Brutal Oppression by Bangladesh Awami League

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Brutal Oppression by Bangladesh Awami League: A Summary of the Major Incidences

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Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3 Killings and Enforced Disappearances ..................................................................................................... 5 Jamat Activists Killed ............................................................................................................................... 40 Arrest Activists of Jamat and Shibir ........................................................................................................... 45 Arrest and Torture .................................................................................................................................. 50 Enforced Disappearance of Jamat and Shibir Leaders ............................................................................ 62 Jamaat Leader Missing in Rajshahi ........................................................................................................ 62 Disappearance of Al Mukaddas .............................................................................................................. 63

Conclusion..72 Recommendations..72

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When Political crisis and other relevant issues revolve around a country (government), it can hardly think about the interest of the people. And consequently, there comes a time when people must detest the government and they support the opposition parties. The reason for this hatred to the government stems from being paranoid about what may be the atrocity of the ruling party. Moreover, the government has totally become failed to defraud the people as to their earlier accusation about Jamat-E-Islami Bangladesh and Islami chatra Shibir not involving in militant activities. Just walking alone down a street in Dhaka city we see various people supporting altogether Bangladesh Jamat-E-Islami and Islami Chatra Shibir. Election in Upozila level has already proved that Jamat supporters have not been decreased rather increased. Whenever killing, arresting, torturing, disappearing are their fashion to oppress Jamat-E-Islami and Islami Chatra Shibir, all nutty behaviors or counter attacks of opposition parties are most probably normal. They may only nutty to them, especially who are prerogatives, and adulate the government for their own sake. We can still see the dead bodies of opposition leaders in various parts of our country. The government has already been defeated by itself arranging a drama, so called fair and free election, to manipulate the people and conceal their outrage and failure. Awami League government came to power in 2009 promising various aspirations along with the setting up a war crimes tribunal. They also promised to abjure the exercise of evil politics prevailing in this field. But their heinous behavior, odious task and traditional political outlook shocked the people, especially who had been victimized by all means. They didn`t minimize the political problems rather intensified it through their speeches and political activities. They deliberately planned to kill, abduct or torture the leaders of Jamat-E-Islami and Islami Chatra Shibir to wipe out this Islamic organization. It was not a tenure of digitalization to enlighten us

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but a tenure of darkness wherein extreme violation of human rights had been occurred. Everyone will be astonished by seeing the statistics of people killed by the ruling party. But it is quit

impossible to summarize the actual number of victims. We have mentioned an overview of extreme violation of rights and political vandalism throughout the Awami Tenure.

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Killings and Enforced Disappearances

A Brief Overview and Statistics of Killings (2009-2013)

Murder (a) Total number of Murders in Five Years-20,693 (b) (b) Average Murder per day-12 (c) (c) Murder per year

Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total

Number 4219 3988 3966 4114 4406 20693

Pattern of Killing

Political Killing Extra-Judicial Killing Mob Lynching Journalist Killing

1330 775 720 18

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Total number of injuries

Political clashes in Five Years Average injure per day

79,883 44

Political Killings Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Number 251 220 135 184 540 1330

Extra Judicial Killings Total number of Killings in Five Years Average killing per month Killing by crossfire 775 13 404

Extra Judicial Killings(Years) Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Number 154 127 84 70 340 775
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Mob Lynching Total number of Killings in Five Average killing per month 720 12

Per Year of Mob Lynchin Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Number 127 174 161 126 132 720

Killing and Suppression on Journalists Total number of Killings in Five Years Killing Assaults 18 1389

Total number of injured journalists Mood Injured Journalists Harassed Journalists Threatened Journalists Number 822 267 300

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Journalist Killing per year1,2 Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Totall Number 1 5 4 4 4 18

http://www.jamaat 2008.pdf

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Shibir Activists Killed

Recently, Bangladesh Islami Chatra Shibir is experiencing various obstacles and restrictions. The reason is that government is determined to abolish this organization by killing, arresting. But now it is stronger than before. The Full Bio Data of Shibir Activists:65 activists of Islami Chatra Shibir were killed in Awami tenure, from 2009 to 2013.

The first person who had been killed was Hafez Romjan Ali.Father: M.K. Moinuddin. Mother; Anwara Begam.Jamazlpur district. He was abducted by student league on 9th march in 2009.he was killed by Awami league.

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Name: Sorifujjaman Nomani. Father: Habibullah. Momenshahi district. Student league killed

him on 11th march 2009. League attacked on rally in Rajshahi University campus and killed him.

Name: Hafijur rahaman shahin. Father: Abdul Mannan. Rajshahi district he was killed by shooting of police on 10th February 2010.

Name: mohiuddin masum .he was born in Chittagong. He had been victim by student league on 11th February 2010 and killed by them.

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Name: Harun or Rasid kaysar. Father : Didarul Haque Master.student league cadres attacked on him in train on 29th march 2010.after being ensured they threw him away from train. He was born in Mirsorai Chittagong.

Name: Masud Bin Habib. Father: Habibur Rahman. Hobigong district. Student league and police altogether attacked shibir on 8th February all of a sudden. Masum Bin Habib was pierced and died instantly in Chittagong university campus.

Name : mujahidul islam. Father: Humayun Kabir. Mirsorai, Chittagong. He was killed by league on 8th February in 2012. He was hurt by student league and died. He was pierced by bullet. He was a student of anthropology department of Chittagong university.

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Name : Abdullah Al Monju. Father: Abdurrasid kabiraj. Firstly ,he was injured by awami attack. After having reached hospital, doctor declared that he had already died.he was passed away on 9thapril in 2012.

Name: Bodiujjaman Mondol. Father: Abbas Ali Mondol. He was deadly injured while attending in a protest. He was fired by bullet of police gun and died in islami bank central hospital on 10 th November 2013.

Name: Mujahidul Islam .father: Md. Ataur Rahman. Dinajpur district. He was pierced by bullet in a hartal announced by central on 31th December 2013. He was born in bogra.
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Name: Md. Abdullah Al Mamun. Father: Khayer Ali .bogra district .he was killed by RAB attack on the way of coming back to home after finishing protest.It was happened on 31th January in 2013.

Name: Md.Imran Khan. Father: Babul Khan. Pabna district. Police took action against protestation and fired and consequently he died on 5th February 2013

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Name: Abid Bin Islam. Father: Ad. Monirul Islam. Chittagong district.police shoot in his head in the protestation calling by the shibir. He was killed on 5th February in 2013.

Name: Hafez Rasedul Islam. Father: Ma. Anwarul Haque. Chuadanga district.awami criminals attacked on an assembly arranged by olama-masaekh and fired by gun. Rashedul was injured and some time later he died.

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Name: Ajgor Khan rahat. Father: Soleman Khan .sylhet district.when police attacked to disperse them and fired irrespectively in the crowed calling to protest against judgment given against Ma. Delowar hossain Saidy and Ajgor was fired and died there.

Name: moktar hossan. Father; alamgir hossen. Sirajgonj district.he had been killed by RAB in the time of hartal on 28th February 2013

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Name: Md. Ruhul Amin. Date of death: 28th February, 2013. Father: Abdul jalil. He was born in sadar thana under sirajgonj district.he was murdered be RAB in the time of hartal.

Name: sajjad hussain. Father: Jalal Ahmad. Place of birth: Pethua thana,coxesbazar. He was killed by police,BGB,and awami cadre in the vtime of procession of BJI and ICS protesting the death sentence of Ma. Delwar Hossain Saydi.

Name: M. Said rubel. Father: Md. Ruhul Amin. District: sadar thana,thakurgao . Awami League ,Police, BGB altogether attacked on the procession of Jamat E Islami and chatra Shibir objecting the judgment of death penalty given to Ma. Delwar Hossain Saydi. In the mean time , said was pierced and passed away .

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Name: Sadequr Rahman Saydi. Father: Mokaddes Ali. Place of birth: Mitha Pukur Upojila,Rongpur. He died after attacking of Awami League,RAB,BGB on a public procession protesting against the judgment of capital punishment given to Ma. Delwar hossain Saydi. He passed away on 28th February, 2013.

Name: Asiqur Rahman. Father: Md. Aftab Ali. District: Muhuri Para village , Mitha pukur upojila, rongpur. Awami League attack on peaceful procession in Rongpur. They shoot the procession and killed him. He died on 28th February, 2013.

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Name: Mahmudul Hasan. Father: Md. Abdul Hai. Place of birth: Payraboti Krisnopur vilolage ,Mithapukur Upojila, Rongpur. He was killed by Police, BGB, and RAB who attacked on the protest. Awami League killed him on 28th February.

Name: Moshiur Rahman. Father: Md. Anwar hossen. Place of birth: Islampur village, Mithapukur Upojila,Rongpur. He was killed by Awami cadre on 28th February in 2013 while attending in a peaceful procession.

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Name: Ali Mostofa. Father: Md. Abdul Mojid. Place of birth: Surbonabad village,debhata thana, satkhira. He was grievously hurt by Police, BGB, student league as he attended in a public procession in satkhira district. And some time later he fell in death. It happened when the government passed death sentence against Ma. Delwar Hossain Saydi.

Name:Iqbal Hossen tuhin. Father: Md. Abdul Bari. Place of birth: Horishpur village, Agordari union, sadar thana, satkhira. He died whenever Awami League,BGB, RAM fired them by fire gun to disperse them. 28th February, 2013 is mournful day when he died.

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Name: Juel Rana. Father: Md. Khoka Mia. Place of birth: talukbelka village, Sundorgong Upojila, Gaibandha. Police, BGB, RAB killed him by firing. The reason what worked behind it is to participate in a public procession in gaibandha to protest against conspiring judgment of Ma. Saydi.

Name: Md. Nasir Uddin. Father: Mofijul Islam. Place of birth: Gopalnogor village, Sadar Thana, capainobabgong . Awami Atudent League killed him on 28th February in 2013 while BJI and ICS were protesting against politically biased judgment given against Ma. Saydi.

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Name: Akmol Hossen. Father: Md. Mosarrof Hossen. Place of birth: Jigabari village, Mithapukur Thana,Rongpur. Awami Cadre killed him on 2nd march in 2013. He was dangerously wounded and died some hours later in Rongpur Hospital.

Name: Atikul Islam. Father: Doctor anisur Rahman. Place of birth: Kazipara, Jaldhaka Upojila, milphamari. He died on 2nd March 2013. whenever Awami Government declared death sentence of Ma. Delwar hossain Saydi he went to the procession and Awami Cadres killed him to stop the voice of islami.

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Name: Md. Abdur Rajjak. Father: Somir Uddin. Place of birth: Gowripur village, Fulbaria Thana, Mymansing .he was killed on 3rd March in 2013 . A track ran over him atv the time of picketing and died instant.

Name: Md. Alamgir Hossen. Father: Ansar Ali. Place of birth: Kolakopa village, Gabtoli Thana, Bogra. Police,RAB killed him by attacking them in hartal. He attended in procession to compel the Government to cancel the biased judgment

Name: Rafiqul Islam. Father: Golam Mostofa. Place of birth: Smrimontopur village, Godagari Thana, Rajshahi. He was murdered by RAB on 3rd march in 2013. RAB willfully fired him while staying in the procession.

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Name: Md. Mahfujur Rahman. Father: Md. Ajijul Haque. Place of birth: Falia village, Ullapara Upojila, Sirajgonj. Police killed him intentionally as he protested against the judgment of Ma. Saydi.

Name: Wali Ullah. Father: Abdul Hakim.. Place of birth: Umorpur village, Sibgonj Thana, Capainobabgonj. Police, RAB, Awami killer attacked them. The villagers started counter-attack but Waliullah was pierced be Awami cadres and fell in death.

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Name: Rejaul Hayat Roman. Father: Md. Aiyub Ali. Place of birth: Ambiyar Baper Bari village, Sitakundo Thana, Chittagong. he was ran over by a track while blocking the chittagong highway road . he was murdered on 31st march in 2013.

Name: Ali Ajgor Khan Milon. Father: Md. Lokman Ali. Place of birth: Sadar, Capainobabgonj.he was killer by armed police 23rdapril in 2013 while protesting against the disappearance of his elder brother.

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Name: Ibrahim Khalil. Father: Abdur Rasid Khan. Place of birth: Kolapara village, Potuakhali. He was killed by armed police on 5th may in 2013 at the time of clash between Hefajot-E-Islam and police.

Name: Khalil Mohammod Saifullah. Father: Abdul Jalil. Place of birth: Dhaka Demra. He was killed on 6th may in shapla intersection, Dhaka.

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Name: Abdullah umor Nasif. Father: Akhtarujjaman Manu. Place of birth: Kajla village, Motihar Thana,Rajshahi. He was abducted 12th May in 2013 after participating in a lawful assembly of eighteen-party alliance in Dhaka. His dead body was found 12 days later.

Name: Abdul Ajij. Father: Md. Ibrahim. Place of birth: sonaicha village, Couddogram thana, comilla. Awami killers abducted him after having performed Magrib Prayer and injured him by deadly weapon. He had died as soon as he was reached hospital.

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Name: Sobuj Ahmed. Father: Khobiruddin Ahmed. Place of birth: Halsa village, Mirpur Upojila, kustia. He was murdered by Student League while protesting against the political judgment of life imprisonment of Golam Azam,for so called war crime. It happened on 15th July 2013.

Name: Almukit Torun. Father: Md. Shofiul Alam. place of birth: Mirpur, kustia. He was killed by awami cadre at the time of protesting against the judgment of Golam Azam on 15th July 2013.

Name: Jiaur Rahman. Father: Rafiqul Islam. Place of birth: Dhomi Hayatpur village. Shibgonj Upojila, Capainobabgonj. Jiaur attended in the procession objecting the judgment of golam azam. He was seriously injured by police fire and died there.
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Name: Mostofa Arifujjaman. Father: Sheikh Aftab Uddin. Place of birth: Bazar village, kaligonj, satkhira. He was killed by fire gun at the time of continuous blockade ca;lled by Jamat-E-Islami protesting the judgment given against Pro. Golam Azam. It happened on 16th July in 2013.

Name: Jahidur Rahman. Father: Abdur Rahman. Place of birth: Kusumber Abarpara village, Pacbibi Upozila, Joypurhat. He died by the police bullet at the time of procession calling agathe biased judgment of Ali Ahsan Mohammod mujahid. It happened on 18thjuly 2013.

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Name: Khalilur Rahman. Father: Abdul Baten of birth: Kormoca village, Sathia Upojila, pabna. He was killed by the police attack on 14thaugust ,2013 while protesting against the cancellation of legality of Jamat-E-Islami.

Name: Shah Jamal. Father: Shah Jalal. Place of birth: North Jatrabari Dhaka. He was grievously hurt and injured when procession was running throughout the country.

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Name: Md. Rofiqul Islam. Father: Md. Delwar hossen. Place of birth: Boyalia village, Sadar, cuadanga. .he was fired when Awami League and police attacked the backward section of the procession and died instantly. It vwas the of 10th Octobor, 2013.

Name: Rasedul Islam Rantu. Father: Md. Aminul Haque Tuku. Place of birth:Rased attended in a rally supporting eighteen-party alliance` s hartal. he was killed by police attack along with hired serial killer on 26th octobor in 2013.

Name: Mahmudul Islam. Father: Md. Khorshed Alom. Place of birth: 6th number ward, chatkhil Pourosova, Noakhali. Awami Cadres attacked on peaceful program of JIB and ICS ,he was pierced in his heart by bullet and died in hospital.

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Name; Israyel hossen. Father; Abdus of birth: Horindia village, Kotchadpur Upozila, jinaidah. He was killed on 30th novembert in 2013 when AQwami League and Police fired on procession.

Name: Hosen Ali. Father: Fazar Ali. Place of birth: Kokhipur village, Debhata Upozila, Satkhira. He died on 3rd December in 2013 when RAB,BGB, Police jointly attacked on a blockade supporting the nineteen-party alliance to compel the government to arrange fair and free election.

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Name: Md. Arijul Islam. Father: chobed Ali. Place of birth: Goranbaria, Debhata Upojila, Satkhira. He was murdered by the armed police on 3rd December, 2013 while continuing the blockade supporting fair and free election.

Name: Monowar Jawat Siam. Father: Mojibur Rahman. Place of birth: Track Road 11th number ward, Sadar Thana, chadpur. He was pierced by bullet on his chest while staying in the procession wherein police, BGB, RAB attacked. Siam was killed on 3rd December in 2013.

Name: Abdullah Al salman. Father: Sultan Ahmad. Place of birth: North Koraiya village, Fulgazi, Feni. He was pierced by bullet and died at the time of procession in Feni protesting the execution of death penalty of Jamat leader Abdul Quader Mollah. He deied on 10th December, 2013.

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Name: Anwar Hossen. he was killed by police on 12th December in 2013. Police killed him when he attended in the procession protesting against the cancellation of review petition of Qader Mollah`s death penalty.

Name: Hafez Jobayer Hossen. Father: Ma. Robiul Islam. Place of birth: Satbaria village, Amirshah para, Sonaimuri, Noakhali. He was killed by brushfire at the time of procession called to protest the execution of death sentence of Abdul Qader Mollah, assistant general secretary of JIB. the time is 13th December,2013.

Name: Abdus Sattar. Father: Abdul khalaque. Place of birth; Musapur village,Kompanigonj Upozila, Noakhali. He was murdered on 14th December in 2013. Sattar came out of home and protested in against of the execution of death sentence as well as on behalf of the hartal.police, RAB, BGB and Awami League irrespectively fired and killed him.
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Name: Saiful Islam. Father: Moulovi Nur Hossain. Place of birth: Rampur village, Kompanigonj Upozila, Noakhali. He was killed on 14th December in 2013. Police, RAB, BGB, Awami cadres jointly attack on, and fired irrespectively to kill them. Saiful was pierced and died.

Name: Motiur Rahman Sojib. Father: Abdur Rahman. Mother: Nurnecha Begam. Place of birth: 6th number ward, Kompanigo0nj Pourosava, Noakhali. He was killed on 14th December,2013. Police, RAB, BGB, Awami League cadres jointly attack on, and fired tn the procession wherein he was present to protest against the political execution of death penalty of Abdul Quader Mollah. It was the time of 14th December, 2013.

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Name: Abdul Ajij Rayhan. Father: Abdur Rajjaque. Mother: Bibi Amena. Place of birth: Chorhajari village,Kompanigonj thana, Noakhali.he was murdered on 14th December,2013. Police, BGB, RAB, Awami League cadres jointly attacked on a gathered mass people while they were giving slogan against the execution of death penalty of Abdul Qader Mollah and consequently Rayhan died.

Name: Monirul Islam. Father: Komor Uddin. Place of birth: 4th number ward, Shilerdanga, Patgram Pourosova, Lalmonirhat. He was killed on 15th December,2013. Police, BGB, RAB jointly attack upon him and fired him irrespectively. then, he was pierced by bullet and died.

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Name: Saju Hasan. Father: Mokter Hossen. Mother: amena Begam. Place of birth: Sohagpur Banglababi, 3rd number ward, Patgram Pourosava,Lalmonirhat. He was killed on 15th December in 2013. Government cadres fired them when they were picketing in the street in support of hartal declared against the execution of death sentence..5

Name: Insan Ali. Father: Moslem Uddin. Place of birth: Harathi village, Sadar Thana, joypurhat. He was killed by police on 15th December, 2013 because of going to attend in procession calling for protesting against the execution of death sentence. And the last killed shibir activist is Abul Kalam. He is from Debhata thana, satkhira. Abul kalam was killed by police on 26th January, 2014 preparing a crossfire drama.

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Mahmudul Hossain

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War Crimes Tribunal Awami League strategized to dismantle the Jamat network and gradually ban them. Their first target was the central leaders of Jamat-e-Islami Bangladesh to hang them to ensure their guilty intention. the Awami League leaders publicly declared all top Jamaat-e-Islami leaders in the list of war criminals. The government on March 25 formed the tribunal, prosecution panel and the investigation agency to try war crimes committed during the 1971 War of Independence. In a 20minute hearing on 19 July 2010, the International Crimes Tribunal issued arrest warrants against Jamaat-e-Islami top leaders, including BJI chief Motiur Rahman Nizami, its Secretary General Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid and executive member Allama Delawar Hossain Sayedee, acting general secretary ATM Azharul Islam. Formar Ameer of BJI Professor Golam Azam (89) was arrested on 11 January 2012 on charges of alleged war crime. In compliance with the ICTs direction, Azam appeared before the tribunal and prayed for bail on medical and humanitarian grounds. The International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) rejected the bail petition and ordered him to be sent to jail on charges of involvement in crimes against humanity during the 1971 Liberation War. The present trial of war crime has been criticised by various institutions as biased and targeted to have political vengeance rather than securing justice. All the witnesses so far produced before the tribunal has made incredible and contradictory statements against the accused leaders of BJI. The law governing this trial is very controversial and it fails to meet internationally recognised norms of human rights and procedural fairness. International organizations have also been vocal about the procedure of trial. Similarly, Illegal comments, prediction of Awami League leaders about the judgment of these criminal cases are some ingredients of this biased tribunal. Bur Ignoring international objections, Most of the leaders except Pro. Golam Azam, had been given death sentences by the biased tribunal. Only the

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judgment of Ma. Motiur Rahman Nizami is on pending though he has been given death sentence in another criminal case. Skype-gate Scandal6 The Chairman of the International Crimes Tribunal would regularly talk over internet with a Brussels based lawyers with matters relating to the trial. The conversations were published in various media including the London based the Economist. The communications reveal a secret collusion taking place between private individuals and the former Chair of this Tribunal, Justice Nizamul Hoque Nasim. The files show how Hoque Nasim was bypassing due process and the rule of law by colluding with Ahmed Ziauddin based in Brussels and Rayhan Rashid in Oxford. Many court documents including the final formal charge and draft judgement of Sayedee case were prepared by Ziauddin and the former tribunal chairman did not perform his judicial work independently. On 11 December 2012 the Judge in question resigned amid controversy, but on 2 January 2013, the International Crimes Tribunal 1 has rejected all the defence applications for the retrial of the cases.7 First step of their criminal intention At last they hung abdul quader molla ,a top leader of jamat e islami .Abdul Quader Molla, a top leader of opposition Islamist party Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, was hanged by the Awami League led government on 12 December 2013 at 10.01 pm at Dhaka Central Jail The execution took place despite objections made by the United Nations, United Kingdom, Turkey, Australia,

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European Unionand other Human rights organizations like Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International etc. The hanging was in execution of a death sentence given by the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in a trial that has failed to maintain minimum level of fairness. The Supreme Court judgment was incompatible with international pinciples of fair trial and human rights. The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court increased his sentence from life imprisonment to de The judgments of both the trial and appellate have found the accused guilty based on uncorroborated hearsay evidence and contradictory testimony. The defenses pleas of alibi and other application was unreasonably rejected showing a clear bias against the accused. The Tribunal repeatedly deviated from recognized judicial norms and principles of fair trial in order to reach a verdict of conviction by any means.8 Abdul Quader Molla Assistant secretary-general of the Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami. Former executive editor of The Daily Sangram, Former teacher of Rifles Public School and College, Udayan High School, Manarat International School etc.

Jamat Activists Killed,5http://www.amardeshonline

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At least 55 people have died in just one day marking the most violent day in the political history of Bangladesh. Whole Bangladesh turned into a place of panic by the mass killing by the law enforcing agenies. From 28 February to 6 March, 97 were killed by indiscriminate shooting Police, BGB and RAB. Among them 46 belongs to Jamaat and Shibir, 6 from BNP, 1 from LDP, and 33 were general people not belonging to any party. In Satkhira 19 people were killed, in Bogra 14, in Rangpur 9, in Gaibandha 8, in Thakurgaon 7, in Jaipurhat 6, in Noakhali 4, in Rajshahi 3, in Sirajganj 2, in Coxs Bazar 3, in Chapainawabganj 4, in Chittagong 4 and in 1 each were killed in Moulvibazar, Natore, Mirpur of Dhaka, Dinajpur, Keraniganj, Nilfamari, Senbag, Ullapara and Horinakunda. Let`s see some Jamat activists killed by Awami ligue leaders and its wing branches. We have listed here 22 Jamat activists` name.

1)Name: Abdul hakim. Age : 39. Place : Chittagong. Awami gang abducted him and killed later, statement of family members.9 2)Name: Kamal Uddin. Age: 34. Place: Chittagong. Awami League cadres abducted him and killed him. It happened on 2nd September, 2011 Friday at night.10

3) A local leader of Jamat-E-Islami was shot dead in Chouddagramupazila on allegedly by activists of Awami League. The local unit of Jamaat called a half-day hartal in the district for
9 10

The Daily Sangram 4th September, ibid

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Monday, protesting at the killing. Local activists of Jamaat went out on demonstrations and clashed with the police at Chouddagram bazaar after the killing. Police fired at least 50 rounds of bullet to disperse the protesters and arrested 24 Jamaat men from the spot.11 4) Saleh Ahmed. Age: 40. Place: Rajshahi. A shopkeeper came to bye some goods. Time : 15th February,2013 5) name: Ibrahim. Age: 24. Place; comilla. Time: 16th February,2013. Police killed him by shooting.

6) In a joint ruthless attack carried out by policemen and Border Guard members, 10 members of Jamaat and Shibir were killed in Satkhira. The dead persons are Rabiul Islam, Shahin Mia, Saifullah, Abul Hasan, Ali Mostafa, Tuhin Mia, Anwarul, Mosharraf, Emdad and Iqbal.


New Age 14.10.12

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7) Asikur Rahman. Age: 43. Place: Rongpur. 8)Shahed Ali. Age; 43. Place:Rongpur

9) In Chapainawabganj district, Jamaat workers have been killed in the violence targeted at the protests by Jamaat and Shibir. Section 144 of CrPC has been imposed in the district. 10) a Jamaat activist Mizbah. His dead body was seen laying on the streed of Amirabad Rajghata area at 7 pm. 8 other were injured by bullets. It happened in chapainawabganj. 11) Name: Lokman Hossen. Place: Moulovibazar. Police attack on hundreds of demonstrators killed this Jamaat activist.

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12) One Jamaat worker named Foyzar Rahman was killed by police in Dinajpur. 13) Name: Abu Taher. Place: Satkania, Chittagong. time: 2nd March,2013 14) Name: Shahidul Islam. Place: satkania, Chittagong. Time: 2nd March, 2013 15) One Jamaat worker Alamgir Hossain was killed in Bogra. 3rd March. 16) one Jamaat activists name Badal was killed in Bogra. 3rd March. 17) Name: Titu. Place: Bogra.3rd March

18) An injured Jamaat activist named Selim Mia died later on 5 March. 19) A Jamaat activist in Jessore was killed in clashes that erupted following the execution of Abdul Quader Molla at Dhaka Central jail.12

20) In Jessore, a Jamaat activist, Ashraful, 20, of village Mohiran, was knocked down and killed by attack while Jamaat men were protesting execution of Abdul Quader Mollah. 13

The UN Secretary General also expresses his concern and mourns to this execution.

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21) Dr. Fayez, vice-president of Lakshmipur district Jamaat-e-Islami was killed by members of law enforcement agency. 22) Jamaat supporter Habibur Rahman Habi (35)was shot dead by members of law enforcement agency. Hewasson of Akbar Ali, a union Jamaat leader. He had been abducted three days earlier by members of the law enforcement agencies. On December 15, he was found dead beside Kadamtala Bazar with bullet wounds in his chest and head.14

Arrest Activists of Jamat and Shibir Awami League started sting operation to arrest and torture the activists of Jamat-E-Islami and Islami Chatra Shibir. The incumbent government arrested around 30,000 Jamaat-Shibir leaders and activists and filed about 16,000 false cases accusing (3,00,000) three lakh leaders and activists.15


14 14&nid=76738


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Arrest from Independence Day Rally 16 On 26th March 2011, the Independence Day of Bangladesh, members of Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir gathered in Kakrail nightingale intersection of the capital for joining the colorful rally arranged as a part of their countrywide programs to celebrate the glorious day of national independence the incident. Soon more two platoons of riot police joined the attack on Shibir members. They searched every shop from Shantinagar to Shantibag looking for Shibir activists. More than hundred activists of Shibir were severely injured by this sudden attack and they were admitted into different hospitals. Police arrested 17 persons including 16 members of Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir who were injured by the attack on the charges of vandalism and restraining the police from duty. Police also seized 4 motor bikes from the rally. Attack on Jamaat Program in Comilla17 10th )ctobor,2013, Police unnecessarily attacked on a reception program organized by Jamaat-eIslami at Chouddagram upazila of Comilla. Though Police did not arrest anyone from the spot, but later on they arrested Mr. Zakir Hossain Patwary, a Jamaat activist from his office. Attack of 19 September Jamat-Shibir activists were injured and 400 were arrested across the country. Dhaka Metropolitan Police admitted that they had arrested 75 persons during clashes with Jamaat activists in Dhaka city.

16 17

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Countrywide Mass-Arrest:- Not only in capital Dhaka, but also in various towns and cities of the country police launched mass arrest and repressive action against the leaders and activists of Jamaat while they were trying to hold procession in support of their urge. Police arrested 26 leaders and activists from Kushtia, 3 from Barishal, 10 from Comilla, 25 from Chittagong and 5 from Kurigram. Police Attacks and Arrests18 About 400 leaders and activists of Jamaat and Shibir had been arrested at places across the country on 3 and 4 December during hartal.19 One Shibir worker was killed and hundreds of activists were injured in attacks of Police and ruling party members.20

An Operation In Central Office of Shibir21:- Police attacked on the Dhaka City office of
Jamaat and forced the office bearers and secretaries to leave. Police had done this for consecutive four days, but did not admit that for a single time. Secretary of Dhaka City Jamaat Hamidur Rahman Azad MP complained that, Police also compelled him to leave the office showing very rude attitude. Though about 20-25 Police including D.B was running the operation, Officials of the Local Police stations (Paltan Thana & Motiji). Police Attack in Sylhet22


19 18 20 19

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The Daily Prothom Alo - 25th November, 2011,

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Police attack on Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and Islami Chhatra Shibir activists has left at least 35 injured. The incidents took place in two phases around 4 pm on 11 September 2011 at the Sylhet city's Zindabazar and Chouhatta intersections. The clashes ensued when police blocked a procession of Jamaat and Chhatra Shibir activists demanding release of its central leaders, who are currently in jail on charges of alleged crimes against humanity in 1971. The demonstration of hundreds of BJI activists began at the Court point led by Sylhet Metropolitan Pesident Ehsanul Mahbub Zubair. As soon as the tail of the rally reached Shyamoli Centre, a great number of police started to throw tear shells at the demonstrators without being provoked. Police fired 30 rounds of rubber bullet shots and 25 rounds of teargas shell at the activists. Police charged baton and fired teargas shells a second time to stop the procession that led to another fierce clash. Later, a Rapid Action Battalion contingent joined the police in the action, eyewitnesses said. Three severely wounded Jamaat activists namely Shahjahan Ali, Shahriar Alam and Anwarul Wadud were admitted to a private clinic in the city.23 Dhaka University of Engineering Technology (DUET) 24 The BCL faction of Dhaka University of Engineering Technology (DUET) made an unnecessary attack over the Shibir activist students there on 27th October. Sources said, some posters


The Daily Prothom ALo - 28th October

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criticizing the activities of the present govt. was hung in the campus in the name of Conscious Students Society. BCL activists suspected Shibir for the posters and attacked on them with iron rods and batons at about 1:30 am at night. The tortured known faces of Shibir there and as a result; about 15 activists including the Secretary of DUET Shibir was severely injured. However, they started searching the rooms of suspected Shibir workers and collected and gathered the books, clothing and beddings of those Shibir activists and burnt them in fire. However, no case or any academic action was taken against those BCL cadres but Shibir supporter students are now out of campus.25 Islamic University of Kushtia26 Severe clash between BCL and Shibir took place in the Islamic University of Kushtia on 26th October. The clash started when Rezwan, an activist of Shibir was stabbed by BCL cadres at Lalan Shah Hall of the campus. Later on, BCL cadres attacked Shibir with fire arms and cocktail bombs. Police initially played an inactive role, but afterwards supported them by baton charging the Shibir activists along with firing tear cells towards them. This clash took place for more than two hours where about 30 Shibir activists were injured.

So, after such little examples, it can easily be inferred that how dismal the actual scenario of the socio-political situation is now in Bangladesh. Awami League led Grand Alliance govt. is so much vindictive over Jamaat and Shibir from the very beginning of their electoral term. It creates suspicion and fear among the civil society and the general people as well about the future of democracy in Bangladesh.

25 26

The Daily Amar Desh - 27th October

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BCL-men Shoot on Shibir in Daylight27 Chhatra League cadres including the former

organizational secretary of RU unit named SM Towhid Al Hossain Tuhin is seen open firing on Islami Chhatrashibir activists in RU. At least 25 students were injured, three of them bullet-hit, in a fierce clash between Islamic Chhatra Shibir and Bangladesh Chhatra League activists at Rajshahi University

Arrest and Torture

ATM Azharul Islam and Tasnim Alam28


Daily Star 03.10.12 TheDailyNayadiganta,11/07/2010


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Law enforcers have arrested around 50 leaders and activists of Jamaat-e-Islami including its acting secretary general ATM Azharul Islam and Publication secretary Tasnim Alam for charge of street violence that spread after Police baton-charged the party men when they were holding a peaceful procession organized by Dhaka Metropolitan unit of Jamaat on 12 September 2011, afternoon. ATM Azharul Islams two sons Taslim Azhar and Ali Azhar were also arrested and detained in police custody. Metropolitan Magistrate Sukanto Bagchi remanded the Jamaat mmbers for the cases filed with Paltan Police Station and Ramna Police Station. The remand lasted for 19 days after which the leaders were sent to prison.The police have tortured the leaders during the remand by physical and mental harassment, not serving food on proper time, denying external food supply to the violation of regulations. The detained leaders were not allowed to say their prayers.29 Professor Mujibur Rahman Police had detained 20 Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami men with Professor Mujibur Rahman (56), former Member of Parliament, Assistant Secretary General of Bangladesh Jamaat E Islmai Central committee and President of Sramik Kolyan Federation, from 1/J, 2/10, section-1, Kalwalapara of Mirpur-1 of the capital city Dhaka on 28 October, 2010. They were holding a special prayer at their Mirpur local office for Habibur Rahman, a party activist killed on October 28, 2006, by Awami League-led 14-party alliance. While special prayer was going on, police raided the office and arrested them without prior allegation and warrant of arrest. Police had detained 20 Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami men with Professor Mujibur Rahman (56), former Member of Parliament, Assistant Secretary General of Bangladesh Jamaat E Islmai Central committee and President of Sramik Kolyan Federation, from 1/J, 2/10, section-1,


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Kalwalapara of Mirpur-1 of the capital city Dhaka on 28 October, 2010. A 3 days police remand had been granted for these 19 arrested Jamaat-men by the Court on 29 October 2010. These Jamaat men were holding a special prayer at their Mirpur local office for Habibur Rahman, a party activist killed on October 28, 2006, by Awami League-led 14-party alliance. While special prayer was going on, Police raided the office and held them without prior allegation and warrant of arrest. AKM Nazir Ahmad and Hamidur Rahman Azad30 On December 11, 2011, Two Dhaka courts sent seven Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami leaders and activists to jail, hours after their surrender, in connection with two cases filed for assaulting police and obstructing them from discharging their duties on September 19 2010. The accused are Dhaka city unit Jamaat Nayeb-e-Ameer Prof AKM Nazir Ahmad, lawmaker Hamidur Rahman Azad, executive members- Maulana Rafiuddin Ahmed and Maulana ATM Masum and the party activists Rafiqunnabi, Abdur Rahman and Maulana Abdul Mannan. Meanwhile, police picked up 12 more leaders of Jamaat and Shibir from the court premises yesterday. Mahmudul Haque, operation officer of Kotwali Police Station, told that police picked them up as they gathered at court premises with 'ill motives'.

Principal Izzat Ullah31

Principal Maulana Mohammad Izzat Ullah is a member of Central Executive Committee of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami. He is also the Chairman of Satkhira Islamic Community Hospital. On 20th April 2011, Principal Izzat Ullah went to Faridpur in an organizational visit where on

30 31

The Daily Amar Desh; 29 October 2010

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21st April 2011 at midnight, Police arrested him without any warrant from the rest house of Arambagh orphanage in the Faridpur town when he was sleeping. Police first took him to the office of the Police Super and later he was brought to the DB office for quizzing where he underwent extensive interrogation. Police arrested Izzat Ullah under section 54 of the Code of Criminal Procedure as there was no specific case against the detained Jamaat Leader. Izzat Ullah was produced before the Chief Judicial Magistrate's Court on 26 April afternoon. Kotwali police inspector Sunil Karmaker appealed to the court seeking a seven-day remand to question the detained Jamaat-e-Islami leader. The court has granted a remand of two days. Dr. Abdullah M Taher Bangladesh Police has arrested former Jamaat-e-Islami law maker Dr Syed Abdullah Mohammad Taher as Dhaka's Metropolitan Sessions Judge-in-charge Md. Akhteruzzaman rejected the bail petition of the Jamaat leader when he surrendered to the court with a bail petition in a case filed against him on charge of sedition.

On August 8, 2010, Police sub-inspector (SI) Nasim Uddin filed a case, the case no. being 7(8)10, with Shahbagh police station in the city against Mohammad Taher. He was accused of making threatening remarks against the government in a round table meeting organized by Youth Forum held at the National Press Club on August 4. He allegedly said, "Jamaat has the capacity to jeopardize the government. But we are not doing that for strategic reasons." It was alleged in the case that the statement made by Dr Taher amounts to sedition against the state.

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On 30 Sepember 2010, the High Court Division granted him bail in the case filed with Shahbag Police Station up to the submission of the police report. Accordingly Dr Taher surrendered to the court on 10th August 2011, as the police submitted the charge sheet on 8th August, 2011. The court passed order rejecting his petition for bail. The lawyers for Dr Taher including Advocate Khorshed Alam and advocate AKM Abdus Salam Reja argued Dr Taher has been in bail granted by the Higher judiciary without violating conditions of bail. He has been regular in appearing before the court and showed up in the very first day after submission of charge sheet, therefore he should be granted bail. But the court rejected the petition and denied bail to Dr Taher, resulting in his arrest by the police at 2.30 pm the same day. Arrest of Rafiqul Islam32 Maolana Rafiqul Islam is a Central Executive Committee member and the Dhaka Metropolitan President of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami. Police raided the Metropolitan Office of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami and the residence of Rafiqul Islam Khan on 03/07/2010 and 04/07/2010 to arrest him. However, he was not present there at that time. The raids were conducted without any warrant of arrest or search warrant. 33

On 24th August 2010, he was granted anticipatory bail in each of the cases from the High Court Division of the Supreme Court by a bench constituted of Justice Sharif Uddin Chaklader and Justice Fazlur Rahman. The court ordered not to arrest or harasses him until the submission of police report. At the same time, the HC issued a rule upon the government to explain within four weeks why he should not be granted regular bail.

32 33

ttp:// Ibid

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On 25th August 2010 at 1:30 pm,within 20 hours of getting bail in all cases, Rafiqul Islam Khan was arrested from his residence at Mirpur by Police without any existing case or warrant. Police failed to name any case of which he was arrested. Additional Deputy Commissioner of DMP Walid Hossain could not mention any case even at that evening to the Reporters. When asked regarding the particular case for which Maulana Rafiqul was arrested, He told the journalists, We are still examining this matter before taking further action. Later he was shown arrested in two cases, one in a case of Murder by Car-burning (no. 55 of 28/6/10) filed 2 months ago in Ramna Police Station and the other case of attempt to murder filed in New Market PS.
Rafiqul Islam Khan being arrested

Then he was brought before

magistrate for remand.

Assistant Chief Metropolitan Magistrate of Dhaka ordered for a remand of 3 days for the Ramna PS case and 2 days remand for the New Market PS case. The court also rejected the petition for bail filed by Rafiqul Islam Khan. At the time of arrest, Rafiqul Islam Khan was on bail in each and every case pending against him. Therefore the arrest and detention of him was clearly against the constitutional assurance of liberty. The raids conducted by the police in the house of Rafiqul Islam Khan were against the provision of the constitution where the security of every citizen against search, seizure and arrest without

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legal authority is guaranteed. Article 43 of the Bangladesh Constitution clearly states that no search or entry can be made without the authority of law. The police failed to conform to the constitutional requirement of informing an arrested person about the ground of his arrest immidiately. At the time of arrest, police told Rafiqul Islam that he was being arrested in 6 different cases filed in Ramna, Palton and Motijhil Police Station. When he informed them of bail in each of the cases, police readily ignored and ordered his relatives to come to the police station with the order. The cardinal principle of equality before law was violated by taking a person in remand who is outside the list of FIR while all other accused persons are on bail. This practice conspicuously reveals the fact that the law enforcing agencies acted on purpose to victimize selected person from the opposition. Sting Operation & Torture on Students34

Improvising a new method on the Witch Hunting process has

continuous against the



arrested 37 Shibir Leaders in a single Sting Operation on 20th December, 2012. Police arrested the President of Dhaka City West branch of Islami Chhatra Shibir Sazzad Hossain. He was severely tortured and forced to call his Secretary, and he was subsequently arrested. And then

34 35

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Police used their mobile phones to track and call several Shibir Leaders. They were also arrested and then, severe and inhuman torture began.36 One of them had his whole body smashed and yet he was alive & made to walk. Another had his hand hit bad and fractured. Five of them had their eyes poked into and severely injured. Most of them had their nails pulled out. This was the state of the arrested students when they were brought before the court on Saturday (22 December 2012). Adding on to that - a further 3-day remand in detention was approved by the court. And remand under the current Government rule meant more detention torture coming up. This is not the first time this has happened. Delawar Hossain: A Popular Young Student Leader Made Half Paralyzed37 Delwar Hossain Saidy is a brilliant student and the president of largest Islamic student organization in Bangladesh name Islami Chattra Shibir (ICS). He is leading the organization in a time when whole country experiencing government intimidation, brutality, massacre and Genocide, mostly because of their opposition to government.38


ttp:// Daily Ittefaq - April 18, 2013 Daily Prothom Alo - April 15, 2013



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Delwar at the Time of Arrest

Delwar After brutal torture in Remand

He was arrested March 31, 2013 form his relatives house in Dhaka. Newspapers report that police has prepared around 350 cases against him to file. According to the order of the government, law enforcing members have remanded this popular students leader for 45 days in 5 stages. He was torturing using the technique of the Dark Age confining him in unknown place. He was so severely tortured that he couldnt walk by himself to the court from the prison van. Despite worst condition of his body, court again granted the remand appeal of the police for 18 days. As like as the detention centre of Guantanamo, he was tortured tying his hands, legs and eyes keeping in the unknown place. His nails of hands and nails have been rooted out.39

Even so, no treatment facility has been given to this popular leader. This despotic government has making a blue print to disable him to death amid torture.40

39 40

Daily Jugantor - April 10, 2013 Daily Nayadiganta - April 17, 2013

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Unconscious, paralyzed yet Leg chained!

Arrest of 20 Female Activists of Jamaat41

Police had arrested 20 young female students and another old woman (Wife of executed Jamaat Leader Abdul Quader Mollah) on 17th December, 2012 from an apartment at Maghbazar, Dhaka. Several reports have it that 20 activists of Chhatri Shangstha, female student outfit of Jamaat-eIslami Bangladesh, have been arrested.


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This is an escalation of the already torturous regime in place to disturb Opposition especially Jamaats activities. A Police team led by AC Shibly Noman of Ramna Zone and OC of Ramna Police Station Shah Alam took an operation at an apartment at Maghbazar where the Central Office of that organization is located. They searched the whole place for more than 4-5 hours and then arrested the girls. Besides, breaking all the customs and laws, no female Police were deployed during the operation on those female students. Despite of a huge dissatisfaction and countrywide protest, the Govt. nailed down its autocratic disposition again by placing 21 female Islamist student party members on a two-day remand through magistrate trial.

Arrest of RU Shibir President42 Shamsul Alam Golap was the President of Bangladesh Islami Chhatrashibir, an opposition student organization to the ruling party, of Rajshshai University unit. On 9th of February 2010, a Chhatra League activist of Rajshai Univerisy Fafuk was murdered. Immediately after the murder, 3 cases had been lodged in Motihar police station, Rajshai, in connection to Faruk murder. The President of Rajshai University Shibir, Shamsul Alam Golap was falsely listed in those cases as the main accused.


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On 25th March 2010, Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) intelligence wing members arrested Shamsul Alam Golap, the main accused (filed by police) of Faruk murder, from Patalkandi area under Bhuapur Upazila of Tangail district. Following the arrest RAB kept Golap in their custody and later produced him before the media. However, in replying questions from the journalists, Golap described the horrible torture of RAB on him, showed signs of injury. In his dreadful description he also mentioned how he was threatened of cross-fire.

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Enforced Disappearance of Jamat and Shibir Leaders

In recent years, the instances of enforced disappearance of Jamaat and Shibir activists have been on the rise. People are abducted and disappearing from various places in broad day light by the men claiming to be members of law enforcement agencies. Some are recovered as dead. In many cases families of the disappeared allege that law enforcing agencies picked up the victim. However, the law enforcing agencies flatly refuse the allegation that the victim had been picked up by agents or mysterious people posing as agents of police or RAB. Some incidents are as followsJamaat Leader Missing in Rajshahi43 College teacher and Imam of a Mosque in Rajshahi Maolana Aminul Islam has been missing for days after being picked up by people claiming themselves as members of law enforcing agency in civil dress. He was an activist and a unit president of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Rajshahi branch and a teacher of Palpur Dharampur College. On 23 October 2011, some people in civil

dress identifying themselves as members of law enforcing agency came to Aminul Islams residence of Vatpara of Lakshipur, Rajshahi and bring him with them to some unknown location.


Daily Amar Desh, 29, 10, 2011

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The next morning his family members went to the police station but police did not acknowledge anything about the arrest of Aminul Islam. No other law enforcing ageny provided any information about the whereabouts Aminul Islam. Zahra Khatun, the wife Aminul Islam has made a general diary entry in the Rajpara police station. It is feared by the family members that he might have been abducted by members of the ruling party out of political enmity.

Disappearance of Al Mukaddas44 Since 4 February 2012, two students of Islamic University, Kushtia are missing, namely Al Mukaddas, a 3rd year student of AL Fiqh and Md. Waliullah 4th year student of Dawah and Islamic Studies Department. Mukaddas was also cultural affairs secretary of IU unit of ICS, while Waliullah was Finance secretary of the same. Of them Waliullah stood 1st class 1st position in Honours examination under the session of 2005-06.

Shibir leaders abducted:24th June 2013 - Shibir leader Tazammul and Azizur were abducted

26th June 2013 - Shibir leader Abdus Salam and Nurul Amin were abducted 4th April 2013 - Shibir leader Masum was abducted from his uncles house at Rajshahi 2nd April 2013 - Hafez Jakir Hossain was abducted from Mohammadpur 4th February 2013 - Shibir leader Mukaddas and Waliulllah were abducted from a bus in Savar


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In last few months, about 242 Islam-loving people including 45 shibir leaders were brutally killed by Police, BGB, RAB and Awami Thugs. 5th May 2013 - Joint Taskforce launched Massacre on sleeping Ulamas and Islamists at Motijheel.

Proof of the involvement of Police and RAB found in every abduction case45

Bangladesh Islami Chhatrashibir is a name of an ideological student organization with reputation of talent, character and gentleness. Having been established in 1977, this organization has successfully attracted a huge number of young minds. They are the most conscious part of the society and they also have the sense of great responsibility as well as the oath of preaching and spreading the message of Allah and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). However, the present Government has adopted the policy of terrorism against this organization after being failed to confront it ideologically. The Central President of Shibir Delwar Hossain was arrested and severely tortured for about 54 days in the name of remand. Other activists and leaders were arrested, shot and severely tortured by police and other security forces. In continuation of this oppression, now murders, cross fires and abduction as well as forced disappearances have become some actions in common undertaken by the government to suppress shibir.

But the level of torture and repression has now reached its peak. Poor mothers are waiting for their beloved sons with a hope that they will come back home someday but they never come back. The government still continues to unleash its fury upon some young brilliant minds who

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are not terrorists; nor had they taken part in any crime. They just dreamt for a better Bangladesh; is it their offense? Then why are they abducted now? Why cant their families find any traces of their loved ones? They are innocent Bangladeshi citizens, family members of yours, ours and now nobody know where now they really are.

Murder of Shibir leader Shahadat in the name of Cross fire46 Abdullah Omar Nasif alias Shahadat, an activist of Shibir was abducted by RAB on last 4 th May after he came to Dhaka to join the rally of the 18-Party Alliance. After seven days, he was killed at Kajla in a so called cross fire. Advocate Sohel, elder brother of Shahadat, stated that he got information about his brother who was arrested and tortured in RAB custody. After contacting RAB-8 in Rajshahi on 8th May morning, they assured that a shibir activist would be brought from Dhaka and they advised him to contact at night. Later on, they totally denied any such involvement and on 12th May, Shahadat was killed by RAB at 3:00 am late at night at the radio centre field of Kajla, Rajshahi, in the name of so called Cross fire. The bereaved family of Shahadat including his wife and a daughter are now speechless in shock.

Abduction of Tazammul and Azizur

Just after 41 days of this killing, Tazammul Ali, a brilliant Masters student of Islamic Studies department at Rajshahi University (2007 - 2008 session) and Azizur Rahman, another brilliant Masters student of Arabic department at Rajshahi University (2005 - 2006 session) were

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abducted by the security forces in Dhaka on 24th June 2013. They came to Dhaka on the previous night for treatment and other purposes of another student Ismail Hossain. Tazammul was the Finance Secretary of RU Shibir Unit, Azizur was the Student Movement Secretary of RU Shibir Unit and Islamil was the president of Habibur Rahman Hall branch of RU Shibir Unit. On 24th June in the afternoon at 5:45 pm, after meeting a friend at the Peoples University, Dhaka, they were waiting for a vehicle to leave. At that time, eight to ten members of security forces forced them to get into their vehicle. Ismail was luckily away from them at that time but he saw everything by himself and then narrowly escaped. Even the news of their abduction has come to newspapers but nothing happened. Their family members are still trying to find their traces but all their efforts went in vain. Tazammul Ali was the 4th son of Mawlana Hazrat Ali of Jessore. Very gentle by nature, Tazammul got admitted into Rajshahi University in 2007-2008 academic session. He became a member of Shibir in 2009 and was the Finance Secretary of Rajshahi University Shibir Unit. Azizur Rahman was the 3rd son of Mawlana Abdus Salam of Kurigram. Ever smiling Aziz got admission into Arabic department of Rajshahi University in the session of 2005-2006 and just finished his Masters final exam. He became a member of Shibir in 2007 and was the Students Movement Secretary of RU Shibir Unit. Their families sought everybodys help through a press conference in Press Club, Dhaka, but still no traces of these two youths are found.

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Abduction of Abdus Salam and Nurul Amin: Disappeared when came to search for others disappeared Another incident of abduction on last 26th June unveiled the fascist attitude of the oppressive Government over again. On that day, Student Welfare Secretary of Rajshahi University Shibir Unit Abdus Salam and president of Bhatara Thana of Dhaka City North Unit of Chhatrashibir Nurul Amin became the victim of forced disappearance while searching two others disappeared earlier. They were forcibly made disappear when they came to search for others who were also forcefully vanished. What an uncertain and strange country it is which we are living in!! Abdus Salam came to Dhaka from Rajshahi on 25th June at night to assist families of Tajammul Ali and Azizur Rahman to collect information about their disappearance. Md. Abdus Slam along with Nurul Amin, president of Bhatara Thana of Dhaka City North Unit of Shibir, was abducted in the same way from the nearby area of Gulshan Thana when they were leaving the Thana after filing a general dairy on the incidence of forced disappearance of Tajammul Bari and Azizur Rahman at about 8.00 PM on 26th June night. This incident occurred in front of Gulshan Thana at the presence of public. Md. Abdus Salam is the son of Afaz Uddin of Dhorompur village adjacent to University area at Motihar Thana of Rajshahi district. He was a Masters student of department of Law and Justice at the University of Rajshahi. Before the disappearance incident, he was acting as the Student Welfare Secretary of Rajshahi University Shibir Unit. Md. Nurul Amin is the son of late Md. Habibur Rahman of Boro Hatbila village at Itna thana of Keshoreganj district. He was studying masters on the subject of Management at Jagannath University. Before the abduction, he was working as the president of Bhatara Thana of Dhaka City North Shibir Unit. Bereft of parents, this youth leader was very honest and hard working.

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Abduction of Hafej Jakir Hossain

Hafej Md. Jakir Hossain, a senior at Dhaka Dental College, disappeared from Muhammadpur area of Dhaka city on 2nd April 2013. Md. Motiur Rahman, elder brother of Jakir Hossain, reported in the application of general dairy at Muhammadpur Thana (GD no. 328) that Jakir Hossain never came back after leaving his residence for Muhammadpur Bus Station to bring some important documents from Dhaka Dental College. No information about his whereabouts had been found yet even after searching in all possible locations including police stations. It has been known from the source of eyewitnesses that a group of white dressed members of law enforcing agency claiming them to be officers of RAB-2 took away. But afterwards, police and RAB refused the arrest of Jakir Hossain. At that time, Jakir Hossain was the acting president of Dhaka City West Adabor Thana Unit of Chhatrashibir.

Abduction of Anuwarul Islam Masum

Anuwarul Islam Masum studying masters in the department of Math at Rajshahi College was arrested on 4th April night. At the leadership of the Chief of RAB-5 Anwar Khan Lotif, a team consisting of 40/50 members including Nahid and Bulbul entered into the residence of Masums uncle Fazlur Rahman (House no. 175 at Bilshimla area of Rajshahi) at about 2.30 PM night after breaking parts of the collapsible gate and lock of the house. Initially after breaking the door, they arrested Anuwarul Islam Masum when he was sleeping and also tortured him for hours in the name of investigation confining in another room. Then members of RAB took a picture of Masum putting their arms before him. They also took some personal things of Masum along with his laptop and mobile phone while leaving. Later on, the RAB team together with 8-10 DB police members searched several rooms of a student hostel (holding no. 45) at the Sahajipara
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area of the City taking Masum with them when he was handcuffed. During that search some students of hostel could recognize Masum. But next morning when Masums family went to RAB-5 office in search of Masum, they totally refused the incidence of arrest at that night. Family members of Masum held a press conference with clear evidences at 3 PM in the afternoon on 7th April, 2013, when he was not produced in the Court even after two days of arrest. But till now the law enforcing agencies continue to refuse the operation of arrest. No one knows whether Masum is alive or not. Masum is the son of Md. Ismail Hossain of Angariapara village at Sadar thana of Chapainababganj district.

Al Mukaddas and Waliullah disappeared since one and a half year

Members of RAB arrested Al Mukaddas and Waliullah, two brilliant student leaders of Islamic University of Kustiya, from a bus of Hanif Paribahan at Savar area when they were on their way to Dhaka from Kustiya. No whereabouts of them have been found till today. Their relatives are looking forward to getting back their loved ones and heart-rending crying of their mothers is also going on incessantly. What was their offence for which they were arrested and vanished? There is no police case against these abducted leaders in any Thana. We deeply condemn and protest against such kind of incessant law breaking and human rights violating activities of law enforcing agencies in Bangladesh. Due to undemocratic behavior, killing of innocent man by police, torture of police on religion-loving people, Philkhana tragedy, Padma bridge corruption, Hallmark scandal, corruption in quick-rental and Destiny, massive price hike of essential goods, eve-teasing and terror of Chhatra League all over the country including campuses, stock market scandal, forced closing of mass media, oppression by police on opposition party politicians and tender business of Chhatra League and Jubo League during this four and a half years of rule of

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the Grand Alliance Government, now the public support for the government is on zero point. Government has chosen the technique of forced abduction and mass killing to hide their public detachment. Meanwhile, families of those students disappeared are anxious about their childrens disappearance. Their families are claiming to return their sons quickly or to present them before the Court showing their arrest with clear charges against them. Eager request to honorable Prime Minister, Home Minster and others associated from the families of the victims: You STOP such cruelty and atrocity. Try to realize the pain of losing your dear ones. Please return these offspring to their parents. When a student was supposed to concentrate on studying, 45 students along with 242 faithful people have been killed and shot atrociously by police in last few months. Among them there were peace-loving people of different age and occupation including children, women, old-aged and youths. Rest of the many has to run away from home to avoid arrest. If arrested by any means, hell-like torture comes down to them. And who will understand the mental sufferings of victims family when someone is killed or abducted? It cannot be tolerated by any means that some brilliant young students and leaders go forcefully vanished for ever only because of their different ideology.

So, lets come and protest strongly such hateful crime. Lets create powerful resistance against Awami oppressive tyranny.

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Conclusion Now time has been changed and government should realize it. One cant seize the peoples right forever, cant protect oneself from public grievance when they are aggrieved. So it is the best time for the government to realize the reality and to protect themselves from public grievance by ensuring rule of law; in the society. Recommendations The government propagate that they have ensured human rights in the state and comparatively, it was most stable period in the history of Bangladesh. If it is so, does it mean that activists of JIB and ICS are not human at all? Actually, it is Awami idealism to humiliate others and this statistics has sealed this idealism permanently. Whereas the government is constantly violating all articles of human rights chapter of our constitution, they are using print and electronic media to propagate themselves as the pioneer of human rights in the state. Some special provisions of our constitution relating to human rights are as follows1) Right to protection of law (article 31):- Right to protection of law has been described here as an inalienable right and every citizen has right to protection of law. 2) Safeguard as to arrest and detention (article 33):- Every person has right to hear the cause of action taken against him. 3) Protection in respect of trial and punishment (article 35):- Every accused person must be present in the court within an specific period not exceeding 24 hours in normal cases and 6 month in special cases. 4) Freedom of Movement (article 36):- It is well accepted and established in our country.

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5) Freedom of Assembly (article 37):- It is also well known to all though our government is ignoring. 6) Freedom of Association (article 38):- Every person has right to participate,or to be a member of a political party what is legalized to run in Bangladesh. 7) Freedom of thought and conscience and of thought (article 39):- Freedom of speech and expression, freedom of press are guaranteed. 8) ICCPR and ICSCR also provide these fundamental human rights. To bring a new era in our country government should not classify the citizens and also not separate into various sections or entities. Everyone should , and of course has right, be treated as equal in the eye of law. Government is under obligation to ensure these rights for all citizens whoever he is.

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