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Awesome Animal Attributes

Lesson Plan Created By: Allison Speights

Theme: Different Animals Subject Area: Science Grade: 1st Multiple Intelligence: Spatial Intelligence Lesson Objective: Students will be able to identify unique characteristics of different types of animals.

Materials: Glue Markers/Crayons/Colored Pencils

Knowledge Content: Elephants: -Elephants use their trunk as a snorkel when swimming. -Elephants spend up to 16 -18 hours per day eating. -Elephants use their feet to listen, through vibrations in the ground. Penguins: -Penguins eyes work better underwater than they do in air. -Penguins can live 15 20 years. -Penguins spend up to 75 percent of their lives at sea. Turtles: -Turtles have been on the earth for more than 200 million years. -Turtles can live to be over a hundred years of age. -Turtles live on every continent except Antarctica. Giraffes: -Giraffes eat up to 75 pounds of food a day. -Giraffes can only sleep for 5 minutes at a time. -Giraffes are strong enough to kill a lion, their only predator.

Lions: -A lions roar can be heard from 5 miles away. -Lionesses are better hunters than male lions. -Lions rest for around 20 hours a day in the wild.

Apes: -Apes are extremely intelligent and are able to make use of a variety of tools. -Apes arms are longer than their legs. -Apes are an endangered species.

Bears: -Bears have 2 layers of fur; a short layer to keep the bear warm and a long layer to keep water away from their skin and short fur. -Bears can live as long as 30 years in the wild. -Bears are very smart and have been known to roll rocks into bear traps to set off the trap and eat the bait in safety.

Classroom Activity: Students will be in their groups at their tables. (Between 5-7 per group) Within their group, each student will be assigned a different animal. (elephant, penguin, turtle, giraffe, lion, ape, or bear) Depending on the animal assigned, each student will receive a packet containing 3 facts for their animal, construction paper, and construction paper cutout of that animal. Each student will have a few minutes to glue their paper animal together on their construction paper, along with the facts for their animal. They may also draw the faces on their animals using crayons or markers.

Assessment: Within their group, each student will present their animal, with their facts to their other group members. After each student has presented in their group, everyone will have learned about each of the animals selected unique characteristics.

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