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Hewitt Hind/Urd morphology Transcription short vowels: a, i, u long vowels: , , , e, o (= long , ) diphthongs: ai, au (= long , )

August 1997


palatal consonants: c, ch, j, jh, , ; aspirate consonants: kh, ch, t h, th, ph, f Nouns

retroflex consonants: t, th, d , d h, , h, , s gh, jh, d h, h, dh, bh Arabic-Persian consonants: kh, gh (spirants), q, z,

singular m m m m m m f f f direct - - oblique -e -e - - - -/-i/-iy - -iy -e -e direct

plural oblique -o -o -iyo -uo -o -o -iyo -o -o

Adjectives: - (m. sg. dir. ;, e ; f. ) m f - - -e

Pronouns (H: Hind; HU: Hindustn/Urd) oblique (dative object ko) mujhtujhisushamtumpinhounho-

direct 1s 2s/intim 3s/near 3s/far 1p 2p(s)/fam 2p(s)/resp 3p/near 3p/far maitH yah / HU ye H vah / HU vo

agentive -ne

dative object mujhe tujhe ise use hame tumhe inhe unhe

possessive mer ter isk usk hamr tumhr pk ink unk

H ye / HU ye H ve / HU vo


Interrogative ky what, kaun who sg pl ky / kaun ky / kaun kiskinhokinkise kinhe kisk kink

Relative who, which sg pl jo jo jisjinhojinjise jinhe jisk jink

Verbs 1 hon be Participles: m. f. m. f. Simple tenses: h m. f. m. f. m. f. h m. hg f. hg th th hot hot hu hu ho hog hog ho

singular 2

1 3

plural 2 (p)

2 (tum) boln speak (regular)

present participle -t hot hot past participle - hu hu hai stative present hai stative past the th conditional hote hot simple past hue hu subjunctive ho bol future hoge hog hoge hog bolg bolg boleg boleg bolege boleg bologe bolog bol bol bole bole bol bole bolo bolt bolt bolte bolt ho hue bol bol bole hote bolt bolt bolte

Compound tenses (regular verbs): Imperfect: -t + hon; Perfect: - + hon; Progressive: stem + rah + hon m. f. m. f. m. f. m. f. m. f. bol rah h bol rah h bol h bol h bol th bol th present progressive bol rah hai bol rah hai past progressive bol rah th bol rah th Irregular verbs drink do give take be, become go pn karn den len hon jn imperative -o -ie pio pjie kjie do djie lo ljie - kiy diy liy hu gay simple past -e - kie die lie hue gae k d l hu ga - k d l hu ga - bol rahe the bol rah th subjunctive -e -e -o bol rahe hai bol rah hai bol rahe ho bol rah ho bolt h bolt h bolt th bolt th present perfect bol hai bol hai past perfect bole the bol th bole hai bol hai bole ho bol ho general present (imperfect) bolt hai bolte hai bolt hai bolt hai general past (imperfect) bolte the bolt th bolte ho bolt ho

d l h

de le ho

de le ho

do lo ho

Numbers 0 - 100 0 uny, sifar 1 ek 2 do 3 tn 4 cr 5 pc 6 chah, chai, che 7 st 8 t h 9 nau 10 das 51 ikyvan, ikvan 52 bvan 53 tirpan, treppan 54 cauvan 55 pacpan 56 chappan 57 sattvan 58 at t hvan 59 unsat h 60 st h Forms in combination 1 ek 2 do 3 tn 4 cr 5 pc 6 che 7 st 8 t h 9 nau ik, ikk(-s), iky(--), gy(-rah) b, baCC, bay (by(-)) te, tai, tir (tire, tre), ti cau, cav (cauv), cau, caur, caud pac, pai, pac, pand chaCC, chay, chiy (che), sol satt, sat, sai, sar (sa), satr h, a at t h, at unX+1; nav, niny 10 das 20 bs 30 ts 40 cls 50 pacs 60 st h 70 sattar 80 ass 90 nabbe -rah, -rah, -dah, -drah, -lah -CCs, -s, -bs -ts -tls, -ls -van (-auvan), -Cpan; (uncs) -sat h -hattar -s -nve (-nbe, -nabe) 11 gyrah 12 brah 13 terah 14 caudah 15 pandrah 16 solah 17 satrah, -ttr18 at t hrah 19 unns 20 bs 61 iksat h, -st h 62 bsat h 63 tirsat h, tre-, tire64 causat h 65 paisat h 66 chiysat h, che67 sarsat h, sasat h 68 asat h 69 unhattar 70 sattar 21 ikks 22 bs 23 tes 24 caubs 25 paccs 26 chabbs 27 satts 28 at t hs 29 unts, unatts 30 ts 71 ik:hattar 72 bahattar 73 tihattar 74 cauhattar 75 pac:hattar 76 chihattar, che77 sat:hattar 78 at h:hattar 79 uns, uny-, unn80 ass 31 ikatts, ikts 32 batts 33 taits 34 cauts 35 paits 36 chatts 37 saits 38 ats 39 untls 40 cls 81 ikys, iks 82 bays 83 tirs 84 caurs 85 pacs 86 chiys, che87 satts, -t88 at t hs, -t h89 navs 90 nabbe, navve 41 iktls 42 bayls, by43 taitls, te44 cavls, cauv45 paitls 46 chiyls, cha-, che47 saitls 48 atls 49 uncs 50 pacs 91 ik(y)nve, -(a)be 92 bnve 93 tirnve 94 caurnve 95 pacnve, pacn96 chiynve, che97 sattnve 98 at t hnve 99 ninynve 100 sau

Most common forms: matrix 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 1 ek gyrah ikks ikatts iktls ikyvan iksat h ik:hattar ikys ikynve 2 do brah bs batts bayls bvan bsat h bhattar bays bnve 3 tn terah tes taits taitls tirpan tirsat h tihattar tirs tirnve 4 cr caudah caubs cauts cavls cauvan causat h cauhattar caurs caurnve 5 pac pandrah paccs paits paitls pacpan paisat h pac:hattar pacs pacnve 6 che solah chabbs chatts chiyls chappan chiysat h chihattar chiys chiynve 7 st satrah satts saits saitls sattvan sarsat h sat:hattar satts sattnve 8 t h at t hrah at t hs ats atls at t hvan asat h t at h:hattar at t hs at t hnve 9 nau unns unts untls uncs unsat h unhattar uns navs ninynve 10 das bs ts cls pacs s th sattar ass nabbe sau 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

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