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What is your name?

Surname -------------------------------------------------------------------Middle Name-----------------------

First name-------------------------------------------------

Are you a --------------a. Housewife, b. Businessman, c. Service Personnel

Your age-----------a. 15-3 , b. 31-5 c. 51-!5

Are you a monthly purchaser?

a. "es, b. No

Where do you generally purchase?

a. S#o$$in% mall, b. &#olesale mar'et, c. (ocal %rocer) s#o$

How much soap do you purchase monthly?

a. 5 b. 1 c. 15

What kind of soap you are used generally?

a. *l)cerin, b. Sandal, c. Ment#ol, d. Mil' +ream

Why you like this type of soap?

Thank you very much for your suggestion.

How much would you like to bear monthly for buying bath soap?
a. ,bove 1 , b. Below 1 , c. Below 5

Percentage of TF
a. -3., b. /5.,

in your soap is -----c. 1 .

You keep more attention on which at the time of buying bath soap?
a. Fres#ness, b. Moisturi0ation, c. smell

Thank you very much for your suggestion.

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