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December 1, 2013 To whom this may concern, I hope you will consider me for a position in the Primary/Junior Division

at your school. At your convenience, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the position and my application with you. I am excited about an opportunity to teach and share my philosophy of flexible, differentiated instruction leading to self-directed and critical thinking students. I am confident that my life experiences and abilities as an educator, coach, and athlete are assets that will help me become an active and successful member of your community. With a wide variety of experiences, and a great passion for social justice, inclusivity, and self-improvement, my classroom is a unique place. When teaching I believe strongly in treating each individual student as a whole. Always teaching to their strengths while improving weaknesses, keeping in mind their community, family, culture, interests, and passions. I attempt to teach using techniques that will allow students to lead the learning and develop a connection to the content and curriculum. I believe that without meaning there cannot be learning. My classroom is an environment that encourages students to think critically, allowing for exploration and the development of the skills that are necessary to observe, interpret, analyze, reflect, infer, and justify. Apart from my experiences as an educator, being a national level athlete and coach has given me a distinct and positive perspective on learning that I actively incorporate into my classroom. I have learned that the motivation to succeed whether in athletics or academia stems from tangible progress. Teaching students using a methodology where they can observe, measure, and reflect upon their successes and failures provides students with something to believe in. I have seen first-hand the gratification experienced by my students once they have accomplished a difficult goal. It is my life-long objective as an educator to inspire students to push their limits and realize their full potential. Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I look forward to and appreciate any opportunities to discuss my application further. Please feel free to contact me at 416565-2511 or Sincerely,

Adee Zukier
Adee Zukier

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