ati fied ad4i or gi4e more ale than6 un ati fied per on/

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definitel+ follow our predetermined

Mar!eting %e earch .eing a logical proce proce

equence or tep in order to o.tain the de ired re ult or outcome / Though the entire of Mar!eting %e earch i quite comple, and require a con idera.le degree of !nowledge and !ill6 the tep of the 9ro.lem >ormulation i the mo t challenging and critical one for the re earcher a well a the re earch/ It i rightl+ aid that a pro.lem6 well defined i half ol4ed/ In toda+? competiti4e world companie cannot afford to reacti4e6 in tead the trend i toward proacti4e/ It i due to the increa ing competition that the companie cannot afford to underta!e re earch until omething goe wrong/ Thi can curtail the future growth or e4en affect the 4er+ e,i tence of the organi:ation eeing to the trend of .eing proacti4e in the futureN companie are allocating more re ource to the di cipline of re earch/ In uch ca e it .ecome a dut+ of re earcher to en ure that the organi:ation get an optimum return on the re ource it ha in4e ted/ Thu 6 9ro.lem >ormulation a ume great importance in Mar!eting %e earch/ The Mar!eting %e earch pro-ect underta!en .+ me for the S0ar4+ Stoc! .ro!ing 3imited? encompa e within it cope6 the tud+ of < Th% M0t0a3 F0n$ an$ t >!n$ 0t 2ar6%t / t%nt!a3 > KARVY In.%st r S%r.!#% Lt$. 5!th s/%#!a3 r%>%r%n#% t $!str!-0t! n > M0t0a3 F0n$ !n A33aha-a$ C!t1. C 2/an1 5ants t !n#r%as% !ts s0-:-r 6%rs 5h #an 5 r6 as !nt%r2%$!ar1 -%t5%%n # 2/an1 an$ th% !n.%st rs.&

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An+ acti4it+ done without an o.-ecti4e in a mind cannot turn fruitful/ An o.-ecti4e pro4ide a pecific direction to an acti4it+/ O.-ecti4e ma+ range from 4er+ general to 4er+ pecific6 .ut the+ hould .e clear enough to point out with rea ona.le accurac+ what re earcher want to achie4e through the tud+ and how it will .e helpful to the deci ion ma!er in ol4ing the pro.lem/ The o.-ecti4e of an+ re earch i .a icall+ di4ided into two categorie /

Pr!2ar1 O-8%#t!.%9
To find out preference among ad4i or toward mutual fund /

S%# n$ar1 O-8%#t!.%s9

>ollowing are econdar+ o.-ecti4e / 0ar4+/ To find out the 9referred AM$ among ad4i ior D indirectl+ through cu tomer / To a e an awarene of mutual fund in $it+/ of mutual fund in $it+/

To find out le4el of awarene

To find out how man+ in4e tment ad4i or are intere ted in dealing of mutual fund/ To find out how man+ in4e tment ad4i or are willing to wor! with



It will help the organi:ation / The organi:ation ma+ !now6 what are the preference of their ad4i or and .u ine a ociate o6 the+ can wor! on that accordingl+/

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Mar6%t R%s%ar#h
%e earch in common parlance refer to a earch for !nowledge/ Ae can al o define re earch a a cientific and + tematic earch for pertinent information on a pecific topic/ In hort the re earch for !nowledge through o.-ecti4e and + tematic method of finding olution to a pro.lem i re earch/ According to American Mar!eting A ociation < Mar!et %e earch i the function which lin! the cu tomer 6 and pu.lic to the mar!et through information u ed to identif+ and define mar!eting opportunit+ and pro.lemN generate 6 define and e4aluate mar!eting action 6 monitor mar!eting performance and impro4e under tanding a a proce =

O-8%#t!.% > Mar6%t!n4 R%s%ar#h

The main aim of re earch i to find out the truth which i hidden and which ha not .een di co4ered +et/ Though each re earch tud+ ha it own pecific purpo e6 we thin! of re earch o.-ecti4e a falling into a of following .road grouping@ */ To gain familiarit+ with a phenomenon and to achie4e new in ight/ &/ To portra+ accuratel+ the feature of a particular indi4idual6 ituation or a group/ B/ To determine the frequenc+ with which omething occur / G/ To ta te a h+pothe i of a ca ual relation hip .etween 4aria.le /

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Th% -8%#t!.% > an1 r%s%ar#h !s -as!#a331 $!.!$%$ !nt t5 #at%4 r!%s.

Pr!2ar1 O-8%#t!.%9
To find out mar!et potential of 0ar4+ In4e tor Ser4ice 3td/

S%# n$ar1 O-8%#t!.%s9

>ollowing are econdar+ o.-ecti4e / 0ar4+/ To find out the fa4ourite AM$ among ad4i ior D indirectl+ through cu tomer / To a e an awarene of mutual fund in $it+/ of mutual fund in $it+/

To find out le4el of awarene

To find out how man+ in4e tment ad4i or are intere ted in dealing of mutual fund/ To find out how man+ in4e tment ad4i or are willing to wor! with

R%s%ar#h Pr #%ss
Identif+ 9ro.lemCO.-ecti4e >rame 5+pothe i Select %e earch De ign Select the Sample $ollection of Data Anal+:e the Data 9repare %eport

R%s%ar#h D%s!4n9:
A re earch de ign i a pattern or an outline of a re earch pro-ect? wor!ing/ It i a tatement of onl+ the e ential element of a tud+6 tho e that pro4ide the .a ic guideline

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for the detail of the pro-ect/ It compri e a erie of prior deci ion that ta!en together pro4ide ma ter plan for e,ecuting a re earch pro-ect / The tud+ wa conducted on the .a i of li t of re pondent who were targeted/ >rom that <A re earch de ign i the arrangement of condition for collection and anal+ i of Data in cu tomer preference were collected and were a.le to co4er almo t all the leading .rand / Thi wa %e earch De ign for the pro-ect/ T1/%s > R%s%ar#h D%s!4n */ De cripti4e re earch &/ E,plorator+ %e earch B/ E,perimental %e earch G/ $a ual de ign %e earch H/ $a e tud+ %e earcher ha adopted $%s#r!/t!.% r%s%ar#h $%s!4n .ecau eN a de cripti4e re earch i underta!en when re earcher want to !now the characteri tic of certain group/ De cripti4e or Sur4e+ %e earch De ign attempt to de cri.e and e,plain condition of the pre ent .+ u ing man+ u.-ect and que tionnaire to full+ de cri.e a phenomenon/ Sur4e+ re earch de ign C ur4e+ methodolog+ i one of the mo t popular for di ertation re earch/

Chara#t%r!st!#s > !nt%r%st9

in4e tment Ad4i or? preference in electing Mutual >und compan+ Ad4i or? qualification D le4el of education/ Ad4i or? !nowledge a.out Mutual >und Ad4i or? !nowledge a.out 0ar4+ Ad4i or? intere t in getting !nowledge of Mutual >und Ad4i or? willingne Ad4i or? to deal in Mutual >und with 0ar4+ electing ta, a4ing in trument of

preference in

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T1/%s > Data:

J!K Pr!2ar1 Data) 9rimar+ data are et of tho e information which are collected new and for the fir t time and thu happen to .e original in nature/ J!!K S%# n$ar1 Data) Secondar+ Data are tho e et of information? which ha4e alread+ .eing collected .+ omeone el e and which ha4e alread+ .een pa ed through the taticall+ proce /

S 0r#%s > Data9: *K

Pr!2ar1 $ata Thi data can .e collected through e,periment or through ur4e+/ The 4ariou method of 9rimar+ data collection are@ ) ) ) Que tionnaire method O. er4ation method Inter4iew method

The %e earcher adopted per onal inter4iew method through tructured que tionnaire6 .ecau e it i de cripti4e tud+ which tud+ e,i ting thing and que tionnaire i cheaper a compared to chedule method6 co4er wide area6 collect detailed information of their opinion without pre ure to re pondent / Through per onal inter4iew re pondent ea il+ time and re pondent ta!e intere t a well a re pondent 6 it? a4oid .ia 6 re pondent ma+ feel free to e,pre am.iguit+ and le under tand the que tionnaire6 it? ta!ing le inter4iewer communicate with re pondent /


S%# n$ar1 $ata

Secondar+ data refer to the data6 which ha4e alread+ .een collected and anal+:ed .+ ome more el e u uall+ hed data are a4aila.le in/ ) ) ) ) 3i.rarie 3iterature 9eriodical $en u and %egi tration data Page G(

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Trade a ociation 2o4ernment department 9ri4ate ource $ommercial data >inancial data International organi:ation %eference and Bi.liographie 1olume of tati tic Ad4erti ing Internet Other ource

Th% 2%th $ a$ /t%$ !n th% st0$19

$ompan+? we. ite6 google earch engine6 .oo! 6 maga:ine and new paper are u ed for collection of econdar+ data/

Sa2/3!n4 Pr #%$0r%s9:
%andom Sampling i u ed for the Sur4e+/

Sa2/3!n4 Un!t9:
Mutual >und Ad4i or in area/

Sa2/3!n4 D%s!4n9:

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page H'

A Sampling De ign i the proce from the ample/

of o.taining the Sample from a gi4en population/ It

refer to Technique or the Method which the %e earcher would adopt in electing item I ha4e u ed .oth PC n.%n!%n#% Sa2/3!n4 M%th $C and PSn 5 Ba33 Sa2/3!n4 M%th $C

Sa2/3!n4 T%#hn!L0%s9:
The financial ad4i or were randoml+ elected from gi4en li t of B''

Sa2/3% Fra2%9:
In thi ur4e+ %e earcher ha elected *'' ad4i or out of B'' ad4i or a pro4ided .+ the ource /

Sa2/3% S!D%9:
A total ample i:e i of *'' %e pondent in cit+/

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R%s%ar#h Instr02%nts9:

The re earch in trument u ed wa the "Str0#t0r%$ Q0%st! nna!r%&. The que tionnaire .a icall+ con i ted of a et of que tion that wa pre ented to the re pondent for their an wer / Thi wa far the .e t method u ed for the collection of 9rimar+ Data/ In the preparation of the que tionnaire6 care wa ta!en to ee that the wording of the que tion were a imple a po i.le and would not cau e an+ train to the re pondent in under tanding or interpreting of the que tion 6 howe4er ome financial term were u ed a financial ad4i or were aware a.out it/ Al o the flow of the que tion ha .een !ept in a logical order a much a po i.le/ The que tionnaire include clo ed ended and open ended que tion / The clo ed ended que tion include .oth dichotomou i/e/ +e Cno t+pe and the multiple)choice que tion /


Data Ana31s!s ' Int%r/r%tat! n9

Data Anal+ i i .a ed on the data collected .+ wa+ of Que tionnaire / >rom the collected data finding are e,tracted/ The data i ta.ulated and frequenc+ di tri.ution chart i prepared/

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page HB



*K A4% ' G%n$%r?

Ta-3% n .I.@.* 9arameter &')&H &I)B' B*)BH BI)G' H*)a.o4e Total Ta.le no/J/B/& 2ender Male >emale Total

No/ of re pondent *& *F *F *& G' *'' No of re pondent JI &G *''

P of re pondent *&P *FP *FP *&P G'P *''P P of re pondent JIP &GP *''

40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 20-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41 above Advisors

Figure no.).1
)*+ $ale , -. + Fe$ale

Ana31s!s JIP of the re pondent are male6 wherea remaining &GP are female/ In a.o4e chart we can ee that Young ad4i or are few in num.er6 where a e,perienced are in ma-orit+ a.o4e G' +ear of age/

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page HG

<K E$0#at! n?

Ta-3% n .I.@.@ 9arameter Undergraduate 2raduate Ma ter Total

No of re pondent &B HJ &' *''

P of re pondent &BP HJP &'P *''

60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% UG Masters

Figure no.)./0 1 /nder graduate2 0- 0raduate


Ana31s!s &BP of the re pondent are Undergraduate6 wherea Ma-orit+ of them are 2raduate with HJP There are a few ad4i or which are 9o t 2raduate D ha4ing high !nowledge/

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page HH

@K Ar% 1 0 AMFI #%rt!>!%$?

Ta-3% n . I.@.) 9arameter Ye No Total

No of re pondent IF B& *''

P of re pondent IF B& *''

70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yes No Figure no.).3
A4F5 1 Association of 4utual Funds in 5ndia


Ana31s!s The of AM>I certified ad4i or i quite high6 which mean the+ ha4e pa ed AM>I e,am D are quite !nowledgea.le a compared to non)amfi/

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page HI

)K As an !n.%st2%nt a$.!s r( 5h!#h !n.%st2%nt #0st 2%rs( an$ M%nt! n R%as ns a3s ?

/t! ns 1 0 s044%st t

1 0r

Ta-3% n .I.@.N O/t! ns In urance Mutual >und >i,ed Depo it Bond Other Total

N > r%s/ n$%nts B( &G ** *I *' *''

O > R%s/ n$%nts B(P &GP **P *IP *'P *''

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Ins MF FD Bonds Othrs Business

Figure no. )..

567 1 5nsurance2 4F 1 4utual Fund2 FD 1 Fi8ed deposits

Ana31s!s The mo t preferred product i In urance followed .+ M>6 Bond D >D? /

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page HJ

NK R%as n > r s%33!n4 Pr%>%rr%$ Pr $0#t?

Ta-3% n . I.@.G
R%as ns %eturn %i ! $ommi ion Safet+ Ta, .enefit Total N > r%s/ n$%nts &B *J &G *I &' *'' O > r%s/ n$%nts &B *J &G *I &' *''

25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Reason


Figure 6o.).9


:ere ;%1 1 %eturns<2 ;%- 1 %is=s<2 ;> 1 >ayout?Co$$ission<2;7 1 7afety<2 ;& 1 &a8 @enefit<

Ana31s!s The rea on for preferring in4e tment option are mainl+ return D pa+out >actor/ 5owe4er ta, .enefit wa econd preference and %i ! D afet+ were the la t/

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page HF

GK A//r 7!2at%31 h 5 2an1 #0st 2%rs $ 1 0 s%r.%? Ta-3% n .I.@.I Para2%t%r ' R H' H* R *'' *'* R *H' *H* and a.o4e Total N > r%s/ n$%nts *B &J && BF *'' O > r%s/ n$%nts *B &J && BF *''

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0-50 51-100 101-150 151# above

Figure no.7.6 Ana31s!s Mo t of the ad4i or are maintaining a good data.a e of cu tomer /


Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page H(

IK What !s 1 0r Br 6%ra4% /a12%nt /%r! $? Ar% 1 0 sat!s>!%$ 5!th !t ? Ta-3% n .I.@.H Para2%t%r N > r%s/ n$%nts O > r%s/ n$%nts * wee! *F *FP & wee! BF BFP B wee! B& B&P G wee! *& *&P Total *'' *'' Sat!s>a#t! n 3%.%3 Ta-3% n .I.@., Para2%t%r Ye No Total

N > r%s/ n$%nts B( I* *''

O > r%s/ n$%nts B( I* *''

40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 wee 2

Figure no.).)

!a" #d

Ma-orit+ of the re pondent are not ati fied with the pa+ment period/ The a4erage pa+ment period hould .e le er/

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Page I'

HK I> a ta7a-3% s%r.!#% /%rs n 5ants t !n.%st( 4%n%ra331 5h!#h /t! n 5 03$ 1 0 s044%st > r !n.%st2%nt? Ta-3% n . I.@.*+ Para2%t%r In urance E3SS Bond Other Total N > r%s/ n$%nts BB &J B& F *'' O > r%s/ n$%nts BBP &JP B&P FP *''

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 I&! '(!!
Figure 6o.).A
5ns - 5nsurance2 EL77 1 Equity Lin=ed 7a ing 7c'e$e of 4utual Fund.

"a) savin*



Ana31s!s It eem that in urance i more ugge ta.le6 then come Bond D E3SS/ Other include6 99>6 infra cheme etc/

,K Ar% 1 0 !nt%r%st%$ t $%a3 !n M0t0a3 F0n$? I> n /3%as% 2%nt! n r%as ns( an$ !> 1%s /3%as% 2%nt! n 1 0r >a. r!t% AMC. Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page I*

Ta-3% n . I.@.** Para2%t%r Ye No Total

N > r%s/ n$%nts JB &J *''

O > r%s/ n$%nts JBP &JP *''

,0% +0% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -es &o Figure no.).B Resu.t

Ana31s!s Ma-orit+ of the re pondent were intere ted to deal in mutual fund/ 5owe4er ome of them refu ed/ The rea on wa le pa+ out6 not faith in mar!et6 high ri ! in4ol4ed6 3iquidit+ pro.lem etc/ The e are the difficultie in elling Mutual fund Some of the preferred D fa4orite AM$? are %eliance Mutual >und 5D>$ Mutual >und I$I$I 9rudential Mutual >und/ SBI Mutual >und

*+K D 1 0 th!n6 that( $%#!s! ns > r n :%ntr1 3 a$ t 20t0a3 >0n$s !s 4 Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

$? Page I&

Ta-3% n .I.@.*< Para2%t%r Ye No Total

N > r%s/ n$%nts *F F& *''

O > r%s/ n$%nts *F F& *''

/0 ,0 +0 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -'! &O
Figure no.7. !


Ana31s!s Deci ion for no)entr+ load i not accepted .+ ma-orit+ of the re pondent 6 a it ha le ened the pa+)out which earlier wa more/

**K Ar% 1 0 ass #!at%$ 5!th Kar.1? Ta-3% n .I.@.*@ Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page IB

Para2%t%r Ye No Total

N > r%s/ n$%nts JB &J *''

O > r%s/ n$%nts JB &J *''

,0 +0 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -es &o
Figure no.).11 Ana31s!s Ma,imum of re pondent are a ociated with 0ar4+6 a it i much popular in the cit+


*<K Ar% 1 0 sat!s>!%$ 5!th s%r.!#%s /r .!$%$ -1 Kar.1Cs A33aha-a$ Bran#h? Ta-3% N .I.@.*) Para2%t%r N > r%s/ n$%nts O > r%s/ n$%nts Page IG

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

>ull+ ati fied To ome e,tent Not >ull+ ati fied Not ati fied $an?t a+ Total

*I &B &F &I J *''

*I &B &F &I J *''

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Fu..0 to so%e not 1u..0 nt satis10 $ an2t sa0

Figure no.).1Ana31s!s Onl+ *HP of the re pondent are full+ ati fied6 re t of them are not ati fied/


*@K In >0t0r% 5 03$ 1 0 3!6% att%n$ s%2!nars ' Tra!n!n4 Pr 4ra2s !> arran4%$ -1 Kar.1? Ta-3% n . I.@.*N Para2%t%r N > r%s/ n$%nts O > r%s/ n$%nts Page IH

Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune

Ye No Don?t !now

*F HF &G

*F HF &G

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -es &o Don2t 3no4

Figure no.).13


Ana31s!s A few of the re pondent are onl+ intere ted to attend eminar D training program6 if arranged D organi:ed .+ !ar4+/ Man+ of the re pondent were lac!ing time factor/

*)K W 03$ 1 0 3!6% t 5 r6 5!th Kar.1 St #6 Br 6!n4 Lt$ !n F0t0r% > r $%a3!n4 M0t0a3 F0n$?

Ta-3% n . I.@.*G Institute of Business Management & Research, Chinchwad, Pune Page II

Para2%t%r Y%s N T ta3

N > r%s/ n$%nts <G I) *++

O > r%s/ n$%nts <G I) *++

,0 +0 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -es &o >igure no/J/*G Resu.t

Ana31s!s 3ea t of re pondent were intere ted to wor! with !ar4+ a an emplo+ee6 the rea on were %eputed name6 Tru t etc/ Ma,imum per on were not intere ted to wor! with 0ar4+6 the rea on were6 3ac! of time6 independenc+6 indi4idual wor!ing hour etc/

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