Ucsi Lab Report Assessment Rubric

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Department of Engineering (DOEN)


Student Name : _____________________________

Items Score Safety measure/ Precaution Unacceptable 0 No precaution are listed. Satisfactory 1 Precaution are irrelevant or are not appropriate to the experiment Moderate 2 Precaution miss at least one important consideration; will result in some risk to student safety if not revised

ID number : _____________________
Good 3 All major precautions are adequately addressed; procedures adopted are likely to produce a safe experiment Up to one hour late Excellent 4 Precaution fully addressed . Score


Report handed in more than three days late. No procedures are listed.

Report handed in more than two days late Procedures do not accurately list the steps of the experiment

Up to one day late

Report handed in time

Experimental procedures

Procedures are listed, but seem missing some information,some steps are not numbered and/or are in incomplete sentences. Most figures, graphs, tables OK, some still missing some important or required features

Procedures are listed, important experimental details are covered, some minor details missing All figures, graphs, tables are correctly drawn, but some have minor problems or could still be improved

Procedured are listed in clear steps; each step is numbered and in a complete sentence.

Result: data, figures, graphs, tables, etc.

No figures, graphs, tables are provided.

Figures, graphs, tables contain errors or are poorly constructed, have missing titles, captions or numbers, units missing or incorrect, etc. Very incomplete or incorrect interpretation of trends and comparison of data indicating a lack of understanding of results Conclusions missing or missing the important points

All figures, graphs, tables are correctly drawn, are numbered and contain titles/captions.

Discussion/ Observation

Incomplete or incorrect interpretation of trends and comparison of data.

Some of the results have been correctly interpreted and discussed; partial but incomplete understanding of results is still evident

Almost all of the results have been correctly interpreted and discussed, only minor improvements are needed

All important trends and data comparisons have been interpreted correctly and discussed, good understanding of results is conveyed


Incomplete or incorrect conclusion.

Conclusions regarding major points are drawn, but many are misstated, indicating a lack of understanding

All important conclusions have been drawn, could be better stated

All important conclusions have been clearly made, student shows good understanding Lab report is typed/written in well-formatted, very readable.

Appearance and formatting

Appearance and formatting totally inappropriate.

Sections out of order, report is not typed/written using the appropriate format

Sections in order, formatting is rough but readable

Lab report is mostly typed/written using the appropriate format, all sections in order, formatting generally good but could still be improved Less than 3 grammar/spelling errors, mature, readable style

Spelling, grammar, sentence structure

Grammar/spelling error, writing style is rough and immature.

Frequent grammar and/or spelling errors.

Occasional grammar/spelling errors, generally readable with some rough spots in writing style

All grammar/spelling correct and very wellwritten

Total Mark Final Score (%) = (Total Marks /32)*10

Name of Assessor: ______________________

Signature: _______________________

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