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TITLE: The black cat AUTHOR: Edgar Allan Poe KIND OF STORY: horror: SETTIN PLA!

E: the narrator"# ho$#e SETTIN TI%E: the t&'e &#n"t (rec&#e) The #tor* the #tor* take# (lace &n #o'e da*# %AIN !HARA!TERS: the narrator and h&# black cat STORY: The #tor* &# abo$t a 'an+ the narrator+ ,h&ch ha# got 'an* an&'al#+ &n (art&c$lar a black cat) It &# h&# -a.o$r&te (et b$t+ d$r&ng *ear#+ the (rotagon&#t change# h&# character beca$#e o- alcohol and he #tart# to beat h&# (et# and Pl$to too: he c$t# one o- &t# e*e# and the ne/t e.en&ng he hang# h&') -ro' th&# e(&#ode+ the 'an do horr&ble act#: &n the ba#e'ent+ he k&ll# h&# ,&-e and h&# ne, black cat and ,all the ,o'an"# bod* $() The -o$rth da* (ol&ce'en co'e &nto the ho$#e and the* -eel a 'e, &n the ,all and he d& the ,o'an and cat"# bod&e#) !O%%ENT: I th&nk that th&# tale &# .er* terr&-*&ng and -ear-$l: the black cat and the ,o'an are (oor .&ct&'# o- horr&ble act# ,h&ch the (rotagon&#t do onl* beca$#e o- alcohol) The te/t &#n"t .er* d&--&c$lt+ ,ord# &nto &t are not co'(le/ to $nder#tand ,h&le the #$#(en#e 'ake# .er* &ntere#t&ng the #tor*)

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