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Exploring Core Democratic Values Looking at Current Issues in the News

Lesson plan: 1. Spend time introducing the Core Democratic Values and Principles. 2. Once the class is familiar with and can define/discuss CDVs introduce the concept in the !asic !eliefs collection of news articles or "ring in articles from local papers or online news sources that demonstrate that CDVs are in pla# toda# e$er# da# in our current e$ents/issues. %. Define &pu"lic polic#' and differentiate from &Ser$ice Learning.' (. )i$e each group of four students one article to read and discuss. *ost of the articles ha$e focus +uestions to facilitate a discussion in Part , of the -cti$it#. !e read# to present .summari/e don0t read1 the article to the rest of the class and tell wh# it is representati$e of the CDV at the top of the article. Assignment: 2ind an article in an# local newspaper or online news source .*Li$e 3S4 567 etc.1 that presents a local state or national pu"lic polic# issue. Print out for class and attach to this rubric. Summari/e the article. 8 ,dentif# the CDV that is "eing de"ated. 8 ,dentif# the le$el of go$ernment that would ha$e 9urisdiction in this issue. .local state national1 AND the "ranch of go$ernment that addresses this issue )i$e the rationale for choosing the CDV #ou identified and wh# #ou said that. 8 De$elop 2:% focus +uestions that would help another student discuss the issue. 8 !e read# to present #our article to a small group and turn in.
On time Title/A A Citation ;<ploring CDVs in the 5ews =u"ric .>S; 7;*PL-7;1 % points 1 point ? points -ssignment is on time 3or@ is posted on time -ssignment is late. and a$aila"le for class "ut not "rought to class discussion for discussion -rticle is identified using -rticle is identified "# -rticle is -P- citation format the 7itle Date 5ews misidentified or Source not identified ,ncluded article ,ncluded article is a"out 5o cop# of the highlights a >.S. something other than a article turned in communit# state or >.S. pu"lic polic# issue with assignment national pu"lic polic# .ser$ice learning etc.1 issue ?:1 mista@es in grammar 2 :% mista@es in grammar -n# amount of spelling and/or spelling and/or mista@es in writing punctuation. punctuation don0t affect affect understanding. understanding -rticle is summari/ed -rticle is summari/ed. -rticle summar# is clearl# and succinctl# ,mportant info ma# "e missing. including all important missing or summar# information includes too much info. CDV.s1 identified >nclear choiceC not reall# CDV identified correctl# the focus of this article incorrectl# or not identified =ationale for each =ationale for identified =ationale for identified CDV clearl# CDV descri"ed "ut ma# identified CDV not descri"ed "e unclear descri"ed Correctl# identifies the >nclear choice or reasonC Le$el of >.S. >.S. le$el of go$ernment not reall# the focus of go$ernment with 9urisdiction this article missing/incorrect. Correctl# identifies the >nclear choice or reasonC !ranch.es1 of >.S. "ranch.es1 of >.S. not reall# the focus of go$0t in$ol$ed go$ernment in$ol$ed this article missing/incorrect. 2:% focus +uestions that 1 focus +uestion that will 5o focus +uestions will facilitate discussion facilitate discussion written of the issue

.>se 7emplate1
Article ! print an" inclu"e with assignment #rammar$ %pelling$ Article %ummar&

.A3s and B1 .>se 7emplate1

CDV i"enti'ie"

.>se 7emplate1
(ationale 'or each CDV

.>se 7emplate1
Le)el o' go)ernment

.>se 7emplate1
*ranch o' go)ernment

.>se 7emplate1
+ocus ,uestions

.>se 7emplate1

7otal points possi"le: %?C 3hat do #ou thin@D EEEEEEEE 7otal points earned: EEEEEEEEEE

CDVs in the 5ews 8 >se this template to complete this assignment. Student wor@ is inserted in right:hand column "elow for each section 5ame and SS7%?F Section Gatie Lund+uist SS7 %?F:?% 7itle of -rticle and -P*ichigan "an on e<otic swine dismissed "# >.P. 4udgeC D5= e<pected to Citation appeal 7he -ssociated Press. .2?1( *arch 2A1. *ichigan "an on e<otic swine dismissed "# u.p. 9udgeC dnr appeal e<pected. MLive. =etrie$ed from http://www.mli$<.ssf/2?1(/?%/upE9udgeEthrowsEoutEmichig anE".html Complete summar# of -rticle - 9udge in the >.P. ruled to remo$e a "an on farmers owning ;urasian "oars and other similar "reeds. 7he 9udge said that it was unconstitutional to den# farmers the right to own these animals. 7he Department of 5atural =esources is concerned that the hogs will ha$e a serious effect on *ichigan land "ecause the# are destructi$e. 7hese t#pes of hogs are large @nown for escaping the farms and tear up crops and ground when searching for food. 7he# are also @nown for damaging ponds and streams "ecause the# pla# around in the mud. ;<otic swine carr# diseases which could "e spread in the water to other domestic li$estoc@. ;<otic swine farmers were concerned that the "an had "een put into effect in fa$or of domestic hog producers to gi$e them a leg up in the competiti$e world of farming. 7he# also said that their hogs were securel# @ept in their pens and did not get loose. 7he 9udge felt as though the D5= had a $alid reason to worr# a"out e<otic swine as "eing in$asi$e species "ut the# didnHt ha$e an# rational and this "an was unconstitutional. Core Democratic Value.s1 1. 4ustice 2. ;+ualit# %. 7ruth (. ,ndi$idual =ights =ationale for each of the CDVs 1. , chose 4ustice as a Core Democratic Value "ecause the farmers of the .3h# does the CDV #ou chose e<otic swine had a right to "e treated the same as the farmers of the domestic fit this issueD1 swine. 2. , chose ;+ualit# as a Core Democratic Value "ecause the 9udge said that the Department of 5atural =esources lac@ed rational. ,t was also mentioned that the characteristics of the "anned e<otic swine were $er# similar to the characteristics of the domestic swine. %. , chose 7ruth as a Core Democratic Value "ecause the e<otic swine farmers had "rought pictures of the enclosures that the# had used to @eep the pigs in and the# loo@ed $er# secure according to the 9udge. ;$en though the D5= had repeatedl# said that the hogs @ept getting out. (. , chose ,ndi$idual =ights as a Core Democratic Value "ecause economic freedom is something that is supposed to "e protected "# the go$ernment and the# are not supposed to ha$e unfair restrictions placed upon them. 7he 9udge also said that this law didnHt meet e+ual protection for "oth parties. !ranch of )o$ernment 7he "ranch of go$ernment co$ered in this article was the 4udicial !ranch. , indicated in this issue AND how @now this "ecause the role of the 4udicial !ranch is to e$aluate laws. do #ou @nowD Le$el of )o$ernment with 7he le$el of go$ernment co$ered in this article was Local )o$ernment. , 9urisdiction 8 AND how do #ou @now this "ecause e$en though this too@ place in *ichigan onl# the "an has @nowD "een lifted in the >.P. 2:% 2ocus +uestions 8 how 1. ,f the characteristics of the e<otic and domesticated hogs are the same do

would #ou lead a su"stanti$e discussion on this article as it relates to the Core Democratic ValuesD

#ou thin@ the "an should sta# in place for the rest of the stateD 2. 3hat are some other wa#s that the Core Democratic Values could ha$e "een rectified to ma@e "oth parties happ#D

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