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Environmental Literacy & Animal Behavior Academy Garrett Co.

Maryland August 4-9, 2013

The goal of this academy is to provide elementary & middle school educators the skills and processes needed to better engage students as they design and perform their own science experiments related to environmental literacy and animal behavior. Educators will participate in watershed-based field investigations, collect and analyze data, and present results and conclusions. Teachers will plan curriculum for effective science-based research and instruction by implementing strategies and techniques presented in class. The course will address Next Generation Science Standards for Environmental Literacy and Animal Behavior. Instructors: Dr. Michael Pelton Dr. Tamra Willis Mary Baldwin College, Adjunct Faculty Mary Baldwin College, Assistant Professor University of Tennessee- Emeriti Professor Graduate Teacher Education Wildlife Science Environment-Based Learning Syllabus Key: Research Content Pedagogy Field Experiences Course Schedule: Sunday 4 August: Evening picnic/gathering 6-8 (Meet at Danas) Join us at the Lake for introductions and discussions regarding course schedules, goals and plans. Also, we will share stories of student-directed research successes and challenges. Make journals. Monday 5 August- 8am-4:30pm. Hickory Environmental Education Center. Bring their own lunches and drinks. (Meet at Planetarium classroom) Research Overview (Lecture and activities) o Basics of field research (process, observation, collection, sample size, repetition) o Study site selection (criteria, size, location) o Taxonomy and Identification Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core, and MD Literacy Standards Overview Discussion of Research Project assignment Field Experiences (all afternoon- bring their own lunches and drinks): Stream studies, fish shocking, crayfish (Alan Klotz) at Big Run State Park New Germany River Tuesday 6 August- 8am-4:30pm. Harrington Manor State Park (Discuss the meeting place on Monday) Get and Go lunches and drinks in a cooler (Working Lunch) Research Techniques (Lecture and activities) o Capture, Marking, Handling, and Monitoring o Cameras, DNA, Hair Catchers o Conducting population and habitat studies Mark-recapture activity- Population estimation

Levels of Investigations- Book and assignments Discussions of afternoon research studies Field Experiences at WMA: Insect Population Studies (meadow) Set up Scent Stations and Cameras for overnight study. Set up minnow traps with glow sticks for salamander study. Wednesday 7 August - 8am-4:30pm. Nemo WMA Get and Go lunches and drinks in a cooler (Working Lunch) Field Experiences at WMA: Check Scent Stations and Cameras. Make plastic casts of tracks and/or others that we have along (if possible). Check minnow traps with glow sticks for salamander study. Vegetation Survey (Sampling ground cover, shrub and trees) Afternoon in a classroom (or alternate day for fish shocking) Research Techniques o Data Collection, recording, and reporting conclusions o Designing a research project o Bear presentation- as examples of student driven research Issue Driven Curriculum (EBL) Planning for research with students Thursday 8 August - 8am-4:30pm Deep Creek Park Discovery Center Bring their own lunches and drinks Field Experience- Lake trip on Pontoon Boat (few hours in morning) Chemical testing of water and bacteria count (ask Alan) Research Techniques (at Discovery Center) o Phenology o Citizen science and on-line reporting (introduction) o Butterfly research- Carolyn Tour of Discovery Center Phenology Wheels Assignment- Come to class tomorrow with an idea for a research project. Afternoon around 2pm: Work on research project planning- at center or home Friday, August 9: Crellin Elementary 8-4:00 Bring own lunch and drink Research Techniques o Wildlife Rules and Regs- Harry Spiker o Mike: Revisit research techniques and sampling issues o Incubator for Bacteria count of lake water Leaf Pack in Snowy Creek- example of research project for students Designing student research projects: Sharing session Web sites and on-line support for research (including Fieldscope, Bay Backpack, Cornell Labs, etc) Tour of Crellin Schoolyard habitat given by the students Using Technology- with Crellin Students (Probeware, GPS Scavenger Hunt, Intel Computers, BioBlitz, etc).

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