Advance Quantum Mechanics

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Advance Quantum Mechanics Marks: 20

Q1. (a)

Write Standard Five Point Formula (SFPF) used in numerical solution o Partial di erential !"uations o the t#$e 2U ( x, y ) = 0 (%) (2)

&onsiderin' the case o Scatterin' rom hard s$here as a $otential o the orm

V (r ) = 0
Prove that
Rl ( r )

r 0 r0

1 l C l Sin( Kr + l ) r kr 2

(() Q2 (a) (%) )e ine S"uare *nte'ra%le Function +ith suita%le e,am$le (2)

(1) Find a relation or irst order correction in !ner'# ( E n ) in $ertur%ation theor#.


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