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Tode Dumba 100-1/6 1300 Kumanovo R.


tel. 0039831413012 email: ivica.donev !i"#a$ mob.:00389%1%911%1

Ivica Donevski
Objective To obtain a &o ition '$e(e ) can im&lement m# o(*ani+ational and admini t(ative !ill and e,&e(ience. To 'o(! in --. De&a(tment o( M/R t$at 'ould a i t #ou( com&an# in e(vicin* 0- .(m# in t$e Middle 1a t &(o2ect t$(ou*$ ma,imum u e o3 &(eviou e,&e(ience and 4uali3ication .


200%-2008 KBR


Work in O&M missions and new construction projects. Fixing o d e ectrica insta ation and constructing new insta ation. 1995200%!"


'o(! a an e ectrician& o'tained pro(essiona ski s in )e ectrica insta ation ) ow)tension distri'ution ine*+&, K-. )medium tension distri'ution ine*/+01+023 K-. )e ectric meter c4ange*/+)5+A. )insta ation o( e ectrica power stations*/+01+0+&, K-. )underground insta ations o( ca' e connectors !ill3ul in ca(&etin* e,&e(ience in ma!in* invento(#


/676)/662 8ec4nica 9econdar% 9c4oo :.9.O.; <ace Bugoni; Kumanovo6 MK 4t$ level &(o3e ional &(e&a(ation De*(ee obtained7 8i*$ volta*e elect(o tec$nician7 9o e a $i*$ de*(ee o3 initiative and &(oblem olvin* !ill t$at a(e e33ective in en u(in* a i*nment a(e &e(3o(med 4uic!l#6 co((ectl# 'it$out di(ect u&e(vi ion. 133ective ve(bal6 '(itten and inte(&e( onal communication !ill in multi&le lan*ua*e . /ell ve( ed in /o(d and 1,cel .ble to 'o(! in D:.;6 /a(e$ou e6 M/R and t(an &o(tation


Other skills

Languages Knowledge and interests References

<ative Macedonian6 3luent in -e(bian6 =ul*a(ian and 1n*li $

-&o(t 6 mu ic 6 ca(&etin*

.vailable u&on (e4ue t

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