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Making A Poster : Anatomical Art

CATEGORY Major Organs included (x 2 Value) 6 - Great

The poster includes all major organs of that body system.

5 - Good
1 major organ is missing

4 - Acceptable
2 major organs are missing

3-0 - Not acceptable

3 or more major organs are missing.


All items of importance on the poster are clearly and accurately labeled with neat ruled lines and accurate spelling. The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness.

1 item of importance 1 item of importance Labels are too small is not labeled, or is not labeled, or to view OR many lines are not ruled. lines are messy. important items were not labeled.


The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness, however a few pieces seem messy, or the coloring looks rushed.

The poster is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy.

The poster is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive.


The title is relevant, The title is relevant, The title is relevant, The title is not prominent and neat. but could be more but not easily visible, relevant, or is prominent or neater. or is messy. absent.

Organ Function

Each of the major organs have their major functions identified.

1 major organ is missing its description.

2 major organs are 3 or more major missing descriptions. organs are missing descriptions.

Complete on 11x17 paper. Electronic art that is completely original is also OK.

Anatomical Song/Rap
CATEGORY Organ inclusion x2 6 - Great
All major organs in the organ system are included.

5 - Good
1 is missing

4 - Acceptable
2 are missing

3-0 - Not acceptable

3 or more are missing

Organ function x2

All major organs in the organ system have their function explained.

1 function is wrong or missing.

2 functions are wrong 3 or more functions or missing. are wrong or missing.

Rhyme, feel & Flow

If Eminem and 50 cent had a kid, and that kid married the kid of Dr. Dre and Tupac, and those two kids had a kid and that kid was a biologist... this would be the rap that they would write!!!

Flows like a river. Nice Rhymes Yo! Feels soft like butter. Rhymes like Dr. Seuss.

Did someone fart or does your rhyme really stink that bad?!?!


Contains all relevant Is missing a few information on this relevant pieces of organ systems information. processes.

Quite a few things are missing.

Very little information is included.

2 Bonus marks for performing to the class

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