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-2012 ORALA cllsl i rx.i- PR.BA mnrrrriini,r,i 'ENTRU

suntobligatorii' subiectele o Toate de20deminute' este delucru efectiv . Timpul Vizat' desPecialitate gcolar Inspector

tli| Biletulnr. thatfollow: thequestions andanswer thetextbelow Read foraslong and when speed own attheir programmes language study students.can meant has be and headset' Theuseofcomputers ontheir *ittput irtrilid;tuo-.nt til. 5t i;;;r; virtua ine what,;';;;,-i. want, asthey theyneedoff the shelfandhold trr.-tn. books crass, iheir schoor,.rno* imaginary an into transoorted students' cbmputerised other with .onu5".iions their to practise willbe able where settings morg to lhey transported be wilr they or a leafigJic of,a.button to college thebus At thepress to catch noneed of tneiinom"e: tn. comfgrt r, i.r comput the at perhapg this Ail Enarish. lessons' traditionarcrassroom Exffii'c.rtrinty, *o * i.i."rting irt rn.tiveto pra'ne toEngland. about talking to realpeople to relate not.Theneed Hopefuily crassroom? the reprace a least at it eversuccessfuily todedicate Butwourd learners language lead atways wif m-oil;;;iotn.l, littte a learning generally and issues real people' real with time spending iitGottn.ittimJto about? text isthis 1. What students? offer classroom willthevirtual options 2. What 3.Whywi|||anguagelearnersalwaysspendsometimewithrealpeople? Give in thefuture"' teachers w'r reprace "computers the,f.!:y,lq_r,llFment: about your opinion 4. Express your oplnlon' tosupport examples and reasons

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