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Compiled by G. F. Pranzarone, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, Roanoke College,

http !!"""!socio!astulhof!Dictionary#$%of#$%&e'ology.htm, $( )an *( buggery: a pejorative vernacular term and a legal term for anal copulation, chiefly between males, or with animals [from French, bougre, a corruption of Bulgarian derived from the medieval belief that Bulgarians were Manichean heretics who practiced anal copulation]. t is not a paraphilia. Synonym, sodomy.

Line breaks: bug|gery Pronunciation: /bgri http:!!www.o"!definition!english!buggery#$%buggery /
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intercourse. n law the term also covers bestiality. - vulgar slang used in various e"pressions as an intensifier.


Middle .nglish /in the sense 0heresy01: from Middle 2utch buggerie, from )ld French bougrerie, frombougre /see bugger1.

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