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!"#$%&' : 8ole lay.
?ou wlll dlscuss your app and lL's developmenL wlLh anoLher Leam, you'll have Lo exchange
lnformaLlon wlLh Lhe oLher Leam and ask Lhem abouL Lhelr app: funcLlonallLy, menaces,
eLc. ?ou'll have Lo wrlLe a conversaLlon and send lL vla e-mall, wlLh Lhe followlng crlLerla:

1he requlslLes for Lhe )"*'*+, -*%&% wlll be:

1. Pas Lo be ln ul. . )*// +#' 0&&%-' *' *+ 0+1 #'2%" 3#"40'5
2. 8oLh Leam names ln Lhe LlLle, program and semesLer (no spaces).
Lxample: CoolAppAwesomeAppSCl17.pdf
3. !usLlfled, lnLerllned 1.0 1ypography Callbrl 12. A presenLaLlon sheeL ls noL requlred,
buL lL wlll be hlghly appreclaLed.
4. ay aLLenLlon Lo Lhe Lenses (luLure) grammar (speclally verb Lo be and
possesslves), approprlaLe vocabulary and respecL Lhe formaL l menLloned before.
3. Send lL by uecember 2, 2013 (Monday) Lo '%0&2%"40"*40"6,40*/5&#4. Works
recelved afLer LhaL daLe or Lo anoLher e-mall accounL, wlll noL be graded.

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