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!" $%&'( )%*+ ,-*./-0+1(2 34 567"8

9:-*+; <"7=78!="756 >?,%&@; 0&A:%+@@-B&'1-'+@@&C/0%&@=A-0 :..D;EEF&0+-=A-0E011-'+@@&
Un|vers|ty at A|bany Graduated - May 2013
!ournallsm wlLh Ponors ulsuncuon & uocumenLary SLudles uouble Ma[or
!ournallsm CA: 3.61 uocumenLary SLudles CA: 3.67
*8owley Award for !ournallsuc Wrlung on Adderall" lm - hup://
Internsh|p Lxper|ence
]DkIVL Network (900,000+ ?ou1ube Subscrlbers) August 2013 - Iebruary 2014
!"#$%&' )#"*+&,-./0' 1 2+3#-4 5*"#- 6%7*,% - LdlLed, lmed, and asslsLed wlLh producuon on /u8lvL
vldeos. Managed and dlsLrlbuLed self-creaLed conLenL amongsL all /u8lvL soclal medla accounLs.
UA|bany 1V (ulvlslon of uAlbany's Markeung uepL.) Spr|ng 2013
!"#$%& 1 )#"*+&,-./0 6%7*,% - Slngle-handedly edlLed, lmed, & produced several uAlbany 1v vldeos.
!"#$%&' )*+,&-.+/ Magaz|ne Summer 2012
!"#7+,#-4 6%7*,% - 8esearch & LexL publlshed ln Wheelhouse" & 1ech WaLch" prlnL secuons/onllne.
Managed opMech emall accounL, subscrlpuon managemenL, reader emalls, & cusLomer servlce.
A|bany 0.1*/ 2-."- Newspaper Spr|ng 2012
lndependenL sLudy wlLh deslgn dlrecLor 1homas almer, worked dlrecLly wlLh Lhe deslgn, layouL, and
funcuonallLy of PearsL newspaper lad edluons.
34567, 89:8 Magaz|ne Summer 2011
LdlLorlal lnLern - Arucles publlshed ln SepLember, CcL/nov, and uec/!anuary lssues/onllne.
lnLern Lo have 2 full-lengLh feaLure arucle spreads.
Work Lxper|ence
nea|ey 8rothers Automonve 2009-resent
Sole roducer/edlLor/vldeographer coverlng all aspecLs Pealey 8roLher's vldeo producuon.
3"&; < 0'&+= > !"#$%&' )*+,&-.+/ Magaz|nes 2013-resent
lreelance wrlung & research for ,+-"-%"7,-3893+: & ;+.<4-, 5*3/-%#3= magazlne.
A.k.I. of the nudson Va||ey 2006-2012
AuLomouve lnLerlor/LxLerlor Cosmeuc 8epalr rofesslonal.

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