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PowerPoint Project

The PowerPoint project allows you to read a book that you are comfortable with and create a PowerPoint presentation that discusses the plot structure of the novel. Project Requirements: 1. Choose a book that is a comfortable reading level for you, refer to your lexile. You will need to have your book approved. 2. Make a cover slide that includes: Your name, date, and block Title of the book Author of the book A picture that represents the book 3. You should have at least 10 slides. Some points may need to take more than one slide. Characters and setting Exposition Conflict Rising action Falling action Climax Resolution Would you recommend the book? Why or why not. TRY NOT TO PUT MORE THAN 3-5 LINES OF WRITING ON EACH SLIDE. Your job is not to read directly from the slide, but put important information on the slide that you can elaborate on. REMEMBER WHAT YOU LIKE AND DONT LIKE ABOUT POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS. 4. The slides need to contain the following: at least 5 pictures or graphics at least 5 custom animations at least 2 word art at least 1 sound clip at least 1 hyperlink a font large enough and easy enough to read an interesting background Try to find a video about the book or author that you can include.

During the oral presentation you will: State the author and title of the book Present the information that is on the slides Maintain eye contact and be fluent

15 slides
Student has 11 or more slides and they cover all of the story's plot structure. Student has all of the required pictures, animations, word art, sound clips, links, fonts, and background. Student maintains eye contact with the audience the majority of the time.

Students has 9-10 slides and they cover most of the story's plot structure. Student is missing 1-2 of the required customizations.

Students has 7-8 slides and it covers some of the story's plot structure. Student is missing 3-4 of the required customizations.

Student has 6 or less slides and information is either inadequate or irrelevant. Student is missing 5 or more required customizations.

PowerPoint Slide Customizations

Student maintains eye contact with the audience the some of the time.

Eye Contact

Student is looking mostly at the PowerPoint to read the information and rarely makes eye contact with the audience.

Student only looks at the PowerPoint and does not make eye contact with the audience.



Student speaks fluently and is easy to understand and follow in the presented information. Excellent strong voice. Can be heard across the room. Student orally covers all of the story's plot structure. Provides indepth information about 7 main points.

Student speaks mostly fluently and can be understood when presenting the information. Good. Somewhat soft spoken. Might mumble a little. Student orally covers most of the story's plot structure. Is missing one of the 7 main plot elements or information is adequate.

Student speaks with some fluency , but is somewhat confusing to understand. Need to work on voice confidence. Difficult to understand. Student orally covers some of the story's plot structure and is missing 2 of the 7 plot points or the information is lacking detail.

Student is having a difficult time speaking due to lack of practice and is confusing to understand.

Student has not orally covered most of the plot structure points or the information is vague or inadequate.

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